Useful links

Here is a list of links that can be useful for study, research, musical activities.

The links are grouped for categories, as far as possible, and represent a part of what is possible to find on the web.

All the sites have a free access.

In order:


Mp3 and radio online

Contemporary and Electronic Music

Open access online journals, mainly about Musical Analysis, bibliographical researches

Some sites about Linux and Open Source world

Suggestions for Music and Mathematics, Pitch-class Set Theory, Music Theory

Interesting Blogs and sites of various types


Mp3 and radio online, video:

Contemporary and Electronic Music:

Open access online journals, mainly about Musical Analysis, bibliographical researches:

Some sites for who is interested in Linux and Open Source world:

N.B.: this is only a minimal part of what the web offers about Open Source. Further information about musical software you can find in my paper published on Musica Domani (you can read or download it in the page Publications). Only as suggestion here is a list of some of more used software: Csound; Ardour; Audacity; Bristol; Creox; GnomeWaveCleaner; Solfege; Jack; JackRack; JMax; K3b; Linux Multimedia Studio; VLC; Mammut; Muse; MuseScore; Miro; PureData; Qsampler; Qsynth; Rakarrak; Rezound; Rosegarden; Snd; SoundConverter; Tapiir; ZynAddSubFX ...

These software are relative to various sectors: musical notation, DSP, Live Electronics, Audio/MIDI Sequencing, audio Editing and so on.

Suggestions for Music and Mathematics, Pitch-class Set Theory, Music Theory:

Interesting Blogs and sites of various types: