CST8110 | Assignment 3 - Gambling

Introduction to Computer Programming - CST8110

Assignment 3 - Gambling


Assignments are expected to be done individually. However, it is ok to share ideas or discuss

with peers. Do not copy/paste or transcribe code from each other or the web. This way your

work will keep some of its originality.

1 Solitaire Dice

This assignment involves a game invented by Howard Rosenblum, the CST8110 coordinator,

which he calls Solitaire Dice.

• The game is played alone.

• The player starts with a pot of money (e.g. $100).

1. The player chooses a bet amount less than or equal to his current pot.

– Invalid amounts are ignored, the player must specify another bet amount. [1 pts]

– A bet of $0 means the player wants to quit the game. [1 pts]

2. The game will remove their bet amount from the pot. [1 pts]

3. The game will roll three 6-faced dices and display the values rolled. [1 pts]

4. The game will adjust the pot in the following order of priority:

– If all three dices have the same value, then the player wins triple their bet back.

[1 pts]

– If two of the three die have the same value, then the player wins double their bet

back. [1 pts]

– If the total of the three dice is strictly greater than 10, then the player wins their

bet back. [1 pts]

– Otherwise, the player has lost their money.

– It is not possible to get multiple results simultaneously. [1 pts]

5. The game ends automatically if the pot reaches 0. [1 pts]

• Coding Style: Variable names are sensible (i.e. meaningful). [1 pts]

• BONUS: Betting the character ? (question mark) bets a random amount of money (within

the valid range, excluding $0). [0.5 pts]

• BONUS: Betting the character ~(tilde) is considered cheating, as it adds $100 to your pot.

[0.5 pts]

• The program does not compile. [-10 pts]


1.1 Hints

• You can use break to exit the loop completely (e.g. when the user bets $0).

• You can use continue to skip the rest of the loop’s body (e.g. when the user bets an invalid


• You should use the && logical operator (AND) when testing for triples.

• You should use the || logical operator (OR) when testing for doubles.

1.2 Runtime Examples (the text in blue is user input)

Pot: $100

Bet amount: $100

The rolls are: 2 3 4

Better luck next time.

Get out. You are broke.

Pot: $100

Bet amount: $50

The rolls are: 5 2 4

High roll, you get your bet back.

Pot: $100

Bet amount: $50

The rolls are: 2 5 5


Pot: $150

Bet amount: $?

You randomly bet $108

The rolls are: 4 5 5


Pot: $258

Bet amount: $~

Cheat: Free Money

Pot: $358

Bet amount: $0

Take care.

What to submit

• Submit your .java file in Blackboard.

• Your programs must compile.

• If you can’t complete the assignment, submit what you have.