About your skills (with student comments in quotes)

Students learn they have skills they never knew they had.

"I can now definitely say that I have the ability to weed through data and compose a new dataset with relevant subsets and orders that will help with whatever questions are asked of the data."

"I am definitely able to learn things that were completely out of my realm of knowledge."

"I feel more confident in how to conduct statistics and why we use such models as well as being able to report and defend the models that I run."

"I have learned so much about my own capacity to learn and understand semi-complex mathematical/statistical theories, how they relate to real life, and how they relate to our understanding of the world. I'm excited to have all of the homework and the final paper to really quantify how much I've learned."

"Semi-complex?" I think they just mean "complex."

"This class has definitely highlighted my ability to problem solve, particularly in relation to R and coding. When I need to figure something out in R, I am able to narrow my focus and then systematically figure out what the problem is / how to resolve it."

Even skills that have nothing to do with the domain-specific subject material!

"I've learned that I can learn material that seems very difficult or even impossible to understand if I just go about it the right way, and that I have gotten better and better at overcoming my perpetual fear of asking for help from professors on school assignments."

"This class made me realize that abilities can only be improved by asking the right questions. Learning how to code in R-Studio while learning new statistical models was incredibly frustrating, but I quickly learned the only way to ensure I am gaining knowledge is to ask questions that will help me understand what I am doing. One resource that I highly recommend to people taking this class in the future, is the subreddit "Explain like I'm 5." It offers some great intuitive explanations that helped provide a baseline for my understanding of the readings/homework assignments."

So, I list that in my R(esources) page.

"I think this class definitely stretched my limits with regards to perseverance. I am both proud of how well I managed/attempted to keep up with things, but also disappointed with not being perfect and the holes in my understanding. I am much more confident thinking about re-entering statistics classes in the (hopefully) near graduate school future, and have learned tips about reading statistically-heavy books and learning to code in general."

I find it exciting (and humbling) that my class helps students find this sort of strength and confidence.

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