UnderVolc information


The data used for the analysis were collected by the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Observatoire Volcanologique du Piton de la Fournaise (IPGP/OVPF), and the

Institut des Sciences de la Terre (ISTerre) within the frame-work of ANR-08-RISK-011/UnderVolc project.

The sensors are property of the French transportable seismic network, Sismob (INSU-CNRS).


2009-12-07, the available data are :

- 18 broad-band seismic station continuous data (including one acoustic station)

- Photogrammetry data from 2 stations

- A 25 m resolution DEM of La Reunion island in WG84, UTM (m) system.


The DEM is in txt format.

  • Install Install_Circe_V3-2(Reunion).exe on Windows, available in directory "/cartes-mnt" to convert coordinates from the old system PDN47 to the new one RGR92.



DATALESS SEED: Download files below. Use file data.RESIF.DATA.20716.tar for stations UV01 to UV15 and file YA_LB_OVPF.dataless for stations FLR, FOR, RVL, FJS, SNE and HDL

Station coordinates are given beneath.

Station name, sensor type and SN, sensor sensitivity, Datalogger type and SN, Datalogger sensitivity, site name, acquisition dates:

UV01, MLA, CMG40T SN T4P24, 800 V/m/s, Taurus SN 1357, 1.10^6 count/V, Morne Langevin, 10 September 2009

UV02, GBS, CMG40T SN T4P17, 800 V/m/s, Taurus SN 1342, 1.10^6 count/V, Grandes pentes coulée 1943 bas, 09 September 2009

UV03, CRA, CMG40T SN T4P29, 800 V/m/s, Taurus SN 1349, 1.10^6 count/V, Crac, 01 December 2009

UV04, GPS, CMG40T SN T4P02, 800 V/m/s, Taurus SN 1353, 1.10^6 count/V, Grandes Pentes Sud, 12 Avril 2010

UV05, DSO, CMG40T SN T4P04, 800 V/m/s, Taurus SN 1332, 1.10^6 count/V, Dolomieu Sud Ouest, 10 September 2009

UV06, GPN, CMG40T SN T4P09, 800 V/m/s, Taurus SN 1330, 1.10^6 count/V, Grandes Pentes Nord, 12 Avril 2010

UV07, LEO, CMG40T SN T4096, 800 V/m/s, Taurus SN 1350, 1.10^6 count/V, Enclos Formica Leo, 10 September 2009

UV08, CSS, CMG40T SN T4P06, 800 V/m/s, Taurus SN 1333, 1.10^6 count/V, Enclos Sery, 10 September 2009

UV09, HIM, CMG40T SN T4P16, 800 V/m/s, Taurus SN 1354, 1.10^6 count/V, Cratère Himiltrude, 04 November 2009

UV10, VIL, CMG40T SN T4P31, 800 V/m/s, Taurus SN 1355, 1.10^6 count/V, Cratère Villèle, 15 October 2009

UV11, BON, CMG40T SN T4097, 800 V/m/s, Taurus SN 1299, 1.10^6 count/V, Bory Nord, 12 October 2009

UV12, ZOE, CMG40T SN T4P12, 800 V/m/s, Taurus SN 1309, 1.10^6 count/V, Cratère Zoé, 04 November 2009

UV13, PRA, CMG40T SN T4P10, 800 V/m/s, Taurus SN 1324, 1.10^6 count/V, Puys Ramond, 06 October 2009

UV14, FRE, CMG40T SN T4P03, 800 V/m/s, Taurus SN 1345, 1.10^6 count/V, Fond de la Rivière de l'Est, 06 October 2009

UV15.HH(Z,N,E).00, CBO, MB2005 SN NV5106, see below, Taurus SN 1330, 1.10^6 count/V, Cratère Bory (station acoustique), 04 November 2009 - 02 Mars 2010

UV15.HD(Z,N,E).00, CBO, MB2005 SN NV5106, see below, Taurus SN 1327, 1.10^6 count/V, Cratère Bory (station acoustique et sismique), 02 Mars 2010

UV15.HH(Z,N,E).10, CBO, CMG40T SN T4P19, 800 V/m/s, Trident SN 0235, 1.10^6 count/V, Cratère Bory (station acoustique et sismique), 02 Mars 2010

SNE, CMG40T-60s SN T4D98, 1600 V/m/s, Q330 SN 736 / 010000044D888CBC, 4.1943.10^5 count/V, Soufrière Nord Est, 27 Octobre 2009

FJS, CMG3ESP SN T34779, 1960 V/m/s, Q330 SN 468 / 01000008E901D417, 4.1943.10^5 count/V, Cratère Faujas, 27 Octobre 2009

RVL, CMG3ESP SN T35775, 1960 V/m/s, Q330 SN 104 / 010000069A414D0D, 4.1943.10^5 count/V, Cratère Rivals, 27 Octobre 2009

FOR, CMG3ESP SN T34786, 1960 V/m/s, Q330 SN 102 / 010000069A413ECC, 4.1943.10^5 count/V, Chateau Fort, 27 Octobre 2009

FLR, CMG3ESP SN T35777, 1960 V/m/s, Q330 SN 739 / 010000044D9F6B3D, 4.1943.10^5 count/V, Flanc Est, 27 Octobre 2009

HDL, CMG3ESP SN T35779, 2000 V/m/s, Q330 SN 101 / 010000069A79AEC7, 4.1943.10^5 count/V, Hubert Delisle, 27 Octobre 2009


UV01 (HHE,N,Z)= 8.367640E+08, 8.346660E+08, 8.388610E+08 count / m/s

UV02 (HHE,N,Z)= 8.367640E+08, 8.346660E+08, 8.388610E+08 count / m/s

UV03 (HHE,N,Z)= 8.367640E+08, 8.346660E+08, 8.388610E+08 count / m/s

UV04 (HHE,N,Z)= 8.367640E+08, 8.367640E+08, 8.367640E+08 count / m/s

UV05 (HHE,N,Z)= 8.367640E+08, 8.346660E+08, 8.346660E+08 count / m/s

UV06 (HHE,N,Z)= 8.346660E+08, 8.346660E+08, 8.493470E+08 count / m/s

UV07 (HHE,N,Z)= 8.367640E+08, 8.367640E+08, 8.346660E+08 count / m/s

UV08 (HHE,N,Z)= 8.367640E+08, 8.346660E+08, 8.367640E+08 count / m/s

UV09 (HHE,N,Z)= 8.367640E+08, 8.346660E+08, 8.388610E+08 count / m/s

UV10 (HHE,N,Z)= 8.367640E+08, 8.367640E+08, 8.346660E+08 count / m/s

UV11 (HHE,N,Z)= 8.346660E+08, 8.367640E+08, 8.367640E+08 count / m/s

UV12 (HHE,N,Z)= 8.346660E+08, 8.388610E+08, 8.388610E+08 count / m/s

UV13 (HHE,N,Z)= 8.367640E+08, 8.346660E+08, 8.346660E+08 count / m/s

UV14 (HHE,N,Z)= 8.367640E+08, 8.367640E+08, 8.367640E+08 count / m/s

UV15 (HHE,N,Z)= 8.346660E+08, 8.346660E+08, 8.367640E+08 count / m/s

FJS (HHE,N,Z)= 8.228290E+08, 8.169570E+08, 8.211510E+08 count / m/s

FLR (HHE,N,Z)= 8.245060E+08, 8.236670E+08, 8.228290E+08count / m/s

FOR (HHE,N,Z)= 8.219900E+08, 8.253450E+08, 8.177960E+08 count / m/s

HDL (HHE,N,Z)= 8.555400E+08, 8.429590E+08, 8.345710E+08 count / m/s

RVL (HHE,N,Z)= 8.169570E+08, 8.211510E+08, 8.186350E+08 count / m/s

SNE (HHE,N,Z)= 6.710880E+08, 6.727660E+08, 6.694100E+08 count / m/s


GEOGRAPHICAL COORDINATES, deg.decimale (name Latitude Longitude Altitude)

UV01 -21.24366 55.65286 2378

UV02 -21.27387 55.77934 471

UV03 -21.22336 55.75783 998

UV04 -21.26741 55.76162 1004

UV05 -21.24862 55.71409 2523

UV06 -21.23979 55.75247 1413

UV07 -21.22886 55.69158 2214

UV08 -21.24642 55.68451 2193

UV09 -21.21110 55.72021 1961

UV10 -21.28373 55.72497 1806

UV11 -21.23971 55.70921 2552

UV12 -21.25534 55.72472 2075

UV13 -21.29164 55.70792 2085

UV14 -21.20184 55.69540 1781

UV15 -21.24510 55.70884 2579

SNE -21.23911500 55.71790000 2505

FJS -21.22949333 55.72229000 2123

RVL -21.25589444 55.70052222 2110

FOR -21.26192500 55.71870000 2049

FLR -21.24074167 55.73287167 1947

HDL -21.25072667 55.79059000 242

PLANAR COORDINATES UTM40 in meters (name Easting Northing Altitude)

UV01 360212 7650290 2378

UV02 373364 7647052 471

UV03 371088 7652626 998

UV04 371520 7647753 1004

UV05 366571 7649794 2523

UV06 370546 7650803 1413

UV07 364217 7651962 2214

UV08 363499 7650012 2193

UV09 367173 7653952 1961

UV10 367732 7645916 1806

UV11 366057 7650776 2552

UV12 367680 7649059 2075

UV13 365970 7645026 2085

UV14 364589 7654956 1781

UV15 366023 7650179 2579

SNE 366958 7650849 2505

FJS 367405 7651918 2123

RVL 365170 7648977 2110

FOR 367061 7648325 2049

FLR 368513 7650682 1947

HDL 374512 7649623 242

The Taurus stations belong to the french seismological network Risc/Sismob.

Sampling rate is 100 Hz.

Sensitivity values are approximate (error<1%).

Geographic coordinates are approximate (horizontal error < 1 m, vertical error < 10 m)


UV15.HHZ : Test channel, sensitivity -1 mV/Pa

UV15.HHN : Filtered channel 0.001-40 Hz, sensitivity 20 mV/Pa

UV15.HHE : Non filtered channel, sensitivity 0.01 mV/Pa


Vertical component site amplification factor (using the coda of P waves from the M6.3, 2010-08-16, Reunion Region earthquake) for 5-15 Hz (2nd column), 1-10 Hz (3d column):

UV01 1.2816 1.0000

UV02 1.8732 1.2211

UV03 1.7155 1.6205

UV04 2.1210 1.4748

UV05 2.5208 2.1387

UV06 1.6274 1.5848

UV07 1.2237 1.3017

UV08 1.0000 1.2485

UV09 2.2992 1.4179

UV10 1.1161 1.2049

UV11 1.8359 1.4383

UV12 3.0778 1.9928

UV13 1.3727 1.1260

UV14 1.5530 1.2108

UV15 1.6662 2.0822

SNE 3.7437 3.0905



FLR 2.9914 2.0607

FOR 2.5304 1.6136

HDL 2.7870 1.1972


Sensitivities (Gains) and vertical component site amplification factor (using the coda of S waves from the M3, 2011-08-12, Reunion earthquake) for 5-15 Hz:

Gains :

BON.HHZ=7.34773*10^8 count / m/s

CRA.HHZ=8.20405*10^8 count / m/s

CSS.HHZ=7.41070*10^8 count / m/s

FJS.HHZ=8.21151*10^8 count / m/s

FLR.HHZ=8.22829*10^8 count / m/s

FOR.HHZ=8.17796*10^8 count / m/s

GBS.HHZ=8.22922*10^8 count / m/s

GPN.HHZ=8.27116*10^8 count / m/s

GPS.HHZ=8.3131*10^8 count / m/s

HDL.HHZ=8.34571*10^8 count / m/s

HIM.HHZ=7.39914*10^8 count / m/s

RVL.HHZ=8.18635*10^8 count / m/s

SNE.HHZ=6.69838*10^8 count / m/s

VIL.HHZ=7.39677*10^8 count / m/s

Facteurs d'amplification :















L'incertitude sur le facteur d'amplification est aux alentours de 15 %.

2012-02-10 Rough days and hours of Seismic swarms during UnderVolc data acquisition

2009-10-14-04:00 2009-10-14-07:00 NoEruption

2009-10-18-15:00 2009-10-18-19:00 TremorButNoEruption

2009-10-29-22:00 2009-10-30-07:00 NoEruption

2009-11-05-11:00 2009-11-05-18:00 Eruption

2009-12-14-11:00 2009-12-14-16:00 Eruption

2009-12-29-11:00 2009-12-29-19:00 NoEruption

2010-01-02-07:00 2010-01-02-11:00 Eruption

2010-09-23-21:00 2010-09-24-02:00 NoEruption

2010-10-13-21:00 2010-10-14-16:00 Eruption

2010-12-09-03:00 2010-12-09-07:00 NoEruption

2010-12-09-15:00 2010-12-09-19:00 Eruption

2011-02-02-11:00 2011-02-02-14:00 NoEruption

Journal de bord


Message from P. Kowalski,

we went this morning to the FJS station to measure the exact orientation of the seismometer.

We have found that the north of the seismometer is oriented 53° from geographic north counted conter clock wise (i.e in west direction).

We didn't modifie this orientation.


La station cratère Bory n'a pas enregistré de données entre le 19 juillet 2010 et le 04 aout 2010. Le problème provenait de la carte flash Sandisk Extreme III (9 Go)

qui produisait des erreurs de lecture/ecriture. La solution a été de reformater cette carte (fdisk) et de recréer un système de fichier ext3 avec un inode size de 128.


Installation des 2 dernières stations sismiques/gps : UV06 (Grandes Pentes Nord) et UV04 (Grandes Pentes Sud)


Tests de calibration du capteur infrason sur site (heures TU) :

- 08:50:30 inclinaison du capteur de 90°

- 09:07:30 Taurus, changement "enable DC filter" enlevé

- 09:11:30 inclinaison capteur en position normale

- 09:21:30 inclinaison du capteur de nouveau à 90°

- 09:34:30 inclinaison capteur en position normale

- 09:44:30 inclinaison du capteur à 180°

- 09:57:30 inclinaison capteur en position normale


En vue de l'installation d'un double station acoustique-sismique à Bory, nous faisons des tests de préparation en définissant de nouvelles voies tests : YA.UV15.10.HH(Z, N, E) (trident 235) et YA.UV15.00.HD(Z, N, E) (taurus 1327) .


Suite à une coupure du routeur survenue le 2009-11-11, le Apollo serveur ne pouvait plus intéroger les Taurus bien que les packets udp arrivaient correctement. Les routes étant rétablies le 2009-11-16, les données perdues ont pu être récupérées en partie le 2009-11-17 à partir du Apollo project en intérogeant directement les taurus.

1354, T4P16, UV09, S 21° 12.666' E 55° 43.213' 1958 m, Cratère Himiltrude, 04 November 2009

1309, T4P12, UV12, S 21° 15.321' E 55° 43.483' 2079 m, Cratère Zoé, 04 November 2009

1342, T4P17, UV02, S 21° 16.433' E 55° 46.759' 471 m, Grandes pentes coulée 1943 bas, 09 September 2009

1355, T4P31, UV10, S 21°17.024' E 55°43.499' 1807 m, cratère Villèle, 15 October 2009

1330, NV5106, UV15, S 21° 14.707' E 55° 42.531' 2586 m, Cratère Bory (station acoustique), 04 November 2009

1332, T4P04, UV05, S 21° 14.918' E 55° 42.845' 2528 m, Dolomieu Sud Ouest, 10 September 2009

1333, T4P06, UV08, S 21° 14.786' E 55° 41.070' 2190 m, Enclos Sery, 10 September 2009

1350, T4096, UV07, S 21° 13.732' E 55° 41.494' 2211 m, Enclos Formica Leo, 10 September 2009

1357, T4P24, UV01, S 21° 14.620' E 55° 39.171' 2373 m, Morne Langevin, 10 September 2009

1345, T4P03, UV14, S 21° 12.111' E 55° 41.723' 1780 m, Fond de la Rivière de l'Est, 06 October 2009

1324, T4P10, UV13, S 21° 17.502' E 55° 42.475' 2085 m, Puys Ramond, 06 October 2009

1299, T4097, UV11, S 21° 14.385' E 55° 42.554' 2545 m, Bory Nord, 12 October 2009