FIT FOR FUN is dedicated to improving your results across all endurance sports. Our clients range from executives to working mums and dads, our upcoming youth right through to elite triathletes.

FIT FOR FUN specialises in Endurance Sport Coaching for triathlon, cycling, swimming and running. We provide a personalised individual training programme to target your goals.

We've outlined what we offer below to make it easier for you to get started on your path to enjoyable training and/or racing.

Initial consultation and year plan

The initial consultation and year plan includes a one-on-one session with one of our coaches. Here we will discuss where you are now and where you want to go over the next month, year, 5 years, or even longer. This planning session will take into account your current state of physical fitness, your goals, and your time commitments. We will look at what you do now and what you need to do to achieve your goals. You will get a year planner and we'll start working on a typical training week.

Cost $100

Monthly Training Programmes

This includes individual training sessions for swim, bike, and run.

Cost Stephen Farrell $50 per week

North Harbour Triathlon Club Fees

Fee Structure for NHTC/Fit For Fun Squad Training

North Harbour Triathlon Club and Fit for Fun are pleased to continue their coaching partnership. North Harbour Triathlon Club provides the most comprehensive triathlon training programme in New Zealand through its coaching provider, Fit For Fun. Due to increasing costs to hire the main training venue at Birkenhead and a desire by NHTC to continue this comprehensive programme, NHTC has committed to covering the cost of hall and swimming pool hire for squad training on an ongoing, reviewable basis. All other squads require members to book and pay in advance for certain training days and times and NHTC wanted to keep options open for the more regular trainers as well as allowing for those who, for various reasons, required a less strict attendance and payment regime.

As part of the process, a review of coaching fees was completed by two NHTC members, Dave Metcalfe (accountant) and Adam Daigneault (environmental economist). The new pricing structure should encourage members to continue training with the NHTC, encourage new members to join and make providing training viable for Fit For Fun.

There are three training fee options:

1) 10 Session Concession Card (members only),

2) Fortnightly Unlimited Sessions (members only), and

3) Casual

Concession Card:

10 session clip cards, valid for 3 months from date of issue

a. Senior: $110 (Code: SNR SQD)

b. Junior: $90 (Code: JNR SQD)

Fortnightly Unlimited Sessions:

When you're training regularly the cost can mount up. To make it less expensive for those North Harbour Tri Club members who train consistently we have a special monthly price. It includes all training sessions and represents a substantial discount on individual session prices.

a. Senior: $80 / fortnight - NHTC members (Code: SNR 2WK)

b. Junior: $70 / fortnight - NHTC Juniors (Code: JNR 2WK)

Casual Individual Sessions:

2. Members - Snr: $15 ; Jnr: $12

3. Non-Members - $20

Casual Saturday Sessions:

a. Members - Snr: $25

b. Jnr: $20

c. Non-Members - $30

All sessions require one clip of the card, except Saturday swim/bike/run sessions which are:

2 clips during winter

1 clip during summer.

The logistics:

If you wish to take advantage of the cheaper rates, you'll need to:

Pay by internet banking into the a/c: 12 3035 0569575 00

In the spaces provided for the payee, include your name and the code for the option you wish to pay for.

If you're paying fortnightly, you won't need a concession card (you name will be added to a list of registered fortnightly payers at sign-in).

Fortnightly payments must be made in advance for the following two weeks.

If you pay for a concession card, your card will be waiting for you at training within a few days of payment.

If you're using a concession card, you'll need to bring the card to each training session you attend. Your card will be clipped at each session (twice for Saturday training during winter).

Note: you must be a paid up member of NHTC to take advantage of the concession card or fortnightly payments.

If you have any questions, please email Stephen Farrell at:


Sessions We Offer

Stationary Bike classes - Wind Training

'The best thing about doing the bike classes is that you never get dropped from the bunch'

The Tuesday and Thursday night bike classes are for all age groups and abilities. Class sizes range from 15 to 60 athletes and run throughout the year. Classes are 90 minutes long. The start at 6.30 pm with a 10 minute warm up and are finished by 8.00 pm. They are planned to have everyone in shape for the big races of the year. About 20% of the class attendees are regular cyclists and 70% triathletes, with the remaining 10% there for general fitness.


We have lanes at the Birkenhead Pool which means we can cater for a wide range of abilities from the Elite ITU and Ironman triathletes to the first time "new-swimmers".

Saturday morning Brick session - swim, bike, run

(May to October) This is 'the work out' that prepares you for the summer triathlon season. It's three hours of steady training with near race-speed transitions. It sounds nasty but with a big group you hardly feel like you've started before it's all over and you're sitting in the café with a double shot latte.

Special Prices for North Harbour Triathlon Club Members

It only costs $80 annually to join North Harbour Triathlon Club ($200 for families) so it's a 'no-brainer' to join as a member if you're planning on training regularly with us!

Note: All training fees are to be paid in advance.