
Working papers

Uncovering the Sources of Geographic Market Segmentation: Evidence from the EU and the US

Joris Hoste and Frank Verboven, March 2024.


Search Costs and Context Effects

Heiko Karle, Florian Kerzenmacher, Heiner Schumacher and Frank Verboven, 2024 (May 2022).

Evaluating the Impact of Price Caps - Evidence from the European Roam-Like-At-Home Regulation

Giulia Canzian, Gianluca Mazzarella, Louis Ronchail, Frank Verboven and Stefano Verzillo, 2023 (September 2021).


Estimating Substitution Patterns and Demand Curvature in Discrete-Choice Models of Product Differentiation

Cameron Birchall, Debashrita Mohapatra and Frank Verboven, Review of Economics and Statistics, 2024 (December 2021), forthcoming.

Private Monopoly and Restricted Entry: Evidence from the Notary Profession, and Online Appendix

Frank Verboven and Biliana Yontcheva, Journal of Political Economy, 2024 (May 2022), forthcoming.

The Political Economy of Financing Climate Policy - Evidence from the solar PV subsidy programs

Olivier De Groote, Axel Gautier and Frank Verboven, Resource and Energy Economics, 2024 (May 2022).

Common-Ownership vs. Cross-Ownership: Evidence from the Automobile Industry, and Online Appendix

Cristian Huse, Ricardo Ribeiro and Frank Verboven, Journal of Industrial Economics, 2024 (December 2022).

Displacement and Complementarity in the Recorded Music Industry: Evidence from France

Marc Ivaldi, Ambre Nicolle, Frank Verboven and Jiekai Zhang, Journal of Cultural Economics, 2023 (March 2021), 48, 43-94.

Evaluating the Impact of Online Market Integration - Evidence from the EU Portable PC Market,  and Online Appendix

Nestor Duch-Brown, Lukasz Grzybowski, André Romahn and Frank Verboven, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2023 (June 2020), 15, 268-305.

Market Entry, Fighting Brands and Tacit Collusion: the Case of the French Mobile Telecommunications Market

Marc Bourreau, Yutec Sun and Frank Verboven, American Economic Review, 2021 (April 2018), 111 (11), 3459-99.

Are Online Markets More Integrated than Traditional Markets? Evidence from Consumer Electronics

Nestor Duch-Brown, Lukasz Grzybowski, André Romahn and Frank Verboven, Journal of International Economics, 2021 (May 2018), 131, 103476.

Subsidies and Time Discounting in Technology Adoption: Evidence from Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Olivier De Groote and Frank Verboven, American Economic Review, 2019 (August 2016), 109(6), 2137-72.

Enrollment and Degree Completion in Higher Education without Admission Standards

Koen Declercq and Frank Verboven, Economics of Education Review, 2018 (June 2014), 66, 223-244.

Consumer Valuation of Fuel Costs and Tax Policy: Evidence from the European Car Market

Laura Grigolon, Mathias Reynaert and Frank Verboven, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2018 (Nov 2014), 10(3), 193-225.

Evaluating Market Consolidation in Mobile Telecommunications

Christos Genakos, Tommaso Valletti and Frank Verboven, Economic Policy, 2018 (Sept 2015), 33 (93), 45-100.

The Battle of Traditional Retailers versus Discounters: the Role of Private Label Tiers

Gizem Hökelekli, Lien Lamey and Frank Verboven, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2017 (April 2016), 39, 11-22.

Private Label Line Proliferation and Private Label Tier Pricing: a New Dimension of Competition between Private Labels and National Brands

Gizem Hökelekli, Lien Lamey and Frank Verboven, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2017 (June 2015), 36, 39-52.

The Impact of Online Sales on Consumers and Firms -- Evidence from Consumer Electronics

Nestor Duch-Brown, Lukasz Grzybowski, André Romahn and Frank Verboven, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2017 (Sept 2015), 52, 30-62.

Heterogeneity in the Adoption of Photovoltaic Systems in Flanders

Guido Pepermans, Olivier De Groote and Frank Verboven, Energy Economics, 2016 (Oct 2015), 59, 45-57.

Substitution between Fixed and Mobile Access – The Role of Complementarities

Lukasz Grzybowski and Frank Verboven, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2016 (April 2014), 49(2), 113-151.

Scrapping Schemes in the Financial Crisis – Evidence from Europe

Laura Grigolon, Nina Leheyda and Frank Verboven, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2016 (Aug 2013), 44, 41-59.

Does Merger Simulation Work? Evidence from the Swedish Analgesics Market

Jonas Björnerstedt and Frank Verboven, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2016 (March 2012), 8(3), 125-164. 

Exclusive Dealing as an Entry Barrier - Evidence from the Car Market

Laura Nurski and Frank Verboven,  Review of Economic Studies, 2016 (Dec 2011), 83, 1156-1188.

Socio-economic Status and Enrollment in Higer Education: Do Costs Matter?

Koen Declercq and Frank Verboven, Education Economics, 2015 (Sept 2014), 23(5), 532-556.

Unbundling the Incumbent: Evidence from UK Broadband

Mattia Nardotto, Tommaso Valletti and Frank Verboven, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2015 (May 2012), 13(2), 330-362.

Public Support to the European Car Industry: the Impact of the Financial Crisis

Laura Grigolon, Nina Leheyda and Frank Verboven, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 2015 (Oct 2012), 15(3), 283-321.

Entry and Competition in Concentrated Markets with Product Differentiation

Catherine Schaumans and Frank Verboven, Review of Economics and Statistics, 2015 (April 2011), 97(1), 195-209.

Nested or Random Coefficients Logit? A Comparison between Alternative Discrete Choice Models of Product Differentiation

Laura Grigolon and Frank Verboven, Review of Economics and Statistics, 2015 (Sept 2011), 96(5), 916-935.

Market Definition of Broadband Internet in Slovakia: are Fixed and Mobile in the Relevant Market?

Lukasz Grzybowski, Rainer Nitsche, Frank Verboven and Lars Wiethaus, Information Economics and Policy, 2014, 28, 39-56.

Incumbency Advantages, Distribution Networks and Exclusivity – Evidence from the European Car Markets

Laura Nurski and Frank Verboven, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2014, 34, 75-79.

Merger simulation with Nested Logit Demand: Implementation using Stata

Jonas Björnerstedt and Frank Verboven, 2014, Stata Journal.

The effects of Environmental Policies in the Car Sector

Frank Verboven, Economic Journal, 2014, 124 (578), F389-F392.

Improving the Performance of Random Coefficients Demand Models – the Role of Optimal Instruments

Mathias Reynaert and Frank Verboven, Journal of Econometrics, 2014 (April 2012), 179(1), 83-98.

Vertical Control of a Distribution Network – Evidence from Magazines

Stijn Ferrari and Frank Verboven, RAND Journal of Economics, 2012 (May 2010), 43(1), 26-50.

The Internal Economics of a University – Evidence from Personnel Data

Catherine Haeck and Frank Verboven, Journal of Labor Economics, 2012 (March 2010) 30(3), 591-626.

Access Regulation, Competition and Broadband Penetration: an Empirical Study

Jan Bouckaert, Theon van Dijk and Frank Verboven, Telecommunications Policy, 2010 (Sept 2009), 34, 661-671.

Empirical Analysis of Markets with Free and Restricted Entry

Stijn Ferrari and Frank Verboven, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2010 (Sept 2009), 28, 403-406.

Program Duplication in Higher Education is not Necessarily Bad

Stijn Kelchtermans and Frank Verboven, Journal of Public Economics, 2010 (Oct 2007), 94 (5-6), 397-409.

Intra- and Inter-format Competition among Discounters and Supermarkets

Kathleen Cleeren, Marnik Dekimpe, Katrijn Gielens and Frank Verboven, Marketing Science, 2010 (June 2007), 29(3), 456-473.

Investment and Usage of New Technologies: Evidence from a Shared ATM Network

Stijn Ferrari, Frank Verboven and Hans Degryse, American Economic Review, 2010 (Sept 2007), 100(3), 1046-1079.

Participation and Study Decisions in Higher Education

Stijn Kelchtermans and Frank Verboven, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2010 (May 2006), 25, 355-391.

Cartel Damages Claims and the Passing-on Defense

Frank Verboven and Theon van Dijk, Journal of Industrial Economics, 2009 (May 2007), 57(3), 457-491.

Regulation of Program Supply in Higher Education: Lessons from a Funding System Reform in Flanders

Stijn Kelchtermans and Frank Verboven, CESifo Economic Studies, 2008 (Oct 2007), 54(2), 204-228.

Entry and Regulation – Evidence from Health Care Professions

Catherine Schaumans and Frank Verboven, RAND Journal of Economics, 2008 (Jan 2006), 39, 949-972.

Competition in Local services: the Video Rental Case

Kathleen Cleeren, Marnik Dekimpe and Frank Verboven, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2006 (March 2005), 23, 357-367.

Liberalizing a Distribution System: the European Car Market

Randy Brenkers and Frank Verboven, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2006 (Oct 2002), 4(1), 216-251.

Quantifying the Effects from Horizontal Mergers in European Competition Policy

Marc Ivaldi and Frank Verboven, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2005 (Feb 2001), 23 (9-10), 669-691.

Quantifying the Effects from Horizontal Mergers in European Competition Policy: comments on the underlying assumptions

Marc Ivaldi and Frank Verboven, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2005 (May 2004), 23(9-10), 693-698.

Discrimination and Nepotism: the Efficiency of the Anonymity Rule

Chaim Fershtman, Uri Gneezy and Frank Verboven, Journal of Legal Studies, 2005 (Jan 2002), 34(2), 371-394.

Market Integration and Convergence to the Law of One Price: Evidence from the Automobile Industry

Pinelopi K. Goldberg and Frank Verboven, Journal of International Economics, 2005 (Aug 2001), 65(1), 49-73.

Cross-country Price Dispersion in the Euro Era: a Case Study of the European Car Market

Penny Goldberg and Frank Verboven, Economic Policy, 19(40), 2004, 484-521.

Price Squeezes in a Regulatory Environment

Jan Bouckaert and Frank Verboven, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2004, 26(3), 321-351.

Quality-based Price Discrimination and Tax Incidence – the Market for Gasoline and Diesel Cars In Europe

Frank Verboven, RAND Journal of Economics, 2002, 33(2), 275-297.

    Companion paper:

    Implicit Interest Rates in Durable Goods Purchasing Decisions – Evidence from Automobile Purchasing Data

    Frank Verboven, C.E.P.R. Discussion paper no. 2069, 1998.

The Evolution of Price Dispersion in the European Car Market

Pinelopi K. Goldberg and Frank Verboven, Review of Economic Studies, 2001, 68(4), 811-848.

Testing for “Monopoly” Market Power when Products are Differentiated in Quality

Frank Verboven, The Manchester School – Special Issue on Industrial Organization, 2002, 70(1), 115-133.

The Evolution of Markets under Entry and Standards Regulation – the Case of Global Mobile Telecommunications

Harald Gruber and Frank Verboven, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2001, 19(7), 1189-1212.

The Diffusion of Mobile Telecommunications Services in the European Union countries

Harald Gruber and Frank Verboven, European Economic Review, 2001, 45(3), 577-588.

Presents or Investments? – An Experimental Analysis

Uri Gneezy, Werner Guth and Frank Verboven, Journal of Economic Psychology, 2000, 21(5), 481-493.

Incomplete Transmission of Coffee Bean Prices: Evidence from the Netherlands

Leon Bettendorf and Frank Verboven, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2000, 27(1), 1-16.

Product Line Rivalry and Market Segmentation, with an application to the Pricing of Optional Engine Power on Automobiles

Frank Verboven, Journal of Industrial Economics, 1999, 47(4), 399-425.

Localized Competition, Multimarket Operation, and Collusive Behavior

Frank Verboven, International Economic Review, 1998, 39(2), 371-398.

Collusive Behavior with Heterogeneous Firms

Frank Verboven, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 1997, 33(1), 21-36.

International Price Discrimination in the European Car Market

Frank Verboven, RAND Journal of Economics, 1996, 27 (2), 240-268.

The Nested Logit Model and Representative Consumer Theory

Frank Verboven, Economics Letters, 1996, 50(1), 57-63.

Corporate Restructuring in a Collusive Oligopoly

Frank Verboven, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 1995, 13(3), 335-354.