Dr. Perth DC

Finian Perth’s credentials

Perth Clinics, have been serving the community since 1949.

Dr. Finian Perth DC* is a well known and respected Doctor of Chiropractic and BBC Radio broadcaster. His father, DR. R E Perth MD., PhD opened the first Perth Clinic in 1949 in London's prestigious Harley Street where Finian grew up. He did not immedeately follow in his father's footsteps straight away, preferring to blaze a trail in the music industry where he had a successful career in music, radio and television only stopping for five years while he attended and graduated from the prestigious Anglo-European College of Chiropractic. Finian then relocated to Rome Italy where he worked within the Italian Health Service, eventually being appointed Director of the the Departments of Chiropractic and Physiotherapy at one of Europe's largest Sport injury and Poly-Clinics in Rome, where he treated some of Italy's top Footballers, Davis Cup Tennis players, Golfers, Equestrian Three Day Eventers and Polo players.

In 1993 he became a founder member of the Council on Chiropractic Paediatrics. His work with children and babies who have suffered trauma during birth is well known and has been reported in the the national press and radio.Finian joined the British Chiropractic Association in 1988, in 1989 he was invited to join the Italian Chiropractic Association (AIC) . In 1995 Finian became one on the first Chiropractors in the UK to be contracted to the NHS and upon its formation in 2002, he was also one of the first Chiropractors to be registered with the General Chiropractic Council. Finian Perth is a Founder member of the Association of Ipswich Chiropractors and a Licencate of the Royal College of Chiropractors.

Finian believes in the principle - treat others as you wish to be treated. "My patients deserve excellence and I believe every patient should be treated as if they were a member of my own family. To me this means caring for everyone as an individual, always explaining every aspect of their care and giving the best possible treatment all the time."

Education is fundamental to this principle both in informing the patient and continuing to expand our knowledge. Finian believes in treating the patient not merely the condition and has furthered his knowledge by taking post-graduate courses in medical acupuncture, craniopathy, nutrition and Natural Therapy..

His philosophy means he will look at all aspects of your life to try and discover the cause of your problem and his broad knowledge base and vast experience will enable him to make a tailor made package of care to suit you as an individual.

Finian Perth regularly attends post-graduate courses to keep up to date with the most recent advances and techniques in healthcare.

Finian Perth travels and has lectured extensively in Britain and abroad, keeping abreast of current developments in the management of back and neck pain and is a regular broadcaster on BBC Radio.

Interview with Dr. Finian Perth DC* (by P. Goglioni)

Do Chiropractors only treat back pain?

FP. No. Chiropractors deal with conditions of the musculoskeletal system in other words all joints within the human body and how malfunction of the joints can put pressure on the nervous system and effect the day to day running of our bodies. However, the majority of people who consult us tend to do so for problems arising from back and neck pain.

From what age to what age can you have chiropractic treatment?

FP. From day one of life to one hundred years. I run what I call a "Family Practice". that means Adults , young adults, children and babies are seen. Apart from my qualification as a Doctor of Chiropractic, I also have a special interest in Paediatrics and treat many babies and children, especially those who have experienced a traumatic birth process.

Is it true that you often cure patients without the need for drugs and that even your very acute patients with long standing complaints very rarely require surgery?

FP. Sure. It is part of Chiropractic philosophy not to use drugs if at all possible so as to avoid masking the patient’s symptoms. Very often it is possible to resolve problems noninvasively although drugs definitely do have a limited role in the process. Surgical operations particularly on the spine should be the last resort.

What are the commonest conditions that require your treatment and how long does treatment take: weeks, months, years?

FP. Back pain, neck pain, chronic headaches, frozen shoulder, Tennis elbow injuries from road traffic accidents and “Slipped discs”. Even functional problems that started 30, 40 or even 50 years ago can still make a very good recovery but may require a slightly extended period of treatment but rarely longer than a few weeks. They are often cases where rehabilitation is done with gentle manipulation and the help exercise and small changes in diet and or lifestyle.

Do more women or men have the joint problems? And to what is their average age?

FP. Statistically, the division between men and women is about the same and joint problems can happen at any age.

It true that you can treat sports injuries and sometimes even improve professional sportsmen and women’s performance? (What kind of sport)

FP. Through my time working with professional footballers, tennis players, equestrian teams and polo players in Italy, I discovered that a functional analysis of an individual sport means that it is possible to safely optimize muscle activity needed to perform the sport. This obviously applies to all sports.

Today, many children and adults spend hours sitting in front of computers. Does modern technology cause any long-term problems?

FP. Yes it does. I believe that there must be a work-life balance. Apart from good diet and de-stressing regularly, it is vitally important that all children and adults do some form of physical activity to compensate for all the time they spend sitting in front of computers and televisions.

What advice can you give to keep fit, protect your joints and spine?

FP. Exercise is important at any age. Walking swinging your arms and breathing deeply for about twenty minutes a day will not only help the joints but also help bone strength, circulation and even help to decrease stress and mild depression.

Does footwear effect our posture and if so how?

FP. Indeed it does. Since our feet were made for walking barefoot on uneven ground, and this does not happen anymore, it is very important for the shoe to fit properly and give support to the foot by means of a good, solid construction. This is even more important in children’s growing feet.

What advice do you suggest for a healthy lifestyle?

FP. Avoid stress or if you cant avoid it, at least take action to decrease your stress levels as much as possible. To do this, my advice is to perform half an hour of exercise every day. Regular exercise is known to help to decrease stress levels and increase the body’s production of Seratonin (the happiness hormone). Eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water and have regular check ups with your Chiropractor.

Why should we have regular check ups with a Chiropractor if we are not in pain?

FP. OK, let me answer that by turning the tables and asking YOU something. Why do you go to the Dentist every six months?

To make sure my teeth are ok

FP. Why do you service your car every year or 10,000 miles?

So that it works properly and doesn’t break down

FP. Well... you basically just answered your own question. If at your dental checkup the dentist finds that you have tooth decay, he can drill and fill the tooth before it gets to the point where it needs extracting. But, if you were to leave it until the tooth breaks or you get an abcess, he can still extract it and give you a false tooth or crown.

If the mechanic finds something wrong with your car, he can usually repair the small problem easily and cheaply.

But if you leave the car until it breaks, then he may have to get you a new engine. Either way, repair is possible.

You are born with one spine and one set of joints, most of which have to last you for your whole life. They are unchangeable so they should be looked after and have regular four monthly check-ups so that any small problems can be treated and resolved before they become big painful problems that will inevitable impact on your life possibly for the rest of your life.

Dr. Finian Perth DC (Doctor of Chiropractic)

Consults at

14 Woolner Close



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Dr. Finian Perth DC(Doctor of Chiropractic) Committed to Providing the best Care ...

To Ipswich, Hadleigh, Boxford, Sudbury, Ipswich, Hintlesham, Bramford, Caple St Mary, Copdock and surrounding areas including Martlesham, Woodbridge, Stowmarket and Felixstowe..

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