Blue Ring Route

This Route is based off of Jkoper's Beginners Any% Route Guide from Twitch

Maps by Ategenos

Link to jkoper's full video guide

Overworld Map with Arrows Overworld Map

    • Get the Wooden Sword out of the cave on the starting screen

  • Make your way to Level 2

Level 2____________________________________________________________________________

Here is a video guide for Level 2 from Jkoper's VoD

  1. Once you enter the dungeon go RIGHT, kill the Ropes and collect the KEY and go UP

  2. Skip the Ropes on the screen and go UP

  3. If you kill the Goriya that spawns up and to the right of the center blocks it will kill everything in the room (this is called a master mob) collect any drops and go UP

  4. Kill the Ropes on this screen, collect the KEY and go UP

  5. Kill the Moldorms on this screen, collect the KEY and go UP

  6. Kill the Ropes on the screen to open the shutter door and go UP

  7. Kill the Goryias on this screen to open the shutter door, collect the BOMBS in the upper corner and go UP

  8. Kill the Dodongo, collect the HEART CONTAINER, and go LEFT

  9. Collect the TRIFORCE

Killing Dodongo can be done one of two ways. First is to feed it two bombs by placing it in the walking path of the mob. The other is to have the bomb explode and the smoke hit it in the face causing it to be stunned, which you then hit it with your sword (this also forces a bomb drop). This can be done by feeding it one bomb and immediately placing another in it's face so the smoke goes off or by placing a bomb on one of the lines above or below where it is walking so that it walks into the smoke explosion (thereby saving 1 bomb).


<----- Dodgongo



  • Get the 30 SECRET right and up of 2

  • Get the HEART CONTAINER up and left of the 30 secret by bombing the rock

  • Get the 30 SECRET right of the heart by bombing the rock

  • Get the 100 SECRET north of the dead tree

  • Get the LETTER from the old woman two screens left and one up of the 100 secret. (Optional, as you can instead opt to get a potion instead of a heart later to save time)

  • Buy the BLUE CANDLE from the shop east of Level 5

  • Get the WHITE SWORD from the cave over the waterfall (enter the screen, exit and reenter in order to get a favorable spawn for the Lynel that is on the screen)

  • (Optional) Get the 30 SECRET north of Level 1

  • Enter Level 1

Level 1___________________________________________________________________

Here is a video guide for Level 1 from Jkoper's VoD

You MUST have 1 bomb for this level

  1. Once you enter the level, leave right away and reenter. This will unlock the door going up for free.

  2. Go RIGHT and kill the Stalfos with the KEY and then leave

  3. Go UP, skip the Stalfos in the room and go UP

  4. Kill the Stalfos in the room for a KEY and BOMB UP

  5. Skip the Gels in this room and go UP

  6. Kill the Stalfos in this room, collect the KEY and go UP

  7. Kill the Goryia in the room, collect the KEY and go LEFT

  8. Take the passage and collect the BOW and leave

  9. Go LEFT, DOWN, DOWN (back to the room with the Gels) and go RIGHT

  10. Skip the Goryia in this room and go RIGHT

  11. Collect the KEY while avoiding the Wallmasters and go UP

  12. Kill Aquamentus, collect the HEART CONTAINER and go RIGHT

  13. Collect the TRIFORCE


  • Get the 30 SECRET south of 1

  • Get the HEART CONTAINER west of the secret

  • Grab a on the way to level 3 if you collected the letter and if you have enough rupies to get it (190ish for a Blue Potion, 218ish for a Red Potion will guarantee you have enough for Blue Ring, anything less and you risk having to farm rupies if you get bad money drops in 3 in order to get the blue ring)

  • Enter Level 3

Level 3____________________________________________________________________________

Here is a video guide for Level 3 from Jkoper's VoD

  1. Once you enter the level, go LEFT

  2. Collect the KEY and go UP

  3. Kill the Zols and collect the KEY and then go UP

  4. Go LEFT

  5. Go LEFT through the locked door

  6. Go UP collect the KEY and go back DOWN

  7. Kill the Darknuts in the room and go DOWN (It is recommended to use bombs here in order to clear faster, but make sure you have at least one left to bomb a wall later)

  8. Take the passage and collect the RAFT and leave

  9. Go UP, RIGHT, RIGHT and then BOMB RIGHT (you can kill the three Darknuts in this room to collect a BOMB drop)

  10. Go UP


  12. Kill Manhandla, collect the HEART CONTAINER and go UP (it is HIGHLY recommended that you use bombs to kill the boss, so it's a good idea to have several before going in)

  13. Collect the TRIFORCE _________________________________________________________________________________

  • Get the 100 SECRET 1W/1N/1W of Level 3

  • Buy the BLUE RING

  • Enter Level 4

Level 4_______________________________________________________________ _____ _______

Here is a video guide for Level 4 from Jkoper's VoD

You MUST have 2 bombs to complete Level 4

  1. Once you enter the level, go UP

  2. Go UP, collect the KEY and go LEFT

  3. Go UP

  4. Collect the KEY and go UP

  5. Go LEFT

  6. Kill the Vires to open the door and go LEFT

  7. Kill the Like Likes/Zols, use the push block to open the passage and collect the LADDER

  8. Exit the passage and go LEFT

  9. Go LEFT

  10. Go UP

  11. Go RIGHT

  12. BOMB UP


  14. Kill the Vires in the room, use the push block and go RIGHT

  15. Kill Gleeok and collect the HEART CONTAINER

  16. Collect the TRIFORCE


  • After leaving level 4, get the 30 SECRET north of start

  • Get the 100 SECRET north of the coast heart

  • Go south of the 100 secret and bomb the cave to get the HEART CONTAINER

  • Run along the coast and head north when you can and collect the HEART CONTAINER on the ladder on the way by it

  • Keep going north until you hit the raft location and take it north and collect the HEART CONTAINER (or RED POTION if you skipped the letter)

  • Make your way to Level 5

Level 5____________________________________________________________________________

Here is a video guide for Level 5 from Jkoper's VoD

It is HIGHLY recommended that you have close to full bombs before going into level 5

  1. Once you enter the level, go UP


  3. BOMB LEFT (Skip the Gibdo with the BOMB for now unless you really need bombs

  4. Sword Clip into the passage (see HERE on help with learning how to do this) otherwise, kill the Darknuts to take the passage, though this will take much longer

  5. Once you leave the passage, go LEFT

  6. Kill the Darknuts and use the push block to get the RECORDER (it is recommended that you use bombs to help kill these as they take four hits each with the White Sword)

  7. Exit the passage, go RIGHT and take the stairs

  8. Go RIGHT, kill the Gibdo for the BOMBS if you didn't before and go RIGHT

  9. Kill the Gibdos to open the door, collect the KEY and go UP

  10. Go RIGHT

  11. Go UP

  12. Go UP

  13. Go UP, collect the KEY and go LEFT

  14. Go LEFT

  15. Go LEFT

  16. Kill Digdogger and collect the HEART CONTAINER

  17. Collect the TRIFORCE

To kill Digdogger, you need to use the RECORDER to shrink it down. The easiest strategy is to place a bomb on it, blow the recorder and then hit it twice with your sword.


  • Use the Recorder to warp to Level 3 (Turn RIGHT and toot twice)

  • Buy MEAT from the blue ring shop and ARROWS from the shop on the screen below

  • Enter Level 7

Level 7____________________________________________________________________________

Here is a video guide for Level 7 from Jkoper's VoD

You MUST have 5 bombs to complete level 7 (7 bombs are recommended to save time on the Digdogger)

  1. Once you enter the level go UP

  2. BOMB UP

  3. Go UP

  4. Kill the room to open the door and go UP

  5. Go Left

  6. Go UP

  7. Use the MEAT to get by the Goryia and go UP

  8. Go RIGHT (you can swing your sword right as you get to the goryia in this room and move right right away to avoid damage)



  11. Go RIGHT

  12. Kill the Digdogger to open up the door go UP (It is highly recommended that you place a bomb, use the recorder, and immediately place another bomb to kill this one, as it splits into three sections)


  14. Kill the Wallmasters (use arrows if the bubbles are giving you trouble) and take the stairs


  16. Kill Aquamentus, collect the HEART CONTAINER and go RIGHT

  17. Collect the TRIFORCE


  • Either screen scroll to the graveyard or head to the lost woods and once there go North, West, South, West

  • Collect the MAGIC SWORD from the old man at the grave

  • Enter Level 6

Level 6____________________________________________________________________________

Here is a video guide for Level 6 from Jkoper's VoD

You need 1 bomb for this level in order to save time

  1. Once you enter the level, go RIGHT

  2. Go UP

  3. Go UP

  4. Kill all the Keese to open the door and go UP

  5. Go UP

  6. Kill the Like Likes and Wizzrobes in this room, use the push block to open the door and go UP


  8. Collect the KEY and go DOWN

  9. Kill the Vires to open the door and go RIGHT

  10. Kill the Like Likes and Wizzrobes, use the push block and take the passage

  11. Once out of the passage go DOWN

  12. Kill the Vires, collect the KEY and go LEFT

  13. Go UP

  14. Kill Gohma (shoot it in the eye while it's open), collect the HEART CONTAINER and go UP

  15. Collect the TRIFORCE


  • Use the Recorder to warp to Level 2 (turn LEFT and toot once)

  • Enter Level 8

Level 8____________________________________________________________________________

Here is a video guide for Level 8 from Jkoper's VoD

Though not required, having many bombs will help with the Darknut rooms in this level

  1. Once you enter the level, go UP

  2. Avoid the Manhandla in this room and BOMB UP

  3. Kill the Darknuts in this room, collect the KEY and go UP

  4. Go UP

  5. Kill the Darknuts to open the door and go RIGHT

  6. Take the passage

  7. Once you leave the passage, BOMB UP (use arrows in this room to clear the Pol's Voice so you don't take extra damage)

  8. Kill Gleeok, collect the HEART CONTAINER and go UP

  9. Collect the TRIFORCE


  • Use the Recorder to warp to Level 1 (Turn LEFT and toot once)

  • Enter Level 9

Level 9____________________________________________________________________________

Here is a video guide for Level 9 from Jkoper's VoD

You MUST have AT LEAST 2 KEYS and 1 BOMB when you enter level 9 to finish it (3 keys/8 bombs recommended)

  1. Once you enter the level, go UP

    1. Go UP

  2. BOMB LEFT (IF YOU NEED A THIRD KEY Kill the Like Likes and Zols and collect the KEY)

  3. Kill the Lanmolas and take the stairs (can also sword clip like on the blue Darknut room in level 5 if you are comfortable)

  4. Once you exit the passage, kill the Like Likes and go RIGHT

  5. Go RIGHT

  6. Kill the Patra (kill the things orbiting it first, then the main body), collect the BOMBS and go UP


  8. Kill the Wizzrobes, use the push block and take the stairs

  9. Once you exit the passage go LEFT

  10. Go LEFT

  11. Kill the Patra and take the stairs

  12. BOMB UP

  13. Kill the Wizzrobes in the room and use the push block in the middle right side, collect the SILVER ARROWS and go DOWN (use bombs to help with the enemies but make sure you have 2 BOMBS LEFT)

  14. Kill the Wizzrobes and take the stairs

  15. Once you leave the passage go UP

  16. Go UP

  17. Bomb LEFT

  18. Kill the Wizzrobes, use the push block and take the stairs

  19. Bomb LEFT

  20. Kill the Like Like and Zols then take the stairs (sword clip if you can)

  21. Once you leave the passage, kill the Patra and go UP

  22. Kill Ganon, collect the TRIFORCE and go UP

  23. Kill the fire with your sword and save Zelda

The Ganon Fight

Once you enter Ganons room and the fight starts, he will be invisible and shoot fireballs at you. The easiest thing to do is go to the bottom left corner and wait for him to come to you, while you dodge the fireballs. You need to hit him 4 times with your sword before he turns red, at which point

you need to shoot him with the silver arrows to defeat him.



Credit to Jkoper for the route and video guide

Questions or comments? E-mail me at