Data set on the European car market

Below is a data set containing information on sales, prices and characteristics of the car models sold in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and the U.K. during 1970-1999. The data are combined with macro variables such as exchange rates, GDP, population and price indices. The data are in Stata format and contain a brief description of the variable names (use “describe” command). We have previously used this data set (or part of it) in several papers, including:

  • Goldberg and Verboven, Review of Economic Studies 2001: 1980-1993, sales, prices and characteristics

  • Goldberg and Verboven, Journal of International Economics 2005: 1970-1999, prices and characteristics

  • Brenkers and Verboven, Journal of the European Economic Association 2006: 1970-1999, sales, prices and characteristics.

We refer to these papers for more detailed descriptions of the data, and how they were collected.

The data can be used for academic research only and users should acknowledge the source. We have tried to describe the data as clearly as possible, but we will not be able to answer everyone’s email queries.

The data set is here in Stata format or here in Excel format.