
- VolcArray, Array type seismic experiment on Piton de la Fournaise Volcano with 300 nodal seismometers.

The experiment consists in 3 arrays. Each array is 49 points of measure. Two sensors were collocated at each point of measure.

The fist set recorded from about July 1 to July 25 2014. The second set from July 13 to July 30 2014.

There is thus about 10 days of overlapping data between the first and second sets of sensors.

The width of each array is about 500 m. Sensor inter-distance is about 70 m.


Installation (primary and secondary) on Monday 2014-06-30, J181 around 4:30 TU.

The secondary nodes (LOCID .20) started recording around 2014-07-13, J194, 00:00 TU.

The primary nodes (LOCID .10) were all moved together to possibly A44 on 2014-07-18, J199.

The primary nodes were all collected and stopped on 2014-07-24, J205.

The secondary nodes were all collected on 2014-07-28, J209 but continued running until 2014-07-30, J211.


Installation (primary and secondary) on Wednesday 2014-07-02, J183.

The secondary nodes (LOCID .20) started recording around 2014-07-13, J194, 00:00 TU.

The primary nodes were all stopped on 2014-07-29, J210.

The secondary nodes were all collected on 2014-07-29, J210 but continued running until 2014-07-31, J212.


Installation (primary and secondary) on Wednesday 2014-07-02, J183.

The secondary nodes (LOCID .20) started recording around 2014-07-13, J194, 00:00 TU.

The primary nodes were all stopped on 2014-07-28, J209.

The secondary nodes were all collected on 2014-07-28, J209 but continued running until 2014-08-01, J213.

Procédure de récupération de données (net code XP)

les données et métadonnées Volcarray sont disponibles au noeud B et accessible via les WEBservices "dataselect" et "station".

Par exemple, pour récupérer le dataless :

wget "http://ws.resif.fr/fdsnws/station/1/query?network=XP&format=mseed&level=response" -O XP2014.dataless

Pour récupérer un jour de données (~9 Go...) :

wget "http://ws.resif.fr/fdsnws/dataselect/1/query?network=XP&starttime=2014-07-15T00:00:00&endtime=2014-07-16T00:00:00" -O XP.15juillet

Le volume total étant de 190 Go, cela peut être intéressant pour les personnes (externes à ISTerre) qui souhaitent travailler sur l'intégralité des données de nous contacter pour que nous mettions ne place des accès rsync (mail geodata@ujf-genoble.fr).


Ce projet en collaboration entre ISterre, l'OVPF, l'IPGP et le Parc National de La Réunion a été financé par l'Institut de France (prix Del Duca), La ville de Paris (projet Emergences) et le Service National d'Observation en Volcanologie avec le soutien de la compagnie FairFieldNodal. Les données ont été préparées et sont distribuées par le centre de données RESIF/réseaux mobiles.


VolcArray is a joint project between ISTerre, OVPF, IPGP and Parc National de La Réunion. It was funded by Institut de France (prix Del Duca), La ville de Paris (projet Emergences) et le Service National d'Observation en Volcanologie with support from FairFieldNodal company. The data were prepared and are distributed by RESIF/temporary networks.

Magnitude 1.3 earthquake recorded by the 300 VolcArray nodes on Piton de la Fournaise Volcano