NR 509 Week 5 Quiz: Questions and Answers (Spring 2018)

  1. An older patient has been diagnosed with pernicious anemia. The FNP knows that this condition could be related to
  2. ….. examining a patient who tells the FNP “I sure sweat a lot especially on my face and feet but it doesn’t have an odor”. The FNP knows that this could … related to
  3. During an abdominal assessment the FNP elicits tenderness on light palpation in the right lower quadrant. The FNP interprets that this finding could indicate a disorder which of these structures?
  4. An Inuit visiting Nevada from anchorage has come to the clinic in July during the hottest part of the day. It so happens that the clinics air conditioning is broken and the temperature is very hot. The FNP knows that which of these statements is true about the Inuit sweating tendencies?
  5. The FNP notices that a patient has black, tarry stool and recalls that a possible cause would …
  6. ….. an abdominal …. deep palpation is used to determine
  7. The FNP is assessing the abdomen of an aging adult. Which of these statements regarding an aging adult and abdominal assessment is true?
  8. During examination the FNP finds that a patient has excessive dryness of the skin. The best term to describe this condition is
  9. A FNP notices that a patient has ascites, which indicates the presence of
  10. The FNP is performing percussion during an abdominal assessment. Percussion notes during the abdominal assessment may include
  11. The FNP is caring for a black child who has … with marasmus. The FNP would expect to find the
  12. … patient’s medical record that the patient has a lesion that is confluent in nature. On examination the FNP would expect to find
  13. The FNP is assessing the abdomen of a pregnant woman who is complaining of having acid indigestion all the time. The FNP knows that esophageal reflux during pregnancy can cause
  14. The patient has abdominal borborygmi. The FNP knows that this term refers to
  15. A patient has a terrible itch for several months that he … scratching continuously. On examination the FNP might expect to find
  16. During aging process, the hair can look gray or white and begin to feel thin and fine. The FNP knows that this occurs because of a decrease in number of functioning
  17. The FNP notices that a patient has a solid, elevated, circumscribed lesion that is less than 1 cm in diameter. When documenting this finding the FNP would report this as a
  18. During an abdominal assessment the FNP would consider which of these findings as normal?
  19. A 52 -year-old Woman has a papule on her nose that has a rounded pearly border and a central red ulcer. She said she first noticed it several months ago and that it is slowly growing larger. The FNP suspects which condition?
  20. The FNP is listening to bowel sounds. Which of these statements is true about bowel sounds?
  21. The FNP is watching a new graduate FNP perform auscultation of a patient abdomen. Which statement by the new graduate shows a correct understanding of the reason auscultation proceeds percussion and palpitation of the abdomen?
  22. A patient is complaining of a sharp pain along the costovertebral angles. The FNP knows that this symptom is most often indicative of
  23. The patient is … of having inflammation of the gallbladder or cholecystitis. The FNP should conduct which of these techniques to assess for this condition?
  24. A newborn infant is in the clinic for a well baby check. The FNP observes the infant for possibility of fluid loss because of which these factors?
  25. During an assessment of a newborn infant, the FNP recalls that pyloric stenosis would … manifested by