Our Mission

FIT FOR FUN's mission statement is to 'Share the Enjoyment and Benefits of Exercise'. There are many paths you can take to achieve this but I chose endurance sport training and I'd like you to have the opportunity to enjoy the experience with me.

I raced my first triathlon in 1983. It was the 'Les Mills Ironman'. The distance was: 1k swim, 30k bike, 16k run. At that stage I didn't know that much about training for a triathlon and I suspect no one else did either. I remember swimming flat out freestyle for about the first 100 metres and then breaking into breast-stroke until the last 50 metres when I swam freestyle to the ramp. From there I threw on a pair of shorts, laced up my running shoes, jumped on to my Healing ten-speed, and headed off for the rest of the race. From memory there were a few hundred competitors competing in this 'oddity'. I broke into the top 50 and decided this was the sport for me.

Since then I've raced in many different countries all over the world and on every continent except Africa. I've had experiences that I never would have if I hadn't found triathlon. I've had plenty of good and bad races along the way including a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th placing as well as a DNF (did not finish) in 10 appearances at Ironman New Zealand. I am now in the 44-49 age group and still enjoy training and racing as hard as I can. I've competed in many different sports but I've found the people into triathlon to be the most fun and the most encouraging.

In 1999 I retired from the NZ Police after 15 years and started full time coaching. In 2004 I was appointed the High Performance Director for Triathlon New Zealand (TRI NZ). I held that position for four years until just after the Beijing Olympic Games. The highlights at TRI NZ were leading the New Zealand Triathlon team to the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games where we won three out of six medals, and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games where we won one medal.

I am now back coaching full time for FIT FOR FUN. The biggest chunk of my working day involves training a diverse group of athletes ranging in both age and ability. They have varying levels of commitment, which is reflected in their race results. The common bond is the desire to train hard, support each other, and enjoy each other's company. All our coaches share the same philosophy and are dedicated to working with all our athletes from first timers to regular podium finishers.

Getting up at 5.00am every morning to get the pool ready is the worst part of my day. Apart from that, some days are good and the other days are better.

One thing's for sure - I love this game.

Stephen Farrell

Our Values

· We strive to provide a supportive, social and challenging training environment where athletes at all levels can excel.

· We aim to be the balance between enjoyment and hard work, between a professional environment and a friendly environment, and between efficiency and empathy.

· From our teenagers, to our senior triathletes, we have a social responsibility to be positive role models and present triathlon in a way that will enhance the lives of all.

· We not only want to help members reach their potential as athletes, but also as people.

· We encourage participation at all ability levels and applaud excellence

· We strive to use every training session to inspire, challenge and empower our athletes to pursue excellence in not only their sporting ability, but their social interactions and their attitude to life.

· We aim to achieve this with outstanding professionalism, utmost respect and genuine care.

· We feel privileged to be able to reach so many people through a sport that we, at Fit for Fun and North Harbour Triathlon Club, are so passionate about.

FIT FOR FUN - The place to train on the North Shore for triathletes, swimmers, cyclists and runners.