2011 Solstice

TARC Fells Trail Ultra Winter Solstice Fat Ass Style Informal Race Run

December 3, 2011

Another race has come and gone. There was a record turnout with 35 runners showing up (including at least four Banditos who were at least courteous enough to sign in). Seven people finished the full 40 miles, and a whopping 13 went for 32 miles today. Congratulations to all who made it out there, and a big thanks to my expert volunteers Sean, Adrian, and Jean!

As always, the runners of this race showed class, distinction, and taste. It is always a pleasure to see you at every race.

I especially appreciated all of your kind words regarding my involvement in this race for the past two years, and I look forward to seeing you at the TARC Summer Fells Ultra!

Race Pics and some silly comments at: https://picasaweb.google.com/102403296013975888399/TARCFellsTrailUltraWinterSolsticeEditionFatAssStyleInformalRunRace#

Fall Fells 2011