C++ Arrays and Vectors


After we ask user for n, we will ask user to input these n numbers.  Since we need to go over the numbers many times, we need to store them somewhere.  How do we store all these n numbers?

int num[n];

Array declaration is just like variable declarations, except you specify how many in a square brackets.

Now we can do an input loop and store each number in sequence, such as:

for (int i=0; i<n; i++)  cin >> num[i]; 

What if I want to store many records like excel spread sheet?

C-style, pointer based, Array

C++ style, object based, Vector

Declare an array

Initialize an array

static versus dynamic

what's the difference?

when do we use each kind?

tradeoff and consequence?

Pass an array as a function argument

need to also pass the size of the array

basically array name is just an address to the beginning of the array, see pointer page for example.

Array operations

search, insert, delete, sort (typical data manipulation functions)

to keep track of an array, we need to know where it is (address, aka array name), the capacity (max size), and length.


Instantiate a vector object from template library

what type, how many elements

Initialize a vector

can vector size be changed dynamically?

What are the vector class public functions?


push_back, size, operator[], operator=, empty

Pass a vector object as a function argument

NO need to also pass the size of the vector

Search through the vector

Insert, delete, sort (typical data manipulation functions)

push_back, pop_back, assign

Two dimensional vector (matrix)

So, why do we even bother talking about array?
