I am a PhD candidate in Economics at CREST (Institut Polytechnique de Paris), under the supervision of Prof. Pierre Cahuc and Prof. Arne Uhlendorff

My research lies in labor economics, gender and public economics. I study how different actors—peers, firms, information frictions, and public policies—shape the evolution of gender norms. My other research interests are on biased beliefs and job-search behavior, on the optimal design of parental leave policies, and on the effects of pay transparency on firm wage premia.

During my PhD, I visited the LSE and the University of California, Berkeley.

NEWS: My JMP has been awarded the Young Labor Economist Prize 2024 by the European Association of Labour Economists, the Best Paper Award in Gender Economics 2024 by the Unicredit Foundation, the Discrimination and Diversity Workshop Outstanding Paper Award 2024

On the academic job market this fall 2024/2025.


 Pierre Cahuc    Patrick Kline    Camille Landais    Roland Rathelot    Arne Uhlendorff