C++ Functions

How do I use functions?

refer to it

pass parameters and get results

value, reference, pointer

default arguments

Can I have same variable names in one program?

scoping rules

reference to variables

Why Functions

use other people's code

use your own code multiple times in a similar fashion

What kinds of functions are available?

library functions

rand(), srand(), pow(x,y)

C style header file stdio.h, stdlib.h, C++ style iostream, cstdlib

standard template library (STL)

user created functions

Interaction with the calling program

Some function does not return anything, e.g. print functions.  Use void.

Some function return 1 thing, e.g. calculate parallelResistance.  Use proper return type.

Sometimes you want more than one things returned from a function, e.g. min/max/average calculation.  In that case, you can write multiple routines, or use call by reference.

Function Overloading

What if I want the same function with different types of input? compare two integer, two float, two character, two strings?

function overloading

how does compiler know which one to use?

Do I need to write one version for integer, one for float, one for char, one for string?

function template

What are the standard template library functions?

How does computer execute function calls?

stack operation

push and pop - program counter, parameters, local variables


Default Parameters

What if I want the same function with variable number of input? average of 2, 3, 4 or 5 integers?

more detail in this page.

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int num=46 ; // global variable with initialization

int xyz;

int add10(int);  // function declaration, call by value

int add10ref(int &); // call by reference

int add10(float);

void main() {

    int num;

//    cout << num;  // uninitialized variable error

    num = 3;

    cout << num;

    xyz = 8;

    cout << xyz << ::xyz;


    cout << ::num;   // global scope

    ::num = 123;

    cout << add10(num);

    cout << num << endl;

    cout << add10ref(num);

    cout << num << endl;    // notice any difference between these two calls?

    float f=1.2;

    cout << add10(f);    // add10 has two versions... function overloading


int add10(int i) {


    return i;


int add10ref(int &i) {

    i = i+77;

    return 0;


int add10(float i) {

    return 22;


What to learn from this practice....

More Function practice

(Celsius andFahrenheitTemperatures) Implement the following integer functions:

a) Function celsius returns the Celsius equivalent of a Fahrenheit temperature.

b) Function fahrenheit returns the Fahrenheit equivalent of a Celsius temperature.

c) Use these functions to write a program that prints charts showing the Fahrenheit equiv-

alents of all Celsius temperatures from 0 to 1 00 degrees, and the Celsius equivalents of

all Fahrenheit temperatures from 32 to 21 2 degrees. Print the outputs in a neat tabular

format that minimizes the number of lines of output while remaining readable.