General Tips

    • Certain items cannot be in Level 9 under normal circumstances

      • Recorder

      • Ladder

      • Power Braclet

      • Raft

      • Bow

This information can be very useful if you can use it to figure out where the Silver Arrows are by systematically removing other dungeons due to these requirements see here for more detailed info.

For instance, say that you have found every item in the game but four and the ones remaining are the Power Bracelet, Raft, Red Candle and Silver Arrows. From this, we can conclude that the Silver Arrows are in Level 9 because the Power Bracelet and Raft CANNOT be in Level 9, and so the items in Level 9 would be the Red Candle and the Silver Arrows.

Likewise, even if you haven't physically located the items in the levels, you can still use helpful hints to infer the same information.

    • There are three enemy sets possible for dungeons.

    • Goriya/Ropes/Stalfos

    • Like Likes/Wizzrobes/Vires/Lanmolas

    • Gibdos/Pol's Voice/Darknuts

  • Route the overworld efficiently. Try not to waste tons of time backtracking. If you can live without said item, do so until you've finished the route you want to take.

    • It is VERY IMPORTANT to have a good tracking method for the overworld items obtained and Level 9. Whether this is an excel sheet, a physical map or a tracker like Questwizard's zhelper, YOU NEED SOMETHING.

    • Knowing what rooms actually drop items in dungeons will save you A LOT of time. Saver has taken the time and effort to create maps that show the configuration of the drops in each dungeon. There is also this page that shows room configurations and if they have a drop in them. Why kill all those wizzrobes just to find out that the room has to drop to begin with?

    • Knowing how to block clip is a very important skill to know for randomizer. Not only will it let you skip killing harder enemies to enter the diamond staircases, it will also allow you to skip Gohma and Digdogger blocks on those staircases.

    • Likewise, ladder clipping is also important as it allows you to world wrap as well as get through "T" rooms, which can save you a lot of time. You can even use it to bypass a triforce in a "chevy" room if you want to explore on passed it.

    • Screen scrolling goes hand in hand with ladder clips, and is a trick that can find ways to save you time. Even if you aren't great at it, you can use it to get quick access to Death Mountain/Graveyard, get to Level 5, world wrap and even get to the Blue Ring Armos from the Graveyard.

    • Don't be afraid to leave hard dungeons early. It will be far less time to leave and come back, than to waste 20 minutes making no real progress or to hit a ladder block.

    • When in doubt. Grab the Triforce that just popped up on your screen a few rooms in, especially if it's a level like 6 or 7. Take a chance on the hints and items in the easier levels before delving deep into these hell holes.

    • Saver has already full cleared 9 and is going back to 7 to get silver arrows, while you are still getting your 6th triforce. Oh, and he only has 6 hearts, green tunic and a wood sword.