
The surname variant most common in the north of England and in Scotland is ‘Frame’.  During the twelfth century, numerous Flemish families settled in the Strathclyde but surprisingly, it was not until the end of the 15th century that the Fram/e surname is first found on record in Scotland. By 1700, there was a very large cluster of Fram / Frame families in Lanarkshire, matching that in Gloucestershire, England, and by the1881 census, Lanarkshire was the ' Frame hotspot' for all of Britain.

Like namesakes in England and Flanders, many of the early Scottish Frames are known to have been merchants, burgesses, weavers / artisans etc. The places they settled in Scotland had certainly been settled by Flemings in earlier times. However, there is no documentary evidence thus far to indicate that the Frames were among the Flemish folk who travelled up to Scotland in the train of David I.  Although we cannot be absolutely certain there were no Frames in Scotland sooner, dates when the surname does begin to appear in the records suggest that a plausible period for the first of the Frame clan to have arrived in Scotland might have been during the reign of James I. of Scotland but after 1424 when he returned to Scotland from having been held in England for 18 years by Henry IV and Henry V...'he gets credit for sending for craftsmen out of England, France, and Flanders, and planting them in Scotland …’ (see following).   

After the Scottish Wars of Independence, life in Scotland did not offer the same opportunities for industrial development that were occurring in England:

    ‘… Nor were matters specially favourable within the town; municipal life in Scotland had not prospered in the years that followed the war of independence… It has been pointed out above that the conditions of industrial life in England were probably so far superior to those of many of the workmen in Flanders as to conduce to immigration; but there is no reason to suppose that there was any similar attractiveness so far as Scotland was concerned; except that it was a wool-producing country, the chief material for the manufacture of cloth might be easily obtained. Neither the political nor the social condition of the northern kingdom rendered it a favourable sphere for the operation of the new industrial influences, which, under the fostering care of the king, were doing so much to revolutionize the character of English trade. In discussing the effects of the Norman Conquest, it was possible to show that the wave of immigration rolled on into Scotland, and that similar results showed themselves on both sides of the Tweed; but in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the barrier between the two countries was so complete that Scotland did not appreciably share in the progress of England.

      One possible exception may be noticed in this matter.  James I. of Scotland spent his youth at the English Court, and returned to his own land imbued with English ideas. He may well have been struck with the results of the industrial policy of Edward III., and he gets credit for sending for craftsmen out of England, France, and Flanders, and planting them in Scotland …’  [W. Cunningham, Alien Immigrants to England, 1867, pp. 129-131]

Given what we know of the Frames thus far, this period for immigration to Scotland seems plausible.  The Y-DNA we have to hand shows that some related Frame lines in Group A (I-L803) from around the world have a great genetic distance from one another. The most recent common ancestor (MRCA) they share is estimated to have lived c.1300.  The mutation that defines this large group: (I-L803), has not yet been found in males with ancestry traced to the Continent.  It is possible that this mutation only occurred in their direct male line after migration to Britain. 

‘There is a tradition that both Dutch and Huguenot immigrants settled in the Irvine Valley, and this tradition is supported by such surnames as Gebbie, Scade, Frame and Howie.  A colony of Flemings also established themselves in the neighbouring town of Strathaven [in Lanarkshire], which is still called Flemington.’ [THE BOOK OF OLD DARVEL AND SOME OF ITS FAMOUS SONS’ edited by Alexander G. McLeod, 1953.] 

The Frames, including many weavers, were certainly found in Ayrshire as well as Strathaven in Lanarkshire, but the first Frames in Scotland were found in the 15th century  near Edinburgh:

 'Edinburgh was one of the first places in Scotland where woollen goods were made; the weavers there were incorporated in 1475, and it seems to have been the centre of the wool textile industry in Scotland for the next 250 years.' [Ed. J. Geraint Jenkins, THE WOOL TEXTILE INDUSTRY IN GREAT BRITAIN, 1972, p.270].  

Later, in 1601, seven Flemish weavers were induced to settle in Scotland to introduce continental methods of making serges and broadcloth.  Even without the luxury of tracing a particular lineage to its Continental clan base, the occupations that many of the Frames carried out give the strongest indication of their origins.  

‘ …Scotland depended on foreign countries for most of the necessaries of life until she had recovered from the effects of the long and desolating wars with England. Not only did foreign ships import goods that were needed, but foreign workmen were invited and welcomed. Until lately writers have dwelt largely on the close alliance between Scotland and France, but France was neither a manufacturing nor a trading country in the days when her neighbours the Flemings were at the height of their prosperity.  The publication of State-papers which has taken place of late years throws a remarkable light on the close commercial connection which existed between Scotland and Flanders, and a great number of Flemish names are to be found in these records. Having ascertained this, it is natural to consider where such Flemings would naturally be met with.  In the first place, at the principal ports of Scotland; and next, in those districts which afforded facilities for carrying on weaving, the most important handicraft of the period.  Districts do not rapidly lose their peculiar characteristics, and Fifeshire, Roxburghshire, and Ayrshire [Frames were found in all of these places] still indicate areas where the weaving trade has been carried on for centuries. In these three districts we may then expect that in former days Flemings settled.  For Flemings were specially skilled in weaving in all its branches, and were invited by the Stewart Kings to settle in Scotland and carry on that handicraft.  This theory may appear startling because of its novelty, but in England there have been opportunities of proving the correctness of it. Flemings came to England during the reign of Edward III., and in the 16th century.  The Latter immigration is well known, and the incidents connected with it are recorded. The names of thousands of Flemings are enrolled in official lists, several of which have been printed, and very many more of which can be inspected at the Record Office and the British Museum. We know where these men settled. The Registers of the ‘Dutch Churches,’ in which they worshipped, are extant; some have been printed. We can thus trace their descendants for several generations, and, what is more to our subject, trace the gradual modifications their names underwent.  It would be quite possible for hundreds of families of the middle or artisan class in England to trace their descent by documentary evidence to Flemings whose names, ages, and birthplaces have been left on record.  In one parish in London, which Stow the historian describes as ‘pestered with strangers,’ i.e. foreigners, the church registers are well kept from 1558; these supply a continuous account of many families, originally Flemish, still residing in the parish.  This is but an example. In Scotland no official lists of strangers were made, at least none have been preserved.  Flemings as well as Frenchmen became at once naturalised by Act of Parliament, and so no such lists seem to have been required.   Parish Registers did not commence till 1560, and only twenty-one parishes possess any of a date earlier than 1600. As foreigners were thus naturalised, there was no necessity to designate them as ‘strangers,’ as was done in England, and very naturally such prefixes as ‘van’ and ‘de’ were dropped. Their use was exceedingly rare in Scottish registers while in the English it was prevalent.

                In spite of the many difficulties which thus beset the investigation of an interesting subject, some clear facts stand out. There is abundant documentary evidence that a vast number of Flemings came into England in the 16th century. There is also clear evidence that very many Flemings came into Scotland in small numbers at a time during the 15th and 16th centuries. Owners of Flemish names still abound in England, and have in many cases been traced to Flemish ancestors by the aid of parochial registers and other official documents. In Scotland such documents are not available, but in certain industrial districts Flemish names are exceedingly common, and are not met with elsewhere. It may be held as certain that, as in England, the owners of such names are descendants of Flemings. No other probable hypothesis can be suggested…’

                ‘… These are only a few of the many names there is good reason to think are of Flemish origin…Their presence is not remarkable; it would indeed be strange did they not appear. But it seems desirable that attention should be drawn to them, and that the influence of the old Flemish owners of them on Scottish industry should be understood than it has hitherto been. If so many names of Flemish mould still exist, it may be taken for granted that there are many others not so easy of detection…A careful study of Scottish Parochial Registers shows that the spelling of names was but little attended to, and that different forms were used even in the same period…With such elasticity in vogue many purely Flemish names must have become permanently merged into Scottish forms. The same thing has happened in England, but there the transformation can in most cases be detected. Without documentary evidence, it would be hard to recognise Chapuis in Shoppee, Pelletier in Pelter, D’Orleans in Dorling, Van Malines in Maslin, Condé in Cundy.’

                ‘…As it may seem extravagant to claim so many names hitherto held to be Scottish are in reality Flemish, it may be well to state that at the present day in the County of Norfolk alone there are ninety-five so-called English surnames traceable to Flemish settlers, and of these seventy-three are found in the City of Norwich [see Frame, Fremault etc. in Norfolk section on ENGLAND page].  It cannot surely be doubted that Flemish names have been handed down from the thousands of Flemings who settled in the seaports of Scotland, or who set up their looms and waulk-mills (2) in districts where the craft they taught is still carried on by their descendants, who should take pride in the knowledge that their fathers came with gifts in their hands which, though till lately well-nigh forgotten, have not been ineffective.’ 

(2) ‘ Waulk-mills were common in the then great weaving disctricts of Scotland. They were introduced here as in England by the Flemings.  The word is Flemish…’

[Northern Notes & Queries (or, The Scottish Antiquary), Vol.4, No.15 (1890) ‘On Some Surnames’ pp.111-115]


The following image of an article titled Surnames in an edition of The Scottish Antiquary or Northern Notes and Queries [Vol. VIII, pp.76-77 (1894)]  by A. W. Cornelius Hallen specifically mentions FRAME among the surnames common to England, Flanders and Scotland and thought to be of Flemish origin:


Clicking on the coloured pins will provide additional details.  The Google map above showing distribution of the Frame and variant surnames up to c.1700  may not account for every possible occurrence; however, it is sufficient to illustrate the areas of highest density.  As can be seen, already by 1700 there was a distinct Frame ‘belt’ across the narrow ‘waist’ of Scotland. It seems obvious that close proximity to the ports of the east and west was important, but there was also a line stretching from around the Borders. The pins marking the name in Aberdeen and Dumfries represent rare events. As can be noticed, even by 1700 Lanarkshire had a major cluster of Frames and by 1881 it had become the 'hotspot' for all of Britain. In 1881, there were 1184 Frames and 31 Frams enumerated in Lanarkshire. The whole of Britain total was 1908 Frames and 124 Frams.


Chaplain Sir Adam Frame and James Frame - fl. 1488/9, 1495

The earliest Frame mentioned in Scottish records was Chaplain Sir Adam Frame. He was possibly 30 years of age or older on 10 Feb 1488/9 when he witnessed an Instrument for Humphrey Culquhone of Luss in relation to Walter Haliburtone in the town of Leith (Edinburgh). It is reasonable to consider that he was born c.1450s if not earlier. Later on, in 1495, this same individual was listed as one of the ‘barons and lieutenants’ of Lanarkshire in an Abstract referring to an Instrument on the Proclamation of the Brieve of Service of Margaret Boyd, widow of Alexander Lord Forbes [9th July 1495]. The details of the first follow in the East Lothian section and the second in the Lanarkshire section of the county table below. 

For some time, and for several reasons, there was a suspicion that Chaplain Sir Adam Frame and Chaplain Sir Adam Franche (sixth Laird of Thornydykes, Berwickshire) may have been one and the same. However, after revision of the evidence, including the discovery that Chaplain Sir Adam Franche appeared as a witness to an act of the chapter of the Holy Trinity Collegiate Church as late as 17 Mar 1548/49 - it is now thought that they were two different people. Chaplain Sir Adam Franche had sasine of Thornydykes and Pitcox in 1494 and must have been a young man at the time (in his 20s?) to have still been active in 1549. Chaplain Sir Adam Frame (of Lanarkshire) would very likely have been deceased, or about 90-100 years old by 1549, which seems less likely.

James Frame - dec. by 1495

Thus far, the only other Frame found in Scottish records in the 15th century was James Frame who was deceased by 1495.  He held land in Newbigging Street, Musselburgh. In 1600, a James Frame, son of Charles 'in Newbigging' was apprenticed to John Jameson, a hatmaker [EDINBURGH REGISTER OF APPRENTICES, 1583-1666].  It seems possible that James and Charles descended from James Frame.  It also seems reasonable to consider that Chaplain Sir Adam Frame who appeared as a witness in Leith in 1489, and James Frame only six miles distant in Musselburgh, may have been related to one another in some way, and that Adam Frame has later established himself in Lanarkshire where he was recorded as one of the ‘barons and lieutenants’ of Lanarkshire at Lanark in 1495 (more details in the Lanarkshire section following). 

From various Scottish records in the mid-16th century including Wills/Testaments etc., we begin to find the Frame surname scattered throughout the Lowlands of Scotland, especially Lanarkshire:

Unfortunately, many parish registers do not begin until a later date; however, Wills and Testaments offer additional insights.  When the index of Frame Wills and Testaments from Scotland's People is sorted by date, we find the earliest are in East Kilbride (1583); Dalserf (1592); Avondale-Strathaven (1596); Cambusnethan (1602); Carluke (1606); Glassford (1611) -  all in Lanarkshire - proving this county was a primary settlement for the Scottish Frame clan from an early date and continued as such, as will be shown.  The first Frame Will and Testament in the east was at Linlithgow (1623).  The subjects of these and all known early individuals will be mentioned in the following county sections.   The 1881 Census details were sourced from Archer Software's British 19th Century Surname Atlas.


Frames are not frequently found in Aberdeen. Only the one individual was noted there by 1700:

1597:  AGNES FRAME - aka FREM or FREN. In 1597, Agnes Frame / Frem / Fren was accused by Mr John Ros, Minister at Lumphanan of certain points of Witchcraft.

 'The said day, comperit Johne Ross of Auchlossin, and become cautioun for the entrie of Agnes Frame, vnder the pane of vc merkis vpon sex dayis varning.'  [Spalding Club Aberdeen, John Stuart, THE MISCELLANEY OF THE SPALDING CLUB, 1841, p.183]

1881 Census:  Frame (1)


 1700:   NIL

1881 Census: Frame (1)


1700:  Nil

1881 Census:  Fram (1)


1700:    By 1700, Frame families were on record in:

Frames are known to have accompanied Hamilton and Montgomery to Ireland prior to the beginning of the Plantation of Ulster in 1610. Hamilton and Montgomery were from Ayrshire;  Sir James Hamilton was from Dunlop and Hugh Montgomery was Sixth Laird of Braidstone.  Both were said to be private adventurers before the formal Plantation of Ulster began.  

From the Montgomery Manuscripts, we learn that: 

James Orr and Margaret McClement from Ayrshire were part of the Montgomery contingent and settled in the Ards at Ballyblackwho in County Down in 1607. Records were kept of the marriages of their descendants and in Those families on the Hamilton estates in Ireland in the 1600s included Anderson, Lemon, Getts (Geddis), Moore, Lowry, Herron, Kerr, Shaw, McBratney, McKee, Clark, Wilson, Scott, Burns, Brown, Megra (Megraw), Gibson, Grant, Dempster, Bowman, Love, Guelston (Gelston), Gillespie, Burgess, Walker, McVey (McVeigh), Dixon (Dickson), Milliken (Milligan), Piper, Martin, Huddleston, DAVIDSON, Hamilton, Maskelly (Miskelly), Kennedy, FRAME, Petticrew, Thomson, Paterson, (Patterson), Fraizer (Frazer), McKibben, Curry, Maxwell, Boyd, Gamble, Bennett, Porter, Carr (Kerr) and Douglas. 

Of course, some Frames may have travelled to other parts of Ulster during the formal 'Plantation' or fled to Ireland during the Covenanter period. An early individual from Ayrshire during this period  was:

JOHN FRAM - in Loudoun

1684: During the Covenanter period, John Richmond the martyr of Galston, Ayrshire who suffered at the cross of Glasgow in March 1684, condemned John Fram and three others in his last speech and testimony: 

‘Now, as I said before, I am to lay down my life this day, for the defence of the Gospel at Drumclog, and for the defence of the Gospel at Hamilton, and for hearing of Mr John King preach upon the Greenhill End, being the east end of Galston Moor, and for being in company with John Nisbet; and of all the four articles, I am not ashamed this day; these counted criminal by the enemies of my Lord, whose Gospel-standard I desire to defend with life and fortune. I say, these being counted criminal, witness being led, proved the same, and witnessed me to death. If these had been enemies, I could have borne it; but it was they, mine acquaintance, mine equal, my guide, and we took sweet counsel together, and went into the House of God together (Psalm Iv. 12-14). So it was these that went a good length, and were also as deeply engaged as I was, yea, to defend my life, and not to have witnessed me to death; for what they have witnessed, I am not ashamed of; but this I leave behind me, my testimony against them ; and my blood will be charged home upon them, and, without repentance prevent it, both upon them and their posterity; and I set down their names, that they may stand on record, and their names be known to aftercoming generations, their names being these—John Loudon in Mill of New Milns, John Paterson in Slacks, John Fram in Tonslen, James Connel in Bankherd.* I set them down here, that their names may be a stink and illsavour to aftercoming generations, as apostate from the way of God, Demas-like, have forsaken the way of God, and chosen a present world; and now have not holden them there, but have become followers of the people of God to the death, by their engagement and oaths to the enemies, taking that hell-hatched thing called the Test.’

* N.B.—That the above-mentioned John Loudon became poor, and his posterity are now reduced to beggary, notwithstanding they had of heritage six or seven thousand merks' worth. John Paterson died at Edinburgh of the Frenchpox. John Fram was broke, and fled to Ireland, and, as it is commonly reported, he was hanged there for stealing of horse. James Connel became miserable, and his posterity are in want. They were in fellowship with John Richmond, and were equally guilty with him in everything for which he was condemned; but their falling from the truth, the enemy made use of them to witness him to death. —Note by the editor of the third edition of the " Cloud " in 1730.

[John Henderson Thomson, A CLOUD OF WITNESSES FOR THE ROYAL PREROGATIVES OF JESUS CHRIST: Being the last speeches and testimonies of those who have suffered for the truth in Scotland since the year 1680, 1714, pp.344-345]

JOHN FRAM in Loudoun parish, was once a most zealous professor and in fellowship with John Richmond the martyr, yet to save his life, foully apostatized not only from the cause of Christ, but also was one of these who witnessed him to death. After which he became a bankrupt, and fled to Ireland; where it was said that he (who would not hang for religion) was there hanged for stealing of horses.’


Obviously, local reports on the fate of those who fled during those troubled times might be inaccurate or even 'embellished'. The Scottish OPRs for Loudoun, Ayrshire show that ALL Fram/e children bapt. there between 1683 and 1704 were the children of a John Fram - the only John Fram found on record in Loudoun at the time of John Richmond’s speech and testimony, but there may have been more than one John Fram in Loudoun at the time. Presumably, John Fram in the OPR was born c1658 and the children’s birth dates seem to indicate that they were all of the one family. Only one child (born 1699) had the mother’s name recorded (Agnes Patton). The only other Fram/es recorded in the OPRs pre-1855 for Loudoun were in 1728 (father John Frame) and 1803 (father James Frame). It is unclear whether they were descendants of Prof. John Fram who was condemned by John Richmond, or they had moved to Loudoun from elsewhere.

1881 Census:  Frame  (13);  Fram (2);  Framer (6)


Early individuals noted:

1587-8:   RICHARD FRAME - of Woodend (nr. Duns) -  Border Reiver

Charged with stealing oxen, horses, silver and gold, whether coined or uncoined. The 'Border Papers volume 1: June 1590', CALENDAR OF BORDER PAPERS: volume 1: 1560-95 (1894), pp. 353-365 included the following among several references to him:

 ' The same [Sir Cuthbert Collingwood knight] and his tenants of Brantoun, upon Hobb Davisoun of Fumerden, Will Taitt of the Burn fitt, Dande Young of Feltershawes, Richard Younge his brother, Jocke Younge "Blackehall," Thome Younge "Gennetes Thome" of Clifton, Marke, George, and Charlie Burne of Elishewghe, RICHARD FRAME of the Woodend, and Jocke Burne younger of Cliftoun coatt, with 30 men, reiving from Brantoun 30 kye and oxen, 6 horses and mears, insight, silver and gold coined and uncoined, in October 1587...

'Bolton [Edlingham Parish, Northumberland] was owned by Sir Cuthbert Collingwood of Eslington in 1580, when two of his tenants appeared at a muster for the middle marches taken by Sir John Forster.' Amongst the bills* filed at a meeting of the wardens of the marches, March 12th, 1589/90, Sir Cuthbert Collingwood and his servant James Scott of Bowtoun claimed upon RICHARD FRAME of the Wood-end, Charles, Mark and George Burne of Elishewgh, for six horses and mares stolen in March, 1587, and for compensation for injuries done to John Collingwood ot Titlington,'' who was 'strokenn' from his horse while following the stolen goods.' [ Edward Bateson, Allen Banks Hinds, A HISTORY OF NORTHUMBERLAND, 1904, p. 217]

This may or may not indicate a connection between the Frames of Northumberland, England and those in Berwickshire. In 1568-9, George Fram was a yeoman in Edlingham parish, Northumberland [ Edward Bateson, Allen Banks Hinds, A HISTORY OF NORTHUMBERLAND, 1904, p.142]. The names George and Richard Frame pass down through the Frames of Northumberland, and the name 'George Frame' in Scotland seems to begin at the Borders.  

1662: GEORGE FRAME - Burgess in Lauder sp. Anna Lawder/Lauder


Melrose,  5 May 1662 ; Gideon Jackson. (Andrew Phaupe, officer.1)  

...Eodem die decerns Thomas Greive, servitor to William  Fisher in Colmsliehill, to pay

to George Fram in Lauder and his wife 23 s. Scots for drink bought from them ; defender absent ; expenses 6 s. 


Court of Melrose larid, 25 October 1662 ; Gideon Jacksone, bailie. 


Eodem die decerns Walter Carnecroce, eldest son of William Carnecroce of Allanshaw, to pay 13 1. to Anna Lawder, spouse to George Frame, burgess of Lauder, conform to his ticket dated — 1662 ; ticket produced ;  expenses 24 s. 

1700:  By 1700, Frames were recorded in Lauder, Channelkirk and Coldingham in Berwickshire.

1881 Census:   NIL


1700:  NIL

1881 Census:   Frame (10)


1700:  Nil

1881 Census:  Frame (19)


1700:   By 1700, only a single record was found for Frame in Dumfries (1667). The surname obviously remained rare here even in 1881.

1881 Census:  Frame (1)


Only the one Frame record was found here by 1700:

1564: ROBERT FRAME in Cardross:

'Abercorne, Margaret, spouse to Robert Frame, in Carduis, par. of Torrens     12 June 1564'

[THE COMMISSARIOT RECORD OF HAMILTON AND CAMPSIE, Register of Testaments, 1564-1800, p.1]

'Carduis' = Cardross, parish of Torrance, Dunbartonshire. Obviously Robert Frame was still living at the time of this Will/Testament but nothing further is known of him.

Another Frame was found recorded at Kirkintilloch in 1663. Numbers were more plentiful in Dunbartonshire by 1881. 

1881 Census:  Frame (23)


1700:  By 1700 in East Lothian, Frames were recorded at Haddington (1641-1653); Prestonpans (1666);  and Tranent (1670-1672).

1881 Census:  Frame (11)


Few records were found for Frame and variants in Fife by 1700:

1632:   David Frowmart (var. Fremault ?) and Elspet Lowrie had son James b. 18 Nov 1632 at St Andrews and St Leonards.

1652:   Walter Fraime and Agnase Skadder had dau. Issobell b. 22 Aug 1652 at Kilconquhar.

1655:   A Frame was recorded at Cupar in 1655 and

1665:   John Frame had dau. Elspet b. 9 May 1665 at Torryburn.

1881 Census:  Frame (12) 


1700: Nil

1881 Census:   Frame (1)


1700:  Nil

1881 Census:  Frame (1)


Map with blue pins showing the distribution of Frame families throughout Lanarkshire, Scotland up to the year 1700.

As shown on the map, by 1700, the Frames were well dispersed throughout Lanarkshire.   The Lanarkshire section is quite long due to the large and widespread Frame population pre-1700. Some Will/Testament transcripts have also been included to add some additional insight into the lives of our ancestors at that early date.

'Lanarkshire is an extensive inland county in the south of Scotland, bounded on the north by the counties of Dumbarton and Stirling, on the east by the counties of Linlithgow, Edinburgh and Peebles, on the south by Dumfriesshire, and on the west by the counties of Renfrew, Ayr and Dumfries.  It is about 52 miles in length and 33 miles in extreme breadth, comprising an area of 926 square miles or 592,640 acres...The county, also called Clydesdale (or Strathclyde), from the valley of the river Clyde...

During the twelfth century, numerous Flemish families settled in the Strathclyde. In the reign of James I (1603-1625), a portion of Strathclyde was separated from the rest of the county of Lanark and formed into the county of Renfrew. 

Lanarkshire consists of 50 parishes and, for civil purposes, is divided into the Upper, Middle and Lower wards, each under a sub-sheriff based at Lanark, Hamilton, and Glasgow. The county includes the royal burghs of Glasgow, Rutherglen, and Lanark, and eight towns and numerous villages.' [From Samuel Lewis' Topographical Dictionary of Scotland, 2nd ed., 1851]

Wherever the earliest Frames are found in Scotland, invariably they were on lands previously known to have been settled by Flemings; however, as already noted, we do not find any evidence of the 'Frame' surname in Scotland until the late 15th century. The first on record in Lanarkshire was Chaplain Sir Adam Frame:

1488/9: CHAPLAIN SIR ADAM FRAME  - first noted as a witness in Leith, Edinburgh:  

‘167. Instrument narrating that Humphrey Culquhone of Luss passed to the dwelling-house of Walter Haliburtone, in the town of Leith, and there made this statement: "You know that I have set that land in tack to you for an annualrent of ten merks, and it has been decreed by the lords of council that you ought to make me an annual payment, I finding pledges to keep you scatheless of the payment of any other annualrent furth of the foresaid land; I have found you John Burgun, burgess of Edinburgh, as a pledge, with whom you are content; and now I have lacked annually ten merks for the seven terms past from the date of the said decreet of the lords of council, extending to 35 merks, and for the lands of Kelloure and Mensklatemure five merks, extending in all to the sum of forty merks." Of this sum of forty merks the said Humphrey asked payment from the said Walter, and when he could not have payment, as he asserted, he protested for remedy of law. Done in the said dwelling-house, 10 Feb 1488/9. Witnesses: William Maw, Humphrey Layng, Patrick McGregour, Humphrey Douglas, sirs Gilbert Stevinsone and Adam Frame, chaplains, and Patrick Barry, notary public. 2. 11v.’  [MIDLOTHIAN PROTOCOL BOOK OF JAMES YOUNG, 1485-1489; 1584-1515 Vol.2 ]

Although Adam Frame witnessed this document in Edinburgh, the following describes him as a being among 'the barons and lieutenants of the shire of Lanark'.  (Another early Frame, James Frame, was settled in Musselburgh, 6 miles from Edinburgh, when he died in 1495 - noted in Edinburgh section.  Any relationship between the two is not known.)  Sir Adam Frame was established in Lanarkshire by 9 Jul 1495 when he was noted among 'the barons and lieutenants of the shire of Lanark' in the: '16. Instrument on the Proclamation of the Brieve of Service of Margaret Boyd, widow of Alexander Lord Forbesat the market cross in Lanark and instructed to appear for these purposes at the courthouse in Edinburgh on 27 July 1495: 


‘Notarial Instrument on the Proclamation of the Brieve of Chancery for the Service of Margaret Boyd, widow of Alexander Lord Forbes, at the market-cross of Lanark, by John Hamiltoun, serjeant in that part, citing the barons and lieutenants of the shire of Lanark to appear for that purpose in the court-house of Edinburgh, on Monday the 27th of July following.’  

'...Acta erant hec ad prescriptum crucem foralem antedicti burgi, hora nona ante meridiem, vel eo circa, sub anno, die, mense, indictione et pontificatu quibus supra presentibus ibidem, providis et discretis  viris, videlicet Thoma Weir, Johanna Mowat, ballivis dicti burgi, Andrea Williamsone, Johanne Doby, Willelmo Pursell, Willelmo Dikesone, Roberto Pedecrw, Thoma Lumisdaill, Thoma Bannathyne, Johanne Madar, et domino Adam Frame, capellano, testibus ad premissa, vocatis, pariter et requisitis.  

Et ego Johannes Stephani presbiter Glasguensis, etc. (in communi forma).’

Translation courtesy of G. Coldham:

‘…the deeds were here at the aforewritten market cross, of the said burgh at 9am, as also the item regarding year, day. month, tax year, and pontificate of which those same of the present wise and discreet men,  namely: Thomas Weir, John Mowat, bailey of the said burgh, Andrew Williamson, John Doby, William Pursell, William Dikesone, Robert Pedecru (Pettigrew?), Thomas Lumisdaill, Thomas Bannathyne, John Madar and Lord Adam Frame, chaplain, witnesses to the afore-stated, having equally been called and required. 

 And I, John Stephenson priest of Glasgow common manner’  


The next earliest-known Frame found in Lanarkshire was from Kilcadzow, Carluke parish. Any early Frames especially noted will be listed in their Lanarkshire parish section following.

1881 Census:  In Lanarkshire in 1881, enumerated were Frame (1184);  Fram (31); Framer (2).

Strathaven Castle, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Strathaven Castle  - see Strathaven at Undiscovered Scotland


The Register of Births in Strathaven does not begin until 1698; however, other sources revealed some pre-1700 individuals including :

1596: THOMAS FRAME in Carnduff -  Testament Testamentar and Inventory (TT & I) of Thomas Frame in Carneduff, Sheriffdom of Lanark. [Edinburgh Commissary Court. Ref: CC8/8/29]


‘1597, May 23:  Sasine at hands of John Torrance in Gallowhill, baillis for John Hamiltoun, baron of the barony of Avendaill, in favour of William Frame of a house and garden occupied by him in Pypervall of Strathavene, barony of Avendaill, sheriffdom of Lanark.

Notary, Archibald Lorymer, clerk, Glasgow diocese. Witnesses, Andrew Stewart in Lynbank, Matthew Hamilton in Overtoun, Alexander Carnduf and William Gilchrist.’   [NAS: Ref. No. NRAS3215/ Largo Papers/ Bundle 58]

1603: THOMAS FRAME in Uddingstonehead  - 1 Aug 1603 - Testament Testamentar and Inventory (TT & I) For Thomas Frame in ‘Udinstounhead parish of Avendaill’ [Glasgow Commissary Court ref: CC9/7/3]

1618:  AGNES FRAME - Spouse to THOMAS FRAME in Maidenburn. TT&I Glasgow Commissary Court. NAS Ref. CC9/7/15

1621:  THOMAS FRAME in Maidenburn - TT&I - Glasgow Commissary Court. NAS Ref: CC9/7/17

1663: JOHN FRAME - Strathaven

1663, October 28, Strathaven

‘Disposition by John Frame, son to William Frame, and grandson to late William Frame in Strathaven, in favour of James Young, younger, writer in Strathaven, of houses and yards in town of Strathaven, barony of Avendaill, sheriffdom of Lanark, adjoining north end of lands of said James Young.

Written by Bartholemew Muirhead, writer in Strathaven, who witnesses with Mathew McMath, granter’s brother-in-law, Andrew Hamiltone of Overtoun, William Kirkland in Strathaven, George Watsoun and Walter Weir in Goslington.’  [NAS]

1684:  JAMES FRAME - Weaver in Strathaven - Covenanter

On May 5, 1684, James Frame was on a list of fugitives published by the Privy Council in Edinburgh 'Against rebels lately in arms in the West...They will be prosecuted and brought to punishment. All subjects are to aprehend them.' S2567. [Crawford.bib Ryl Tudor V2, pp.400-1]

There are two traditions relating to Frames in this area of Lanarkshire:

Frames were on record in Hamilton long before 1715 but some Frame families may have come up from England this way. However, the second also seems to have strong support. We know for certain that Frames were in Lanarkshire from at least the late 15th century, and others may have arrived with Flemings/Walloons fleeing persecution in Flanders during the 16th century.  Sometimes these Protestants are referred to as Flemish Huguenots, which can be confusing.  Huguenot refugees from France mainly arrived in Britain in the late 17th century and by then, the Frames had long been established in both Scotland and England. 

Apart from James Frame the weaver and Covenanter mentioned above, there are other hints of 'Flemishness' among the following, gleaned from various records :

Other Frames were known to be in Hook, Letham, Pillhill and Kirknowe but their occupations are not known.

'The flag carried by the Covenanters at the Battle of Drumclog, 1  June 1679, and the Battle of Bothwell Bridge on Sunday, 22 June 1679 (where Covenanter William Frame of Cadder was captured and later transported to Jamaica), was woven from French silk, probably in Strathaven. After the battles and until the early 19th century the flag was missing. About the year 1830 when the flag was found, two local ladies handed the flag to the Weavers Society for safe keeping. The flag was in the care of the Strathaven Weavers Friendly Society (founded in 1737 and disbanded in 1948) for nearly 100 years, until it was handed over to the District Council in 1948. The flag made several public appearances, notably, the Exhibition in Glasgow in 1901 and the Missionary Exhibition in Edinburgh...' [William Fleming Downie, A HISTORY OF STRATHAVEN AND AVONDALE, 1979, pp.296-297].

Cadder Parish Church, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Cadder Parish Church courtesy of Wikipedia


The Register for Births and Baptisms commences 28 Sep 1662. John Frame had children bapt. in Cadder between 1668 and 1700. The most noted early Frame known to have come from Cadder was:

WILLIAM FRAME - Covenanter of Cadder

1679:  William Frame was captured after the Battle of Bothwell Bridge on 22 June 1679 and imprisoned at Greyfriars. In November 1679, he was transported from Leith bound for the West Indies on the Crown of London commanded by Master Thomas Teddico. The ship was wrecked off Orkney in December 1679 during a storm, with more than 200 lives lost. William Frame was one of the 49 survivors. He was later transported to Jamaica. [CEC#212/5][SW#198][RBM]. (Genealogical Publishing Company, SCOTTISH IMMIGRANTS TO NORTH AMERICA, 1600S-1800S. SCOTS COLONISTS: CARIBBEAN SUPPLEMENT, 1611-1707).

It is uncertain whether he was the same William Frame holding 10 acres in Christchurch, Barbados, 22 December 1679.


1602:  HENRY FRAME - in Watstoun

There is a Testament Dative & Inventory available for Henry Frame (Glasgow Commissary Court, CC9/7/3) .

Nothing more is known of this Henry Frame or his family as we have not obtained a copy of the document. A testament dative  means that the person died intestate. The papers would include an inventory of his movable estate.

Only three baptisms were recorded in Cambusnethan before 1700: Jean, dau. of John Frame (1638); Johne son of James Frame (1644) and Margrat dau. of James Frame (1698).


The second-earliest record for a Frame found in Lanarkshire was:

1551:  ARTHUR FRAM - fl. 21 Sep 1551 - in Kilcadzow,  Carluke parish

On 21 Sep 1551, Arthur Fram witnessed a document for John Maxwell, laird of Calderwood. In this document, Arthur was described as a 'tiller and inhabitant of the said lands':

89. DUNLOP    21 September, 1551, 11 a.m.

John Maxuell, laird of Calderuod, and of the barony of Mauldslie, appeared on the ground of his five pound lands of old extent of Kynkaidzowlaw, lying within the barony of Mauldislie, sheriffdom of Lanark, and upper ward of Clydisdaile, and there, for a sum of money paid to him by Andrew Dunlop, gave sasine of the said five pound lands to the said Andrew Dunlop and Christine Coittis, his spouse, conform to the tenor of a charter to that effect.

Witnesses: Sir James Flemyng, chaplain, Thomas Clerksoun, William Caidzow, James Symsoune, James Gillerissoun, Arthur Fram, tillers and inhabitants of the said lands.’  [Glasgow (Scotland) – Robert Renwick, ABSTRACTS OF PROTOCOLS OF THE TOWN CLERKS OF GLASGOW, p.32]

Another Fram/Frame from Kilcadzow was:

1606:  JOHN FRAME d. 10 Jan 1606, Kilcadzow  leaving a Will:

Johnne Frame was almost certainly a close relative or descendant of Arthur Fram. This John left a Testament dated 2 Jan 1606. We have had it  transcribed in an attempt to gain some insight into this particular Frame family. A Robert Frame who was a wright (carpenter/joiner) was a witness to the document but no relationship is mentioned. The Inventory of £536 shows that this John Frame was reasonably well-off given the early date that he lived in Kilcadzow.  The inventory was:

'In the first, the said umquhile Johnne Frame had the goods, gear, sums of money and debts of the avail and prices after following pertaining to him the time of his decease aforesaid viz~ Item, a nag and three mares, price of the piece overhead £24, sum £96. Item, a foal price thereof eight merks. Item, four cows with calf at £12 the piece, sum £48. Item, three farrow cows with their three followers and two yield cows, price of the piece overhead with the follower £12, sum £60. Item, a two-year-old quoy price thereof £8. Item, four stirks of two years old come the next Beltane, price of the piece overhead 8 merks, sum £21 6s 8d. Item, 20 old sheep, price of the piece overhead 46s 8d, sum £46 13s 4d. Item, five hogs at 26s 8d the piece, sum ten merks. Item, in the barn and barnyard 12 bolls seed oats, price of the boll with the fodder 8 merks, sum 96 merks. Item, more there 24 bolls meal oats, price of the boll with the fodder £4, sum £96. Item, more there six bolls bere, price of the boll with the fodder £7, sum £42. Item, eight ells grey unwaulked cloth at 20s the ell, sum £8. Item, twelve ells linen cloth at 6s 8d the ell, sum £4. Item, about the house certain things estimated to £6. Item, in habiliments of his body estimated to £30.

Sum of the inventory - £536

John Frame owed debts worth £163 12s 8d including 4d. to Margaret Frame in Colylaw.  Robert Hamilton, minister of Cathcart was the master of the ground and debts were owed to him and others...Rests of free gear the debts deducted - £372 7s 8d To be divided in two parts. Dead’s part is £186 3s 8d Whereof the quota is compounded for - £6.

Follows the legacy and latterwill

'Upon the second day of January 1606, the which day the said Johnne Frame made his testament and latterwill as follows viz~ Item, he leaves Jonet Wilsoun his spouse and Allexander Wilsoun his brother [in-law?] his only executors and intromittors with his goods and gear. Item, he leaves to William Frame in Kilkedzow his neighbour threescore ten merks money. To William Wilsoun aforesaid his servant an ox stot of one year old. And the whole rest, his debts being paid, to Jonet Wilsoun his wife. It is thus subscribed: Mr Robert Maxwell, minister at Carluck...'

It is interesting to note the eight ells grey unwaulked cloth and twelve ells of linen cloth in the inventory. John Frame has been a farmer as well as being involved in textiles to some degree, possibly as a weaver. It was reasonably common for some farmers to work at looms during winter months.

1608:   THOMAS FRAME - Executed in Edinburgh for Cattle Stealing

‘Mar. 11. — Thomas Fram, sumtyme servand to James Hammiltoun of Spittelscheill.

Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the thistious Steilling, conceilling, resletting and away-taking of thre oxin and ane kow pertening to James, Lord of Balmirrinoch, furth of his landis of Mulrum ; committit in the moneth of August Im.Vjc. and sax yeiris. — VERDICT. Guilty. James Levinstoun of Jeriswoid, chanceller.

SENTENCE. To be tane to the mercait croce of Edinburgh, and thair to be hangit quhill he be deid; and all his moveabill guidis, gif he ony hes, to be confiscat to our fouerane lordis vse.

(Mr Williame Borthuik, Justice-Depute.)’

 [Robert Pitcairn, Scotland, High Court of Justiciary, ANCIENT CRIMINAL TRIALS IN SCOTLAND, 1833, pp.541-2]

'Spittelscheill' would appear to be 'a land of the value of ten pounds of old extent, called Spittal Shiels, a large tract of pasture now attached to the parish of Carluke, as well as with certain acres, near the burgh of Lanark, called St Leonard's Mains.'  'Jeriswoid' is probably the Jerviswood mentioned in relation to a John Frame in the Lanark section.

Other Frames in Carluke parish left evidence that they were artisans; they were also involved in Covenanter uprisings:

1645: WALTER FRAME (Waygateshaw) and WILLIAM FRAME (Mosside)

Walter Frame of 'Whicketshaw' and William Frame of 'Mossyde' were Elders of the Carluke Kirk during the Revolution. [Anon. NOTICES, HISTORICAL, STATISTICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL, RELATING TO THE PARISH OF CARLUKE, FROM 1288 TILL

1874, bef.1923,  p.26].   William Frame was later charged with being concerned in the Pentland Rising on 28 Nov 1666. [Ibid. p.31]

1668: WILLIAM FRAME - Covenanter

On May 9, 1668, a proclamation was issued ordering all magistrates and officers of the standing forces to seize persons who refused to accept indemnity by signing a bond of peace. William Frame (Kirk Elder) was among the fourteen seized in Carluke parish. (William Crookshank, THE HISTORY OF THE STATE AND SUFFERINGS OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, FROM THE RESTORATION TO THE REVOLUTION, 1812, p.220)

1683:  WILLIAM FRAME - Mauldslie

In 1683, William Frame in Mauldslie was warded in the Canongate Tolbooth, Edinburgh, 1683 (BOEC., viii, p.155). [George F. Black, SURNAMES OF SCOTLAND, 1946, p.278]

1683:  WILLIAM FRAME- Yieldshields

William Frame in 'Yeillshills' left a Testament dated 23 Feb 1683. Lanark Commissary Court - NAS Ref: CC14/5/11

1693:  WILLIAM FRAM - Elder (Taphole)

The records of the Barony and Regality of Braidwood have an account dated 7 April 1693 at Langshaw concerning David Fleming of St Oswells chappell claiming against:

‘William ffram, miller in Mashockmylne and William ffam in Taphole, his father, MENTIONING That where the gds William ffram, elder and younger, was justlie adebted and awghtand to the sd David fleming, persewer, the sum of twentie four pundis scottis money for cureing of the sd William ffram, younger, of ane broken arme about twelve years agoo...'   [Anon. NOTICES, HISTORICAL, STATISTICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL, RELATING TO THE PARISH OF CARLUKE, FROM 1288 TILL 1874, bef.1923,  P.160]

1695:   WILLIAM FRAM - Younger - (Mashockmylne) 

‘ BOOK or roll of the polleable persons in the paroch of Carluke who made payment of their respective polls, sett down wt their names in maner subjoined':

' …1695, Decer.4. Wm Frame, younger, Miller, yr, for himselfand his wife,… 00.12s.00’…  [Ibid. p.242]

1695: WALTER FRAME  (Waygateshaw) - Weaver

‘ BOOK or roll of the polleable persons in the paroch of Carluke who made payment of their respective polls, sett down wt their names in maner subjoined':

'…Walter Frame, weiver, in Wicketshaw, and familie………00.12s.00…’ [Anon. NOTICES, HISTORICAL, STATISTICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL, RELATING TO THE PARISH OF CARLUKE, FROM 1288 TILL 1874, bef.1923,  p.243]

1695:  WALTER FRAME (Waygateshaw) - Coater

‘ BOOK or roll of the polleable persons in the paroch of Carluke who made payment of their respective polls, sett down wt their names in maner subjoined:

‘…Walter Frame, Coater, in Wigetshaw, and his familie…..00.12s.00...’  [Anon. NOTICES, HISTORICAL, STATISTICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL, RELATING TO THE PARISH OF CARLUKE, FROM 1288 TILL 1874, bef.1923,  p.243]                                                                                                                                

Photograph of Dalserf Church, Lanarkshire, Scotland.

Photograph from Dalserf Parish Church


See more information and photographs of Dalserf parish at the Scottish Mining Website.  The cornerstone on the Dalserf kirk (above) is dated 1655 but the first baptism in the extant registers is not until 1738. Even after that, the registers were irregularly kept and there are some largee gaps. Nevertheless, some of the early Frames in Dalserf left Wills and Testaments, several of which have been transcribed, and useful information can be found in those. It is especially helpful that some Frames when making their Wills made comments about other Frames in different parts of Dalserf, even if the relationships are not always specified. When all of the Frames were extracted from the Dalserf registers and formed into family trees, many, in fact the majority, attached to two lineages:

Both of the above lineages are represented in the Frame DNA Project - the first in Frame Group A and the second in Frame Group B. 

 There are two newspaper clippings relating to Thomas Frame, a descendant of the Group B Frame family that was closely associated with the kirk in Dalserf. The first confirms the association:



Happening to be in Dalserf Church on Sabbath last, we observed that the collection for the day was to be devoted to Thomas Frame, the ancient sexton and beadle of the parish. We ascertained that the sum realised by the collection will aid materially in providing necessities and comforts for the old official during the bitter winter---always felt to be most bitter in the winter of life. The life of Thomas, if not an eventful, has at least been a long one. He was born in the year 1777, thus being 87 years of age, and still he is alert and lively. Eighty-seven years! -what important changes have taken place on the face of the earth since that time; and what changes no less important to those concerned in them, to the inhabitants of the beautiful parish of Dalserf. Thomas has seen four Sovereigns occupy the throne of Great Britain. He has acted as beadle and sexton for half-a-century, and for upwards of 30 years discharged the duties of preceptor in the church. His forefathers occupied the same office for many generations past. For himself "the old familiar faces" have passed from around him for ever; but in the sere and yellow leaf of his life-time, it is pleasing to note that if he is not possessed of honour and wealth, he has still, at least, troops of friends.'

Ref. Hamilton Advertiser. 16/1/1864. Page 3.   Courtesy of Wilma Bolton



Our obituary of to-day records the death of Thomas Frame, who for nigh three fourths of a century had held office as sexton and beadle in connection with the church of Dalserf, and whose life had been lengthened to the long span of ninety years. He was born before the French Revolution changed the face of Europe and the current of men’s ideas. In his youth and man hood he heard the echoes of the battles of Napoleon, which stirred men’s hearts even in the sleepy hollows of Dalserf for Thomas served in the immense volunteer force organised by the British Government in the beginning of the century to oppose the threatened invasion of the French Emperor. Thereafter in calmer times and for still half a century more he called worshipers to the house of God and performed his other duties connected with the burying ground where the rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep, but his familiar form will be seen no more ringing the bell of the quaint old Kirk of Dalserf, and courteously greeting all, as he was known to a ll. His exceeding vigorous constitution enabled him to resist the advances of age till very lately when he was finally prostrated. He died of natural decay, and retained his intellect and memory till nigh the very end. His sufferings were borne with great courage and patience, and were soothed by the sympathy and kindness of many friends. Life’s fitful fever over, he sleeps well. Requiescat en pace.

Ref. Hamilton Advertiser, 26/5/1867. Page 2.  Courtesy of Wilma Bolton

Above: Plaque on church doors commemorating Thomas Frame. 

~ Photograph courtesy of J. Day   

   Above: Dalserf Cottages

           Photograph courtesy of J. Day   

More early Frame records from Dalserf parish:

1592:  EUFFAME FRAM  in Dalbeg -  Euffame Fram was the spouse of James Tempiltoun of Dalbeg. She died sometime around 27 Feb 1592 and there is a Testament Dative for her in Hamilton & Campsie Commissary Court records (CC10/5/2).

1593: JOHNE FRAM in Muirhead

This John Fram left a Will dated 10 Mar 1592/93.  In it we learn that he was the son of James Fram in Over Dalserf and that his spouse was Jonet Patersoun. They had a daughter named Margaret Fram.  The Inventory of John Fram's goods and gear was valued at  £55 6s 8d. Additionally, he had owed to him: Item, owing to the deceased by Andro Patersoun, his father-in-law, five merks 6s 8d. Item, by James Fram, his father, 5 merks 6s 8d, conforming to a contract. Sum of the debts aforesaid - £7 6s 8d.  Sum of the inventory and debts aforesaid - £62 13s 8d. 

John Fram owed: Item, owing by the deceased to Jonet Patersoun in Muirheid £3. Item, to Robert Fram, son to Mungo Fram, 51s 8d. Item, to Elizabeth Currie, spouse to Nicoll Wilsoun in Draffen, 20s. Item, to Cristiane Hammyltoun in Dalserff 18s. Item, to James Hammyltoun packman 16s 8d. Item, to Robert Reid in Dalpatrik £3. Item, to Issobell Wilsoun in Draffen 13s 4d. Item, to Katherein Patersoun in Milburne 2s. Sum of the debts aforesaid £12 20d. Which being deducted there is of free gear - £51 11s 8d. Which divided in three parts, the deadʼs part is - £17 3s 10d ½.


Item, the said Johne Fram has made and constituted and by this present latterwill makes and constitutes Jonet Patersoun his spouse and Margaret Fram his minor daughter his only executors and intromittors with his whole goods and gear abovewritten, ordaining them to pay and outred his debts and ingather the debts owing to him to their own use. And as touching the kindness and goodwill of the lands of Over Dalserf and Corsolloch Syik [Cornsilloch?] , extending to 43s 4d land of new extent, he leaves the possession thereof to his said spouse to be peaceably bruiked and joysit by her during all the days of her lifetime next after her entry thereto viz. the said Jonetʼs entry to the third part of the said lands to be in the year 1595 and from thenceforth to bruik and jois the same during all the days of James Framʼs, father to the said Johne Fram, lifetime. And after his decease to enter to the whole 43s 4d land of Over Dalserf and Corsolloch Syid aforesaid and to peaceably bruik and jois the same during all the days of her lifetime. As also the said James Fram in Over Dalserf ought and should till, harrow, labour, manure and sow with his own seed the said third part lands of Over Dalserff and Corsolloch Syik to the said Jonet Fram in the year 1595 allanerly to her utility and profit conforming to a contract of marriage passed thereupon of the date at Crawflatheid the [blank] day of [blank] in the year 1591, as at more length is contained thereintill. And also he leaves his right, title, kindness, goodwill and possession of the said lands of Ovir Dalserf and Corsolloch Syik to the said Margaret Fram his daughter which failing by decease he leaves the kindness and goodwill thereof to

Andro Patersoun his brother-in-law, reserving his said spouseʼs liferent thereof. Ordaining his said spouse to hold and sustain his said daughter in meat and cloth honestly as effeirs during her minority and space abovewritten and ordains his said executors and intromittors to use this present testament in manner as abovewritten by sight and good counsel of Andro Patersoun his father-in-law, Andro Patersoun his son, Johne Fairservice, Robert Fram son to umquhile Mungo Fram and Johne Fram his fatherʼs brother. And last off leaves his soul to God and his body to his sepulture. By this his testament and latterwill to all and sundry whom it effeirs he makes it known. Follows the subscription: Johne Fram in Muirheid with my hand at the pen led by the notary underwritten at my command

[translation of Latin]

These premises written by James Couper, notary public, in his own hand, at the command of the said Johne, with his hand at the pen, because he cannot write.


1596:  JAMES FRAM in Dalserf

This James Frame in Dalserf made his Will on 13 Jul 1596; it has generous detail and he was also obviously reaasonably well-off. James made and constituted Issobell Cowper his spouse and Robert Fram, 'son lawful gotten betwixt him and the said Issobell, his executors and only intromitters with his goods and gear...' 

The Inventory of the Goods and Gear

Item, the said umquhile James the time of his decease had a black nag, price thereof £6 13s 4d. Item, a brown cow, price thereof £8. Item, another young cow of three years old, price thereof £10. Item, eight sheep, price of the piece overhead 20s. Item, the sowing of

two bolls, two firlots oats, estimated to the third corn, price of the boll with the fodder £4. Item, the sowing of a boll bere, estimated to the fourth corn, price of the boll with the fodder 10 merks. Item, three bolls, one firlot malt, rynning mett working upon the floor, price of the boll £12. Item, in a kist of made malt, two bolls, price of the boll £12. Item, the insight of the house estimated to £16 money.

Sum of the inventory aforesaid £168 6s 8d.

Debts owed to James Fram by others: Item, owing to the deceased by Robert Hammiltoun younger of Dalserf £3 13s 4d. Item, by William Hammiltoun brother german to the said Robert £4. Item, by Agnes Hammiltoun of Garrane [Garrion?] £8. Item, by Quintyne Weir in Law 20s. Item, by Airchibald Hammiltoun in Overtoun [Overtown or Overton] £12. Item, by Andro Hammiltoun in Bradochill £5 6s 8d. Item, by Johnne Forrest in Threipwood [Threepwood] one firlot bere, price thereof 20s. Item, by Jonet Fleming in Clydismylne [Clydes Mill?] for one firlot malt £4. Item, by Jonet Hammiltoun spouse to Alexander Sommerwell in Overtoun of Cambusnathein [Cambusnethan] £8 6s 8d. Sum of the debts aforesaid £47 6s 8d.  Sum of the inventory and debts aforesaid £215 13s 4d.

The Debts owing by the Deceased: Item, owing by the deceased to Allane Patersoun in Dalpatrick £8 and more 40s. Item, to

Robert Barry £6. Item, to Robert Patersoun in Dalpatrick £3 13s 4d. Item, to Robert Cowper younger there £5 6s 8d. Item, to Marioun Selkrig there £30 13s 4d. Item, to Patrik Dowchall £8 6s 8d. Item, to James Fram his son £3. Item, to Effie Fram his daughter 40s.

Quota:  Sum of the debts aforesaid £69

48s 8d: Which being deducted rests of free gear £146 13s 4d

            Which divided in three parts the deadʼs part is £48 17s 9d


Item, he leaves his goods and gear as after follows viz. to James Fram his son and Effie Fram his daughter begotten upon Issobell Thomsoun his first spouse for their bairnsʼ part of gear pertaining to them by decease of umquhile Issobell Thomsoun their mother aforesaid as is after specified. That is to say, to James his son £13 6s 8d. Item, to Effie Fram his daughter £20, and what rests, debts being paid, he leaves to his last spouseʼs bairns. Item, he leaves the land, houses, yards and toftings and appurtenances whatsoever that he possessed by decease of umquhile Johnne Fram his brother to James Fram his son. Providing always the said James suffer the said spouse to possess the same the space of three years next and immediately after his decease, that is to say to the time his youngest bairn be seven years old of age, and then he ordains his said spouse to enter James his son in peaceable possession thereof and last he leaves to his spouse the houses, rig and yard in the Guidman Holme [?], and failing of her by decease he leaves it to the eldest bairn [who] happens to be in life gotten betwixt the said James and her, and failing one to another so long as one be in life, male or female, and failing of them to James Fram his eldest son, and failing of him to the nearest of his first wifeʼs bairns to be in life. Item, he ordains the said Issobell his spouse and James his son to remain together in household to the time his youngest bairn be seven years of age and she to occupy and manure the whole rowmes to the time his youngest bairn be seven years of age as said is, and during that space he ordains his said spouse to sustain the said James his son in honest meat and clothes according to the rank and birth of such a person, together with the sum of 20s each year to keep his purse. This testament was made by the mouth of the deceased, day, year and place and before the witnesses aforesaid...'


1611: JAMES FRAME - Over Dalserf - Testament Testamentar  (Hamilton & Campsie Commisary Court (CC10/5/2)

1616: AGNES FRAM - Daughter of James F. in Over Dalserf - TT  (Hamilton & Campsie Commisary Court (CC10/5/3)

1618: ANDRO FRAME - Mylneburne (Millburn)

Andro Frame died in March 1618 and had a Testament Dative and Inventory (NAS Ref. CC/10/5/4) 'Faithfully made and given up by Jonet Cowper his relict in name and behalf of Mareoun and Issobell Frame, bairns lawful to the defunct.' He, too, must have been reasonably comfortable at that early date and was a tenant of Robert Hamilton of Millburn.

Inventory: Item, the defunct had pertaining to him the goods and gear underwritten of the avails, quantities and prices after specified viz. A white horse price £26 13s 4d. Item, six cows whereof there were three with their followers, price of the piece overhead with their follower £12, inde £36. Price of the piece of the other three being farrow cows £10, inde £30. Item, sixteen head of sheep, old and

young, price of the piece overhead 26s 8d, inde £21 6s 8d. Item, the sowing of five bolls oats estimated to the third corn extending to 15 bolls oats, price of the boll with the fodder £3 6s 8d, inde £50. Item, more in the barn unsown nine bolls oats, price of the boll aforesaid, inde £30. Item, in the barn unthreshed five bolls bere, price of the boll with the fodder £5 6s 8d, inde £26 13s 4d.

Item, the insight of the house in utensils and domiciles with the habiliment of the defunct’s body estimated to £20.

Sum of the inventory --- £240 13s 4d.

Debts owing in:  Item, there was owing to the defunct by the persons following the sums of money after specified viz. By Jonn Weir in Gohill of Lesmahagow £100 conforming to his obligation made by him and his cautioner with penalty therein contained. By Andro Patersoune in Bruntfeild £5. Sum of the debts in --- £105. Sum of the inventory and debts --- £345 13s 4d.

Debts owing out: Item, there was owing by the defunct the time aforesaid to the persons following the sums of money after specified viz. To Robert Hammiltoune of Mylneburne their master eight bolls meal of the crop 1616 years, price of the boll £5 6s 8d, inde £42 13s 4d. More to him one boll corn the said year price £3 6s 8d. More to him of maill 15s, more to him of teind the said year £4. More to him three capons and three hens, price of the piece 6s 8d, inde 40s. Item, to William Hammiltoune and James Fairseis betwixt them of fee £16. Item, to Bessie Hammiltoune and Mareoune Cowper of fees betwixt them £12. Item, to William Hammiltoune, herd, of fee 40s. Sum of the debts out --- £82 15s. Rests free gear, debts deducted --- £262 18s 4d To be divided in three parts

Quota £4 7s 6d Dead’s part is ----- £87 12s 9d.

I, Master William Hay of Baro, commissar of Glasgow etc. After due warning made by edict openly as effeirs, by the tenor hereof ratifies, approves and confirms this present testament and inventory in so far as the same is lawfully and truly given up, nothing omitted furth of the same nor set within the just avail therein contained. And gives full power and intromission with the goods and gear

above-written to the said executors dative above specified allanerly, with power to them to call and pursue therefore, because the upgiver has made faith as use is in respect of their minorities and has found caution as law will, as an act made thereupon at length bears.

At Glasgow the 18th day of April 1618 the which day in presence of the commissar of Glasgow appeared personally Johnne Frame in Marlag [Marlage] and of his own consent acted himself as cautioner and surety for Jonet Cowper, relict of umquhile Andro Frame in Mylneburne, that the goods and gear contained in his confirmed testament shall be forthcoming to all parties having interest as law will and the said relict acted herself to relieve her cautioner of the premises and of all danger thereanent. Whereupon they asked acts etc.


1621: JAMES FRAME - Over Dalserf - TT dated 1 Dec 1621 (Hamilton & Campsie Commisary Court (CC10/5/4)

1622: JOHNNE FRAME - Marlage

Johnne Frame in Marlage died in July 1622  (he was cautioner and surity for Jonet Cowper, relict of Andro Frame of Millburn who died in 1618 - see above). He married three times. His first two spouses were Hamilton women who also left Wills. His first wife was Jonet Hamilton; they had no children. His second was Geillis Hamilton, the mother of his children Robert, Jonet and Katherine. Johnne Frame's third wife was Helen Leiper, named as a pupil in Geillis Hamilton's Will.

'The testament dative and inventory of the goods, gear, debts and sums of money which pertained to umquhile Johnne Frame in Marledg within the Parish of Dalserf the time of his decease, who deceased in the month of July 1622 years. Faithfully made and given up by his own mouth in so far as concerns the nomination of executors nominated by him in his latter will, inventory of his goods and gear, debits owing in and out. And partly made and given up by Allane Cowper in Mylneburne, Jonet and Kaithrein Frame, his said executors in so far as concerns the upgiving of a part of the debts owing in and prices of the inventory as the same of the date aforesaid more fully proports.


Item, the defunct had the time aforesaid the goods and gear underwritten of the avails, quantities and prices after specified viz. the sowing of eighteen bolls corn estimated to the third corn, price of the boll with the fodder £6, inde £324. Item, the sowing of two bolls bere and 2 pecks peas estimated to the fourth corn, price of the boll overhead with the fodder £8, inde £68. Item, five old farrow cows price of the piece £10, inde £50. Item, four young beasts and a bull, price of the piece overhead 46s 8d, inde £11 13s 4d. Item, eighteen head of sheep, price of the piece overhead 33s 4d, inde £30. Item, seven lambs price of the piece overhead 13s 4d, inde £4 13s 4d. Item, a horse and a filly, price of them both £30. Item, the insight of the house in utensils and domiciles with four kists going {...} and habiliment of the defunct’s body estimated to £16. Sum of the inventory --- £534 6s 8d.

Debts owing in

Item, there was owing to the defunct the sums of money following by the persons after specified viz. By Johnne Thomesoun, wright in Dalserff, and Blais Hammiltoun, wright there, as cautioners for umquhile William Hammiltoun of Dalserff £85 6s 8d principal with £50 bygone annual rent or penalty. Item, by Walter Pincartoun in Corsolloche conforming to his obligation £33 6s 8d. Item, by William Mair in Drumbowie £30. Item, by Archibald Falcunar in Hillis 26 merks. Item, by Gavin Hammiltoun in Nethirfeild for half a chalder of corn bought by him in the year 1621, 28 merks 6s 8d. Item, by Allexander Bailye in Altoune £3 6s 8d. By Allexander Lepar in Langkyp for half a boll seed bere £6. By James Weir in Milneheuth £4 for six firlots of seed corn. By Thomas Watsoune traveller for a veal 26s 8d. By Cuthbert Hammiltoun in Cauder of borrowed silver £20. More by him for a ladleful of meal £22. By Blais Hammiltoun tailor in Dalserff £43 10s for bere. Sum of the debts in ----- £335 4s 4d. Sum of the inventory and debts --- £869 10s.

Debts owing out

Item, there was owing by the defunct the time aforesaid the sums of money following to the persons after specified viz. To William Torrens, smith in Dalserff, of borrowed money £26 13s 4d. Item, to James Hammiltoun in Altoun £26 13s 4d. Item, to James Fram brother to the said Johnne £6 13s 4d. More to James Frame, merchant in Dalserf, for being of well £3. Item, to Arthour Pincartoun of fee £8 13s 4d. To James Frame of fee £7 13s 4d. To James Fram in Carsalloche [Cornsilloch] of fee £8. To

James Armour of fee £7 6s 8d. To Arthour Broune of fee £6. To Issobell Leiper of fee £6. Sum of the debts out ---- £106 13s 4d

Rests free gear debts deducted --- £762 17s 8d. To be divided in three parts. Dead’s part is ------- £254 5s 6d

Quota by composition ---- £10


At Marledge the 22nd day of July 1622 years, the which day Johnne Frame, sick in body but whole in mind and of perfect memory, makes, constitutes and ordains Robert, Jonet and Kathrein Frame his only executors and intromittors with his whole goods and gear and also nominates and appoints Robert Hammiltoun in Holme, Robert Patersoune in Hill, Allane Cowper in Mylneburne and Johnne Frame in Corsolloche, tutors, doers and lawful administrators to his goods and gear of the said executors, and Robert Hammiltoun of Mylneburne whole ruler, overseer and special governor of the said goods and gear pertaining to the said executors and that nothing be done without his special consent and ordains the executors and intromittors with the goods and gear underwritten to content and pay to Helein Lepar, spouse to the said Johnne, the sum of a hundred merks for her lifetime and after her decease to her bairn. More to James Tram {Frame?} his brother a quoy stirk of two years old or thereby. Item, leaves to the said Helein Lepar his spouse four bolls and a half bere in the hands of Blais Hammiltoun, tailor in Dalserf, price of the boll 14 merks 6s 8d the boll.

Before Cuthbart Hammiltoun of Cauder and William Torrens, smith in Dalserff. This was done before these witnesses Robert Hammiltoun in Mylneburne, Cuthbert Hammiltoune of Caudren{?}, Robert Frame in Carsalloche, Johnne Frame there and William Torrens, smith in Dalserf.

(translation of Latin)

These premises subscribed by Stephen Guld, notary public, witness my own hand. I, Mr James Robertoune, Commissar of Hammiltoun etc. By the tenor hereof, ratify, approve and confirm this present testament and inventory in so far as the same is lawfully and truly given up, nothing omitted furth of the same nor set within the just avail therein contained, and gives and commits full power and intromission with the goods and gear abovewritten to the said executors above specified allanerlie, with power to them to call and pursue therefore etc. Because Allane Cowper, one of the tutors testamentar nominated to the said executors, has made faith as use is in respect of their minorities and has found caution as law will, as an act made thereupon at length bears. At Glasgow the 22nd day of October 1622, the which day compeared personally Johnne Hammiltoune of Wintercluthe and of his own consent acted himself as cautioner and surety for Robert, Jonet and Kathrein Frame, executors confirmed to umquhile Johnne Frame in Marledg, that the goods and gear contained in his confirmed testament shall be forthcoming to all parties having interest as law will and also the said Allane Cowper, one of the tutors testamentar nominated by the defunct acted himself to warrant, free, relieve and skaithless keep the said Johnne Hammiltoun of his becoming caution in the premises and of all danger thereanent. Whereupon they

asked acts etc.'


1610: First spouse - Jonet Hamilton made her Will on the 7 or 17 Apr 1610.  The sum of her Inventory and what was owed to her was £598.

Debts owing by the deceased and her said spouse: Item, owing by the deceased and her said spouse to Allane Patersoun in Dalpatrik 54 merks money. Item, to William Hammiltoun of fee £12. Item, to Bessie Hammiltoun of fee £4. Item, to Robert Hammiltoun of Milburne their master, five bolls ferme meal, price of the boll £5. Item, to him of silver maill £6. Item, to him eight hens, price of the piece 5s. Item, four capons, price of the piece 10s. Item, to the minister of teind, eight merks. Item to James Fram, wobster in corsolloch, £12, [a wobster is a weaver] part thereof borrowed silver and part for work.£104 6s 8d  Which being deducted rests of free gear - £493 13s 4d - Which divided in two parts, the deadʼs part is - £246 16s 8d.

Legacy:  Item, she leaves the said Johne her spouse her only executor and intromitter with her goods and gear and refers the upgiving thereof to him. Item, she leaves to the said Johne her whole right and kindness she has had or might have to the stedding of Marlage. Item, she leaves to her servant Issobell the sum of forty merks money and her best garments of clothes. Item, to Katherein Fram spouse to Allane Cowpare in Wodsyd [Woodside] a cow or failing of a cow, the price of a cow. Item, to her sister Katherein Hammiltoun spouse to Robert Fram in Corsolloch [Cornsilloch] a cow. And all the rest of her goods and gear she leaves to her spouse her only executor and intromitter. This testament and latterwill was made by the mouth of the deceased and written by me, Andro Hammiltoun, reader at Dalserf, at day, year and place and before the witnesses abovewritten. Follows the subscription: Andro

Hammiltoun aforesaid with my hand...'

1619: Second spouse: Geillis Hamilton died in Dec 1619.  Sum of her Inventory and what was owed to her was £229 6s 8d

Debts out: Item, there was owing by the defunct and her said spouse the time aforesaid to the persons following the sums of money after specified viz. To James Hervie in Altoune £33 6s 8d. To Allan Couper in Mylneburne £24. To Alexander Tempiltoune their servant £12. To Helein Leper pupil 6s 8d [third spouse to John Frame]. To James Frame 40s. To James Frame in Carsalloche [Cornsilloch] of fee £6 13s 4d. To Jonet Stewart in Lyttill Kyke of fee £6. To the master and heritor of the ground for maills and fermes the crop abovewritten £66 13s 4d. Sum of the debts out - £164.  Rests free gear, debts deducted - £65 6s 8d To be divided in three parts. Deadʼs part is - £21 15s 2d ½.

'Follows the deceasedʼs latterwill and legacy: At Marledge the 21st day of July 1619, the which day the said Jeallis nominated the said Jon Frame her spouse her only executor and intromitter with her goods and gear and leaves him her whole part of free gear, except that muckle kist called the ferme kist which she leaves to Robert Frame her son with another little kist standing on the backside of the spens wall. And four kists standing on the spens to Jonnet and Katherein Frame her daughters, each one of them one muckle and one little kist. And leaves to the said Jonet and Katherein her whole wearing clothes upon her body. And she ordains Johnne Hammiltoune, Jon Frame, Eleazer and Robert Hammiltoun her brothers, doers and overseers to her bairns aforesaid. This testament and latterwill she makes manifest and ordains the notary to subscribe the same, day, month, year and place aforesaid, before these witnesses: Jon Carneduff in Burnehous, Alexander Tempiltoune our servant, Robert Hammiltoune her brother, Thomas Patersoune son to Robert Patersoune in Hill...'


1658: ANDRO FRAM in Dalserf

Ando Fram died in Jan 1658 and left very specific instructions when he:

 'Faithfully made and given up by his own mouth in so far as concerns the upgiving of the inventory of his goods and gear (except the two first articles thereof), debts owing in, nomination of his executorix and legacies after specified, and partly made and given up by Issobell Fram daughter lawful to the defunct and only executorix testamentar nominated by him in so far as concerns the upgiving of the said two first articles of the defunct’s goods and gear and debts owing out, as the defunct’s testament and latterwill of the date underwritten in itself at length purports.' 

Inventory: Item, the defunct had the time aforesaid pertaining to him the goods and gear underwritten of the prices following viz~ In the first, two bolls corn, price of the boll with the fodder £4 6s 8d, Inde £8 13s 4d. Item, three bolls bere, price of the boll with the fodder £5 6s 8d, Inde £18 13s 4d. Item, an old cow price thereof £6 13s 4d. Item, the insight and plenishing of his house in utensils and domiciles with the habiliments of the defunct’s body estimated worth £20.  Sum of the inventory - £54

Debts owing in: Item, there was owing to the defunct the time aforesaid by Arthour Hammiltoune of Hills of bygone accounts, reckonings, annual rents and others due by him to the defunct preceding Martinmas 1657 years, was counted and reckoned betwixt then £25 6s 8d This sum is shown - £25 6s 8d. Sum of the inventory and debts - £79 6s 8d

Debts owing out:  Item there was owing by the defunctthe time aforesaid to the heirs and executors of umquhile William Hammilton of Dalserf of maill and duty resting the said year £33 6s 8d. This sum is shown - £33 6s 8d. Rests free gear, debts deducted - £46

To be divided in two parts. Dead’s part is - £23

Follows the dead’s latterwill and legacies: 'The testament and latterwill of Andro Fram in Dalserf faithfully made and given up by his own mouth in his own house, being sick in body but in perfect memory, containing the particular inventory of his goods, gear and debts upon the 25th day of November 1657 years, before these witnesses: Robert Fram son to James Fram in Kirkstyle of Dalserf, Johne Walker writer hereof and inventory (debts in), his legacy and latterwill. Item, I leave and ordain Issobell Fram my daughter to be only executorix and intromissatrix with the whole goods and gear belonging to me excluding all other my heirs and executors whatsoever from all benefit thereof except the particular legacies after mentioned when the same shall be recovered. Item, I leave and ordain to Andro Fram my oy [grandson] all and whole those four standing beds standing in the bed spenses and buttery with the two seat boards with the four forms belonging thereto with the long settle and almery above it, with the meal kist in the spens, with another little cloth kist of fir before the bed, together with a chaff bed, a pair of sheets, a pair of blankets, two coverings and a bolster, with a chair and an iron spit, and two pewter plates. And ordains the said boards, almery and chair to stand still in the said house for the behoof of my said oy [grandson] to his coming to perfect age. And ordains those who shall meddle and intromit therewith to make the same forthcoming to him at his entry thereto. And as for the rest of the particular things abovewritten, I ordain my said executorix not to deliver the same until my said oy become to the age of fourteen years complete, and at that time those that shall receive the same things in the bairn’s name to find caution to make the same forthcoming to the said bairn in such case as they shall enter thereto. Item, I leave to James Mortoune in Douglas my son-in-law a pair of sheets and two coverings. Item, I leave to Jonet Mortoun his daughter a little fir kist in the spens. Item, I leave and ordain to my said daughter my brewing little cauldron, my whole brewing vessels, my said old cow, with a kist in the barn with all other things whatsoever within and about my house belonging to me. Item, I ordain my said daughter and executorix aforesaid to give and deliver to the said James Mortoun ten pounds and to Jonet Fram daughter natural to my deceased son ten merks money, and leave and ordain my said daughter, executorix aforesaid, the whole crop of victuals last separated from the ground 1657 years, with the next year’s crop to sow 1658 years, she always paying the ferm and duty therefore conforming to the tacks thereof. And leaves and ordains those that are to succeed to the houses, yards and lands to suffer and permit my said daughter Issobell Frame to dwell and remain in that little house at the west end of the said houses now possessed by Katherin Forrest my daughter-in-law and her spouse now for his interest, whereunto the term of Beltane 1659 years she paying the half part of the yearly maill and duty thereof to that time. Item, I leave, nominate and ordain Robert Paterson in Boigsyde, Robert Barrie elder in Halstain Myre and James Fram in Kirkstyll to be only doers, overseers, guides and governors to my said executorix and oy, and ordains them and both of them to stand to the determination of the said doers and to use their counsel and advice in all things needful and incumbent for them for the well and behoof of my said daughter and oy. In witness whereof written by John Walker notary and subscribed with my hand at day, month, year and witnesses aforesaid. It is subscribed thus: Andro Fram, Robert Fram witness, Johne Walker witness...'


1671: JOHN FRAME in Marlage - Testament Dative 11 Nov 1671 - (Hamilton & Campsie Commisary Court (CC10/5/8)


See East Kilbride at Undiscovered Scotland

The Old Parochial Registers of East Kilbride begin in 1688 and the first Frame was found in 1692. There are few Frames recorded in the OPRs. However, as with Dalserf, there were some very early Commissary records:

1583: ANDRO FRAME - in Blackburn.

(Indexed in error as 'Andro France' in Commissary records relating to the Testament of his spouse Agnes Fleming, who is not mentioned in Andro's Testament. The index for Agnes's Testament reads: ' 'sometimes spouse to umquile [deceased] Andro France in Blaikburne, par. of Torrens, Sher. of Lanark, 21 Jul 1584.'

Andro Frame 'In Blaikburne, Parochiner of Torrens' had the earliest Testament Testamentar and Inventory of any Frame in Scotland so getting it transcribed was not an option!  The modern transcript follows in its entirety:

Andro Frame




The testament testamentar and inventory of the goods, gear, sums of money and debts pertaining to umquhile Andro Frame in Blaikburne [Blackburn], Parish of Torrens, within the Sheriffdom of Lanark the time of his decease, who deceased upon the 12th day of March the year of God 1582 years. Faithfully made and given up by himself upon the 11th day of March the year of God aforesaid, before these witnesses: Robert Frame his brother in Blaikmos [Blackmoss] (Avondale-Strathaven parish, above), Thomas Frame in Madinbarne [Maidenburn] and John Patersoun in Chapeltoun [Chapelton] with others divers.

In the first, the said umquhile Andro Frame had the goods, gear, sums of money and debts of the avail and prices after following pertaining to him the time of his decease aforesaid viz~ two farrow cows with the stirk, price of the piece with the stirk £6, sum £12. Item, a farrow cow without a stirk, price 8 merks. Item, three tidy cows, price of the piece 8 merks, sum £16. Item, a young quoy of three years old, price 5 merks. Item, 24 sheep, price of the piece 16s 8d, sum £20. Item, a two-year-old quoy, price 40s. Item, in the barn and barnyard 3 bolls, 2 firlots oats, price of the boll with the fodder 30s, sum £5 5s. Item, more six firlots bere, price of the boll with the fodder 40s, sum £3. Item, in utensils and domiciles with the habiliments of his body, estimated to the sum of ten pounds.

Sum of the inventory ---------- £76 18s 4d

Follows the debts owing to the deceased Item, there was owing to the said umquhile Andro Frame by Johne Struders, son to

Alexander Struders in Schawtounhill [Shawtonhill], for a farrow and a stirk 11 merks. Item, by Johne Or in Quhytcraigis in Glesfurd [Whitecraigs in Glassford] £8. Item, by Johne Flemyng in Chapeltoun 20s. Item, by Johne Patersoun in Stanebyris in Eglishame

[Stonebyres in Eaglesham] £20 money. Item, by Margaret Carneduf £10 4s. Item, by William Hairshaw in Madingburne [Maidenburn] 25s. Item, by James Torrens in Straythevin [Strathaven] for bere 45s. Item, by James Flemyng in Carneduf [Carnduff] 35s. Item, by James Alane in Flaikfeild [Flakefield] two merks.

Sum of the debts owing to the deceased --- £53 2s 4d

Sum of the inventory with the debts ---- £130 8d

Rests of free gear the debts deducted ---- £65 4d

Whereof the quota is compounded for ---- 50s

Follows the deceasedʼs legacy and latterwill

Upon the 11th day of March the year of God 1582 years, the which day the said Andro Frame made his legacy and latterwill as follows viz~ Item, he nominates [as] his executors William Frame his eldest son and James Frame his other son and ordains if any trouble or cumber chances to come upon the said William by reason of executory he ordains his goods and gear abovewritten pertaining to him by his decease to relieve and keep skaithless the said William his son and the rest of his goods and gear he leaves to James Frame his son and to Brydie and Katherine Frame his daughters and the kindness of his ground to his eldest son and ordains to be overseers to his bairns his eldest son, Robert Frame his brother, Johne Patersoun in Chapeltoun and Alexander Flemyng in Flaikfeild. This was done by the mouth of the deceased in presence of the witnesses above written and notary under subscribed.

[Translation of Latin]

It is thus written, John Andersoun, Vicar of Strathaven, notary public, in his own hand.

We, masters Eduard Henrysoun, Alexander Sym, Johne Prestoun, commissars of Edinburgh specially constituted for confirmation of testaments, by the tenor hereof ratify, approve and confirm this present testament or inventory in so far as the same is duly and lawfully made of the goods and gear above specified allanerly and give and commit the intromission with the same to the said William Frame and James Frame executors testamentar to the said umquhile Andro Frame their father, reserving count to be made by them thereof as accords of the law and the said William, one of the said executors, being sworn has made faith truly to exerce the said office and has found caution that the goods and gear above written shall be forthcoming to all parties having interest as law will, as an act made thereupon bears.


1594:  MATHEW FRAME in Logoche - had a spouse named Isobel Smyth whose Testament dated 16 Jul 1594 is in the Commissariot Records of Edinburgh. It is thought that Logoche may have been near Ardochrig in East Kilbride but not certain.

1596:  MUNGO FRAME in 'Padie' - Testament Dative and Inventory dated 1 Jul 1596 in Sheriffdom of Lanark (Edinburgh Commissary Court).   Padie is thought to be Purdie in East Kilbride; however it may also have been a place named 'Peddyr' (? Peter) found near Cambusnethan on an old map.   Mr and Mrs I and J Frame generously had this record transcribed and this comment was made by the transcriber: ' The name of spouse and other children are not mentioned  which is unusual. The fact that the Inventar is “dividit in thrie pairts” indicates that there is spouse and children in addition to the executor, Andro Frame, the eldest son.  The Inventory was valued at £186 12s 4d divided into three parts. This will have been a different Mungo Frame than the one mentioned in the Will of Johne Fram in Muirhead (Dalserf) since that Mungo was already deceased by 1593.

1605:  WILLIAM FRAME in Blackburn

Presumed son of Andro Frame who died in 1583 - Will transcript above. William Frame did not leave a Will but there is a Testament Dative and Inventory for him dated 2 Jul 1605. (Edinburgh Commissary Court - NAS Ref: CC8/8/40)

1617: DAVID FRAM in 'Turrens' (Torrance) Testament Dative 6 May 1617 (Hamilton & Campsie Commissary Court - Ref. CC10/5/4

1620:  MARGARET FRAME - Relict of ALLAN FRAME in Blackburn

TD 12 Jan 1620 Hamilton & Campsie Commissary Court. NAS Ref. CC10/5/4

1655:  JANET FRAME - Blackburn Mill - Covenanter 

Born c.1655 in Blackburn Mill. (Scottish Covenanters Index)


It is presumed that Janet Frame was from Blackburn in East Kilbride.  Janet Frame may have been a daughter or relative of Allan Frame in Blackburn, parish of Kilbride. There is a Testament Dative (TD) for his ‘relict’ Margaret dated 12 Jan 1620. [Hamilton & Campsie Commissary Court Ref: CC10/5/4]


1620:  The earliest birth/bapt for Frame found in Glasgow was 14 Dec 1620 - Johne, son to Andro Frame and Margaret Thomesoune.

1647:  The earliest banns/marriage noted was Williame Frame and Jonet Huid 27 May 1647.

Thus far we have not discovered any Wills and Testaments, or special details for any Frames living in Glasgow pre-1700.


1611:  JONET FRAME - Spouse to Johne Yuill in Uddingstonehead.TT&I Glasgow Commissary Court. NAS Ref: CC9/7/7

1619:  HELEIN FRAME - Spouse to Michael Or in Quhytecraigis TD & I 12 Feb 1619 Glasgow Commissary Court. CC9/7/16

Old Parish Church, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Old Parish Church Hamilton

Photograph courtesy of John D Frame Jr.


See additional information and photographs of old Hamilton at the Scottish Mining website and more Hamilton at Undiscovered Scotland.

1587: JAMES FRAME son to THOMAS FRAME - Edelwood Chapel 'besyde Hamilton'.

James, son to Thomas F., in Edelwood Chapel besyde Hamilton, with Patrick Kennedy, locksmith 23 June 1587.’ [EDINBURGH REGISTER OF APPRENTICES, 1583-1666]

Thus far, James Frame and his father Thomas are the earliest Frames found on record in Hamilton parish.

1629: MARGARET FRAME sp. to Willaim Dalzell in 'Mirrietoun' (Merryton). It was a Testament Dative, so Margaret Frame didn't leave a Will. Hamilton & Campsie Commissary Court - NAS Ref: CC10/5/5. Other Frame families are found recorded in Merryton towards the end of the 17th century.

1652:   Births/bapts. for Frames begin to appear in the Hamilton parish registers from 1652. One of the early Frames to have had children baptised in Hamilton was:

THOMAS FRAME - a Flesher (Butcher)

Thomas Frame and his wife Marion Muir had children b. 1658 - 1672, all in the surname of Frame. There is a Sasine record available for him:

INSTRUMENT of SASINE, given by Thomas Fram, flesher in Hamiltoun, as bailie for Patrick Alexander, late bailie of the said burgh, to Robert Morison, flesher, burgess there, of an annual rent of £20 Scots, (or other corresponding to principal sum of 500 merks), furth of the said Patrick's low fore- booth, and all easements and privileges thereto belonging, beneath the stair and to and from the Hie Street, with stable, coal-house, midden-stead and portion of yard, all presently possessed by the said Robert Morison himself, being parts of a tenement in Hamiltoun, lying on the south side of the Hie Street thereof; proceeding on precept of sasine contained in bond of infeftment, dated 2nd February 1682, by the said Patrick Alexander with consent of Marion Clerk, his spouse, in favour of the said Robert Morison. Notary, Andrew Schaw, clerk, Glasgow diocese. Registered, P.R.S. Lanark, 26th Sept. 1 685. 18/9/1685.

Disposition by Patrick Allexander [Alexander], saddler, burgess of Hamiltoun [Hamilton], second lawful son of deceased John Allexander, elder, burgess thereof, and by Marion Clark, spouse of the said Patrick, to Robert Morisone [Morrison], flesher, burgess of the said burgh, and Margaret Murra y, his spouse, of a low fore-dwelling- house, comprehending therein alow fore-booth and low back chamber, presently possessed by Thomas Eglintoun, cooper, burgess of Hamiltoun, being part of the said Patrick Allexander's tenement, which sometime pertained to deceased John Machleine [Mauchline], lying on the south side of the "Hie Street" of the said burgh; containing procuratory of resignation and precept of sasine addressed to [blank] as procurators and bailies. 16/3/1680

Discharge by Jonet Nasmith, relict of John Allexander, to Sir Thomas Hay of Park, for £12 13s. scots 14 Dec 1663


1676:   JONET FRAME sp. to John Hamilton in Meadowhead. Hamilton & Campsie Commissary Court - NAS Ref: CC10/5/9

Historic Lanark, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Visit Lanark at Undiscovered Scotland


Lanark, parl. and royal burgh, par., and co. town of Lanarkshire, near river Clyde, 31 miles SE. of Glasgow, and 366 NW. of London by rail--par. 10, 385 ac., pop. 7580; royal burgh, pop. 5874; parl. burgh and town, pop. 4910; P.O., T.O., 4 Banks. Market-days, Tuesday and Saturday. Lanark is an ancient place, said to have been erected mto a royal burgh by Alexander I. The name is associated with the early struggles of Sir William Wallace. The principal industries are weaving, shoemaking, and brewing. The Falls of Clyde, in the neighbourhood, attract numerous visitors. Lanark is one of the Falkirk District of Parliamentary Burghs, which returns 1 member. [John Bartholomew's Gazetteer of the British Isles, 1887]

1629: AGNES FRAME sp. to James Clerksoun, Wobster [Weaver] Burgess of Lanark

There is a Testament Testamentar & Inventory for Agnes dated 20 May 1629. NAS Ref: CC14/5/3

1629:  JAMES FRAME in Lanark

‘LANARKSHIRE.  April 15 [1629]. Commission to Sir John Hamiltoun of Barganie and others to apprehend and examine Janet Scot in Wicketshaw, Marion Schailer in Law, Janet Weir in Baruch, Helen Simsoun in Craignuick, Agnes Adame in Cleghorne, Isobel Quhyte in Auchquhren, Beatrix Crichtoun in Kirktoun of Dowglas, Margaret Fischer in Stainbyremylne, John Grienscheills in Dundreven, Janet Clerksoun in Cauldlaw, Margaret Semphill in Strafranke, Margaret Hutchesoun in Kirkbanke, Margaret Wilsoun in Lanerk, James Frame in Lanerk, Margaret Hastie in Welgait of Lanerk, and Jean Cleilland in Corehouse Mill, who “ar commoun practisers of the detestable crymes of witchcraft, using of charmes and inchantments, laying on and taking aff of sicknesses, and uthers devilish practises,” as the depositions of Isobel Gray, lately “brint for witchecraft, both before her convictioun and at her death," show.’ [REGISTER OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL, 2.series, v.3, p.145.] [George F Black, CALENDAR OF CASES OF WITCHCRAFT IN SCOTLAND 1510 to 1727, P.43]

1653:  Frame Births/Bapts are recorded in the Lanark parish registers from 1653.

1667:  JOHN FRAM - Shoemaker, Burgess in Lanark

          John Fram n. Anna Meikljohn in Lanark 22 Feb 1667.

MEIKLEJOHN, ANNA: spouse of John Fram, shoemaker Burgess of Lanark; Disp to John Adie, present Deacon Convener of Dunfermline; 11 July 1695 [B20 /6/3]


1679:  ROBERT FRAME in Lanark - Covenanter

Robert Frame was among the men charged with High Treason after the battle between Covenanters and Royalists at Bothwell Bridge on June 22, 1679. Open rebellion had been inevitable since the Restoration of 1660, which reintroduced Episcopacy and reversed twenty years of Presbyterian worship. The battle this day resulted in defeat for the Covenanters and cost many their lives. In 1681, some of the Lanarkshire men indicted, accused and facing execution were:  

'Robert Frame, in Lanerk

John Scott, elder, in Kenmuir

John Corse, in Clydsmilne

James Thomson, portioner, of Garnquen

Alexander Wardroper, in Sheltoun, portioner of Midlequarter

David Lindesay, portioner of Jacktoun

John Nimmo, in the Forth

George Muirhead, of Steinstoun

Archibald Cleland, of Knowenoblehill

James Hamilton, of Halsyd

James Hamilton, of Stonhall

John Holmes, of Newtoun

Robert Russill, portioner oof Windie-edge

Henry Boswell, portioner of Dunsystoun

John Wardroper, portioner of Denishill

James Meik, portioner of Fartisset

Archibald Prentise, in Staine

James Muirhead, of Breidisholme

Mr. Robert Black, of Silvertounhill'

‘Indyted and accused for the crymes of treason and rebellion at lenth mentioned in their dittay.’

Details of the  Proceedings against the Lanerkshire Men

[COBBETT’S COMPLETE COLLECTION OF STATE TRIALS AND PROCEEDINGS FOR HIGH TREASOn (by Thomas Bayly Howell, Thomas Jones Howell, William Cobbett, David Jardine, 1811]


1689:  JAMES FRAME - Sheriff Officer

‘Acts of the Inquest held at Lanark on 24 December 1689 for serving the aforesaid Agnes Rutherfoord as heir of Jean McMath, her mother’

‘Witnesses for proving propinquity, John Cheislie of Kerswall and Mr. Charles Lindsay, sometime minister of Coveingtoun. Edward Menzies was her procurator and the brieves from Chancery were proclaimed at the market cross in Lanark on 3 December 1689 by James Frame, sheriff officer of Lanarkshire, before John Patoun and James Hunter, sheriff officers, as witnesses.’

[NAS, GD86/750]


1693:  ROBERT FRAME - Burgess in Lanark

In 1693, Robert Frame was at odds with the local Magistrates:

'It was even more dangerous to make reckless statements about the Bailies and Council. In 1693 Robert Frame “caused several indignities” to the Magistrates and threatened to do them a mischief. His fine was £100 and he was put “in close prison” till he gave assurance of good behaviour in the future. He was told that if he offended again he would cease to be a burgess and his ticket would be torn at the Cross……It was a short-tempered age and Robert Frame was not the only man to utter harsh criticisms about the Council; and the Council could retaliate with spirit.’ 

[ A.D. Robertson, LANARK: THE BURGH AND ITS COUNCILS 1469-1880, 1974, pp.130-131]

1713-16: ROBERT FRAME - tenant in Bankhead

It is not known if this was the same Robert Frame as the above:

There are many references in the Records to the land and agriculture. Crosslaw and Bankhead had been bought by the Council from Blair of Dunskey during the troubled years and Bankhead seems to have been let as a unit, but in 1713 the Council ordered out Robert Fram, and prepared to let it in acres to the burgesses.’

[ A.D. Robertson, LANARK: THE BURGH AND ITS COUNCILS 1469-1880, 1974, p.156]

1735:  JOHN FRAM

In trouble for cutting sticks at Jerviswood

'He [George Baillie of Jerviswood] was a hard opponent and he had as allies the best legal brains in Edinburgh and political influence as well against what he must have regarded as a pygmy enemy, but though the negotiations lasted from the middle of July, 1696, till the end of January, 1702, the burgh held out and won; they agreed on the old terms with the burgesses retaining the right to dig for stone and clay at Newmains and Newmainshill. John Fram was in trouble in 1732 being accused of entering the wood at Jerviswood and “cutting sticks”. Perhaps he anticipated the mobs who in later years strove in rivalry to cut the largest branch and bear it away. Today we are content with twigs, symbols of the past.’

[ A.D. Robertson, LANARK: THE BURGH AND ITS COUNCILS 1469-1880, 1974, p.50]


1770:  WM. FRAME and JAS. FRAME - Birkill (Lesmahagow?)

Wm. part Birkhill, Lanarkshire 15  9  0  

Jas.  part Birkhill, Lanarkshire  15  9  0’   [Directory of Landownership, 1770, Lanark]

1881 Census:  By 1881, the Frames in the county of Lanarkshire had reached substantial numbers - the highest of any county in all of Britain at this census:

FRAME:  (1184); FRAM:  (31); FRAMER: (2).


Edinburgh, Scotland


*Scotland officially became a Protestant country in 1560; and with the Presbyterians in the majority, it was a likely destination in which the French Calvinists could take refuge. There had been a small trickle of refugees and emigrants from France settling in Scotland, especially in Edinburgh, during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century, but the main influx occurred in the last quarter of the seventeenth century. These people had advanced technological skills and had entrepreneurial talents which were much in demand in contemporary Scotland. Most of these emigrants – the craftsmen, artisans and merchants – settled in the Canongate* [see Frames in Canongate below], then a separate burg but now a part of Edinburgh…’ [David Dobson, HUGUENOT AND SCOTS LINKS 1575-1775, 2005, Introduction]. 

Some describe the craftsmen who settled in the Canongate during this period as 'Flemish Huguenots'. There are no Frams or Frames mentioned in Dobson's Huguenot book, probably because these surnames were already on record in Scotland from the late 15th century, England from the early 14th, and were already anglicized. However, there are some early Fram/es recorded in the Canongate who were possibly later arrivals, either travelling up from England where Flemish/Walloons had settled earlier - or directly from Flanders. Some of the Frames in the Canongate, Linlithgow and Uphall (weavers, hatmakers, merchants / burgesses etc. introduced first names such as Daniel, Michael and Harri - names not previously seen in the earlier Scottish Frame families As stated elsewhere, many of the earliest Frames in Britain are thought to have originated in Flanders. During different periods of religious persecution many folk from Flanders fled to France and vice versa. The Nord and Pas-de-Calais departments in France were once parts of historic Flanders. In his book, Samuel Smiles mentions the settlement of the Flemings in the Canongate:

' ... A few exiles found an asylum in Scotland; though that country was then too poor to hold out much encouragement to the banished artisans. Of those who arrived in Edinburgh, due care was taken for their maintenance and support. Collections were made in the churches, and a place was provided for their worship. It appears from the City records that, in May 1586, the magistrates granted the use of the University Hall for that purpose; and that at the same time they agreed to pay a stipend to Pierre du Moulin, the pastor of the refugees.

Several years later, an attempt was made to introduce into Scotland the manufacture of cloth. In 1601, seven Flemings were engaged to settle in the country, and set the work a-going, -- six of them for serges, and one for broadcloth. But disputes arose amongst the boroughs as to the towns in which the settlers were to be located, during which the strangers were "entertained in meat and drink". At length in 1609, a body of Flemings became settled in the Canongate of Edinburgh, under Joan Van Hedan, where they were engaged in "making, dressing, and litting of stuffis, giving great licht and knowledge of their calling to the country people...'    [Samuel Smiles, THE HUGUENOTS, THEIR SETTLEMENTS, CHURCHES, AND INDUSTRIES, new edit. 1880, p.113]

In Midlothian prior to 1700, Fram/e families were recorded at Canongate; Colinton or Hailes; Corstorphine; Cramond; Edinburgh; Inveresk and Musselburgh; St Cuthbert's; Mid Calder; Ratho; Stow; and West Calder.  Some early individuals noted in Midlothian were:

1495: JAMES FRAME in Newbigging, Musselburgh

James Frame (mentioned earlier, the second of only two Frames found in 15th century Scottish records) was already deceased by 1495:

‘09. 13 Jun 1495. William Malis, indweller in Smethton, resigned in the hands of William Fausid, bailie of Mussilburgh, an annualrent of sixteen shillings from the land of the deceased James Frame, lying in the burgh of Mussilburgh, on the east side of the street called Neubiggin, between the lands of Simon Cass on the south and north, the common of Mussilburgh on the east and a common passage on the west…’ [MIDLOTHIAN PROTOCOL BOOK OF JAMES YOUNG (1493-1497]

Possibly a descendant:

1600:  JAMES FRAME - Apprentice Hatmaker - Newbigging

James, son to Charles F., in Newbigging, with John Jameson, hatmaker, 29


The clock at Musselburgh:

'Its primitive clock bears the date 1496 upon the dial, and is said to have  been a present to Musselburgh from the Dutch State to encourage the continuance of an extensive commerce with their towns.' [Gazetteer of Scotland, Vol.2, p.415]

1592:  WILLIAM FRAME - Burgess of Edinburgh Sp. of Helen Fleming (He Commissariot record)

1593:  HEW FRAME - son to JOHN FRAME

‘Hew, son to John F., in Over Lany [Lennie], with John Hadden, dagmaker [pistol maker] 20 Nov. 1593.’ [EDINBURGH REGISTER OF APPRENTICES, 1583-1666]

1593, 1618:  JOHN FRAME - son to JOHN FRAME - Hatmaker, Burgess

 This John/Johnne Frame is recorded first as an apprentice hatmaker, then later as a Hatmaker, Burgess:

John, son to John F., in Overlany [Lennie], with James Hutsoun, hatmaker 13 Nov. 1593.  [EDINBURGH REGISTER OF APPRENTICES, 1583-1666]

This would appear to be the same Johnne Frame who in 1618 was accused of contravening the acts anent the importation of tobacco (10 stone of tobacco) temp. James VI. See image below:

Fol. 227,b; Fol. 228, a.

'The Lord Advocate against a number of persons in Edinburgh for illegal import and sale of tobacco.'

Johnne Frame was cautioned and absolved of guilt. [THE REGISTER OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF SCOTLAND, 1545-1632, p.338]

1598:  THOMAS FRAME b. 9 Apr 1598, son to  WILLIAM FRAME

1605:  JOHNNE FRAME - Between 1605 and 1614 Johnne Frame and Euphame Johnestoun had five children bapt. 

1616:  DANIEL FRAME - Burgess / Merchant in Edinburgh 1642  Between 1616 and 1627 Daniel Frame and Espeth Mitchelsone had four children recorded.

1625:  MICHAEL FRAME fl.1625, Wobster [Weaver] in 'Lanye'  [Lenzie, Kirkintilloch?] see following:

1625:  ALEXANDER FRAME - Apprentice Weaver

Alexander, son to Michael F., wobster [weaver] in Lanye, with Archibald Wright, wobster 23 Mar. 1625.’  [EDINBURGH REGISTER OF APPRENTICES, 1583-1666]

1626:  WALTER FRAME and Jonat Craig had dau. Christian b. 7 May 1626 in the Canongate.*      

1630:  DANIEL FRAME - Between 1630 and 1640, Daniel Frame and Kathrene Harlaw had five children b. at the Canongate.* Their names were John, Issobell, James, Elspeth and 'Haerie'. The first name Harie (Harry=Henry?) also appears in the Frames of Uphall, West Lothian - a likely family connection.

1637:  HENRY FRAME - Apprentice Hatmaker

‘Henry, son to late Michael F., in Nether Lany, with Thomas Hodge, hatmaker 30 Aug. 1637.’ [EDINBURGH REGISTER OF APPRENTICES, 1583-1666]

1643:  ELIZABETH FRAM - Relict of William Douglas, Hatmaker, Burgess of Edinburgh 

On 22 Apr 1643, 'Fram, Elizabeth, widow of William Douglas, lends money for the maintenance of the Scottish army in Ireland, 87.'

        ‘Apprylle 22 – Elisabeth Fram, relict of William Douglas, tua hundredth merks, ……£133 6 8

[Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, 1643  Charles I, Miscellaneous Papers, pp.87, 503]

1658:  ELISABETH FRAM -  (as above)

3 Feb 1658:  Elisabeth Fram,  Relict of William Douglasse, Hatmaker, Burgess of Edinburg,  TD & Invent. Edinburgh Commissary Court.   CC8/8/69

 1881 Census:  Frame (92); Fram (1); Frames (1)                                            


Records for Fram/e in Peeblesshire were rare before 1700. Births/bapts. and marriages appear much later; however, some early deaths are on record and the individuals were possibly all of the same family:

1628:   JANET FRAME -     d. 03 Jul 1628  Peebles.    Ref. 768/00 0010 0310

1637:   ANDREW FRAME - d. 08 Apr 1637 Peebles.   Ref: 768/00 0010 0347

1637:   JOHN FRAME -      d. 15 May 1637 Peebles.   Ref 768/00 0010 0346  (Surname 'Frank' - incorrectly indexed as Frame)

1640:   JAMES FRAME -     d. 02 Dec 1640 Peebles.   Ref. 768/00 0010 0362

1881 Census:  Frame (23)


1669: ROT (ROBERT) FRAME b. 14 Dec 1669, son to John Frame and Helen Harrine

1881 Census:     Frame (24)


Pre-1700: Nil

1881 Census:  Frame (67); Fram   (22)


In Roxburghshire, by 1700 Fram/e families were on record in Roxburgh (1626); Kelso (1658); Jedburgh (1662); Stichill and Hume (1664); Melrose (1691) and Hownam (1693).  The earliest Frame in Roxburghshire with children recorded was:

1626:  ROBERT FRAM in Roxburgh. His sp. was Jenot Turnbull.

1733:  ANDREW FRAME - Merchant, Baillie of Jedburgh  [Index to Register of Sasines: Record Date: 19/04/1733

Counties:Roxburgh; Series:RS3; Volume:142; Folio:82

1735:  ANDREW FRAME - Merchant, Baillie of Jedburgh  (As above) [Index to Register of Sasines: Record Date: 19/03/1735

Counties:Roxburgh; Series:RS3; Volume:148; Folio:50

1746-1764: ANDREW FRAME - Provost of Jedburgh (Possibly the same individual as Andrew Frame the Baillie, above.)  Historically the provost was the chief magistrate or convener of a Scottish burgh council, the equivalent of a mayor in other parts of the English-speaking world. Andrew Frame is mentioned several times in NAS docs:

GD113 Papers of the Innes family of Stow, Peebleshire 1566-1832, and GD113/3 Papers of George Innes 


1746:   16-18. 1746 march 6. Mellerstains.

Letter from Andrew Frame to John Home, collector of the Land Tax in the shire of Berwick.

Encloses copy letter sent from Kelso when the rebels were there, 5 nov. 1745, addressed to Lady Grizel Baillie at Mellerstoun, ordering her to make payment of cess or land tax for her lands in county of Berwick, under pain of military execution. Frame narrates that two men came with the letter, which put them all into confusion; they were reduced to send an answer promising compliance, and Frame went to Kelso the following morning and paid the sum accustomed to be levied, thinking that this was safer and would prevent their being presented with some extravagent demand, hopes recipient will help to save Lady Grizel from paying the cess over again. 

[National Archives of Scotland, CountryCode GB, RepCode 234; RefNo. GD113/3/1009; Pettys': Miscellaneous items Collected by George Innes; Mar 1746]

1759:    11. 1759 oct. 9. Jedburgh.

Andrew Frame, provost of Jedburgh, to George Innes.

Case of William Gordon, a deserter, apprehended at Hawick and brought before writer as justice of the peace qua provost of Jedburgh; writer did not realise that the matter should have been notified to the Secretary at War before payment could be made for the apprehension.

[National Archives of Scotland, CountryCode GB, RepCode 234; RefNo.GD113/3/542; Papers of George Innes; Sep-Oct 1759]


Charles and Robert Fall to George Innes.

Sending copy letter, 31 march 1764, from John Yelloly, Alnwick, quoting an advertisment made by the common bellman of Alnwick to effect that the Royal Bank and the Old Bank of Edinburgh have stopped payment insofar as they refuse to giving cash or London bills for their own notes; many people alarmed by this and now no one will take their notes and all are striving to get rid of them; Yelloly does not know how to dispose of the notes sent by the Falls, who think the whole thing a manifest intention to affect the credit of the Edinburgh banks.

Andrew Frame to George Innes.

William Wilson depones that Corporal Brown had dictated both the feigned letter which Brown said he had received from recipient and the feigned order; Wilson does not know Brown's purpose; writer had hesitated on receiving from Brown the forged order but Brown appeared an honest fellow and he was given the 5 guineas; asks what should be done.

1881 Census:  Fram  (1)


Pre-1700:  Nil

1881 Census:   Frame (22)


Pre-1700: NIL

1881 Census:   Fram  (1)


The earliest Frames found in West Lothian thus far were at Uphall or Strathbrock:

1608: MICHEL FRAME - Between 1608 and 1619, Michel Frame in Uphall had five children bapt.

1614: HARIE FRAME -   Between 1614 and 1619, Harie Frame in Uphall had three children bapt.

1614: DAVID FRAME  -  David Frame had one child bapt. in Uphall.

1623: JOSEPH FRAME - Burgess of Linlithgow

There is a Testament Dative and Inventory for Joseph Frame - Edinburgh Commissary Court - NAS Ref: CC8/8/52. There is also a Testament Dative and Inventory dated 31 May 1704 for a later JOSEPH FRAME - Weaver Burgess of Linlithgow - Ref: CC*/8/82.  

1692: JOHN FRAME -   Hewer, Burgess of Linlithgow

3 Sep 1692 - Instrument of sasine in favour of John Frame, hewer, burgess of Linlithgow, of 3 acres of the lands of Parklie. (In dorso: Ratification by John Dallas of Parklie 22 August 1724) (Registered in G.R.S. 5 October 1692) 

1881 Census:  Frame (34)


'Merchants, scholars, adventurers and soldiers from Scotland found their way to every European country. Ten thousand Scots served for France in the Hundred Years War (1337-1453); Scots formed the Scots Guard of Louis XI; thirteen regiments fought for Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden in the Thirty Years War (1618-48); it was a Scot who was Field Marshal to the Emperor of Prussia and another who helped consolidate the Russian Empire of Czar Peter the Great. After the union of the crowns in 1603, all Scots were forbidden to travel to England without express permission from the Privy Council; this encouraged them to travel further afield. Some went to Nova Scotia in 1624, some to the Isthmus of Darien in 1696. In 1650, Cromwell deported five thousand Scots to the American colonies. Many Scots followed Prince Charlie into exile after the "Forty Five". Lord Dundas, the effective ruler of Scotland for 30 years in the late 18th century, placed many Scots in high positions under the Indian Government.' [Valerie Galbraith, CAUSES OF EMIGRATION,]. 

Frame kin also emigrated from Scotland to Ulster, Northern Ireland (see IRELAND page), as well as to Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa etc. The Scottish Frame clan travelled far and wide. By utilising Y-DNA testing we are re-connecting various Frame lines from around the world.

©  Julie Frame Falk