Training Calendar

Training is held at FDOC grounds on Saturday mornings

Current training times are subject to change: Intermediates 9am, Team Dogs 10am, Beginners 11am.

Members must scan in upon arrival for contact tracing. Due to current COVID restrictions, there cannot be any visitors to the grounds during our training times.

May 8th - regular training

15th - regular training

22nd - regular training

29th - regular training

June 5th - regular training

12th - regular training

19th - regular training

26th - regular training

July 3rd - club competition day, no training

10th - regular training

17th - regular training

24th - regular training

31st - light team training, comp on Sunday. Regular beginners training

August 7th - regular training

14th - regular training

21st - regular training

28th - regular training

For details on the location of competitions and demonstrations see the Events page.

Tazzie & Skater - On the Fly 2018

Tornadoes - Berwick Show 2019

Heat policy

Unless otherwise notified, there will be NO TRAINING when the weather forecast for Melbourne is 33 degrees or higher.

Please check the Bureau of Meteorology weather forecast for Melbourne before coming to training

Wet Weather Policy

Training will not be held in extremely wet weather as the grounds become slippery and this is a safety hazard for the dogs. Current members who have supplied contact details will be notified via text message when training is cancelled. New and prospective members should contact the coordinator (Lauren - 0421 044 891 or James - 0416 883 675) if unsure whether training will be cancelled in wet conditions.