First Grade Skills

Skill Reinforcement

Skills to practice at home:

Read! Read! Read!

Counting to 120 by 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's

Counting backwards from 25

Writing and recognizing numbers 1-120

Recognizing odd/even numbers

Analyzing patterns (AB, ABB, etc.)

Coin recognition and values

Basic geometry: 3D shapes, sides, vertices

Basic measurement skills

Sorting by a variety of attributes (size, color, shape, thickness)

Addition and subtraction facts to 20 and real life applications

Place value (tens and ones)

Telling time to the hour and half hour

Solving word problems

Math vocabulary: more, less, greater, sum, difference, equals, pair, next, last, in between, after, before

Ordinal numbers: first, second, third, etc.

Reading a graph

Students should know his/her birthday, address, and phone number

Self reliance skills: practice tying shoes, zipping coats, etc. Website to practice reading skills

Spelling City- Practice this week's spelling words

Harcourt Math- Math games

Math game- Skip Counting

Math game- Add Like Mad (Math Nook)