C++ IO streams

Simple IO

io manipulations (iomanip)

width, setw, left, right   // red ones are most commonly used in formatting

fill, setfill

Pyramid exercise below will get you some practice on controlling the printout.  Another good exercise is to print a calendar (one month or one year).  Hmmm, how do you compute day of the week?

uppercase, boolalpha

showbase, oct, hex  (what's this?  number systems, octal, binary, hex)

scientific, fixed (what's this?  data types, int, float, bool, unsigned)

cin.eof(), clear, ignore

Unformatted IO

high level (formatted IO) vs low level (unformatted IO)

cout.write(buf, size) versus count << buf;

cin.get(buf, size) versus cin >> i

cin.getline(buf, size)


Pyramid example: (refer to pyramid lab)

#include <iomanip>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void pyramidR(int=10);

void pyramidL(int=10);

void main() {




void pyramidR (int n)


    cout << endl;

    while (n>0)

        cout << setw(n--) << setfill('*') << right << "" <<endl;


void pyramidL (int n)


    cout << endl;

    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {

        for (int k=0; k<n; k++)

            if (k < i) cout << " "; else cout << "#";

        cout << setw(n-i) << setfill('*') << "" ;

        cout << endl;



Things to know from Pyramid

FYC -- For Your Consideration

In programming, it is important to learn what works.  But, it is even more important to know what won't work.  Average programmer handles the first chunk.  Experienced programmers are better at the later part.  I highly encourage you to try various possibilities and explore.