E N G A R D E - P R Ê T S - A L L E Z
Welcome the the UNB Fencing Club's new website.
Founded in 1966, the UNB Fencing Club is the longest running fencing club in Atlantic Canada. Membership is open to all UNB and STU students, as well as members of the community aged 15 or older. Visitors are welcome to drop in at anytime.
Programs are offered for all skill levels in Foil, Epee, and Sabre*. No prior knowledge of the sport is necessary. All equipment is provided free of charge to club members.
It's free to try, so do not hesitate and come have fun.
Feel free to follow our Instagram for up-to-date news about club activities.
The 2023 UNB Shield Tournament will be hosted March 18th - 19th at the UNB Currie Center first floor gym. The tournament flyer below! Make sure you register prior to March 16th at midnight.

*Programs on offer determined annually by available coaches and interest. Currently only epee lessons are available at the club.