What You Learn (with student comments in quotes)

Despite the technical feel of the superficial dressing of this class, this class fits right into the liberal-arts approach that Grinnell College provides across disciplines. Here are the "learns" that might happen

Learning a new language and, more broadly, learning about communication (with student comments in quotes)

Learning different perspectives/tools for modeling and explanation (with student comments in quotes)

Learning to see analysis as a framework for interested users to answer specific questions (with student comments in quotes)

Learning to deal with ambiguity (and learning how they learn in that context) (with student comments in quotes)

Learning a healthy self-respect, aka

world-aware humility without self-deprecation (with student comments in quotes)


awareness of one's own strengths (with student comments in quotes)

Learning that learning doesn't always feel like learning at the time--but that you should just have more faith and keep pressing onwards because simply going through the motions and making the attempt beyond your (imagined) abilities will teach (because, psst, action is a crucial part of perception) (with student comments in quotes)

Learning about connections to other fields (with student comments in quotes)

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