
Have a look at my CV HERE

My name is Federica Meluzzi and I am a fourth-year PhD candidate in Economics at CREST (Institut Polytechnique de Paris). I work under the supervision of Prof. Pierre Cahuc and Prof. Arne Uhlendorff

My research interests are in labor economics and public economics. In these areas, my research is on (i) gender differences in job search, (ii) peer effects, (iii) the optimal design of parental leave policies, (iv) pay transparency policies and firms' behavior.

I am a research fellow at the Directorate of Research, Economic Studies and Statistics at the French Ministry of Labour. 

I hold a MRes in Economics at the European University Institute and a MSc in Economics at the University of Bologna.

In Spring 2023, I visited the Economics Department at  LSE, hosted by Prof. Camille Landais

In Spring 2024, I will be visiting the Economics Department at  the University of California, Berkeley, hosted by Prof. Patrick Kline.

NEWS: I have been awarded the "Roberto Einaudi" Research Grant to pursue research on gender differences in the labor market and the role of social norms!