FDSDB_XXth_CT for Open Music

FDSDB, XXth Century Composition Techniques.

Library for Open Music, software for algorithmic composition, addressed to XXth Century composition techniques.

For installing it is sufficient to unzip the archive and to copy the omonym library folder into the folder in which user has Open Music libraries. Tipically, from Open Music version 6.13: /Users/<user name>/OM/Libraries. Windows and Linux users: open the folder and copy that inside with the same name of the first one, if present.

I thank Open Music community and specifically Karim Haddad, Anders Vinjar  and Torsten Anders for help with Lisp code for realizing some functions.

The library has been mainly tested on OsX 10.8.5, 10.11.6, 10.13.6 and Linux Fedora 20, 30 and 32 with Open Music, versions until 7.4; for every suggestion or problem it is possible to contact me at the mail address reported in Home Page.

The library can be downloaded from links listed below.

Update ended on 2024, 3rd of October.

New functions: Serial-Post serial Music->Boulez menu, figures e messagesquisses; Serial-Post serial Music->Donatoni menu, lumen-oct-down-shift-proc e lumen-oct-up-shift-proc (many thanks to Karim Haddad for help in coding); PCST menu, pcs-int-search, p-int-search; Pitch menu, scale-range, pcs-int-search p-int-search; Utilities menu, cellular-automata, cellular-automata-recursive.

Update finished on November, 19th, 2023.

New functions: menu PCST, mc2pc e pc2mc, conversion between Midicents and Pitch-Classes; menu Pitch, rand-register (random octave distribution of the notes of a chord), symchord11-all, symchord11-less, symchord11-rnd, symchord12-all, symchord12-less, symchord12-rnd, functions about chords symmetric respect to their centre (same intervals from chord centre to high and low ends).

Update ended September 2, 2023.

A new menu has been added, “Spectral”, which for now presents only the composer Grisey, with two techniques taken from Partiels, functions partiels and partiels2. We will avoid functions already present in other libraries, as far as we know.

The "Debussy" item has been added to the "Modern" menu, with ripieno harmonization techniques, with the functions ripieno, ripieno-slendro e ripeno-rnd.

The composer Corghi has been added to the “Serial-Post serial Music” menu, with four techniques used in the Mazapegul, with the functions maz-harmonizer, scales2harmonic-fields, scale2harmonic-fields-del, negative-scale.

The “PCST” menu adds the function ps-transpositions, and the “Pitch” menu adds the functions ltm-all and harmonizer.

The "Utilities" menu is enriched with other functions, some specifically compositional, such as voice2chord-seq, echo-orchestration, echo-orchestration2, substitute-list, all-rotations, voice-interp.

Updated on 3/7/2023.

A new menu has been added, "Modern", intended for early 20th century composers not included in the previous categories. At the moment there are Alois Hába and Bela Bartók. Among the added functions: gs, gs-recursive, fibo-chords, fibo-chords-user about Bartók and all-7th-chords all-9th-chords all-11th-chords all-13th-chords symmetry-f-g-O+R symmetry-f-g-O+R-catalogue symmetry-f-g-O+O symmetry-f-g-O+O-catalogue symmetry-f-sharp-O+R symmetry-f-sharp-O+R-catalogue symmetry-f-sharp-O+O symmetry-f-sharp-O+O-catalogue f-sharp-axis f-sharp-axis-catalogue f-g-axis f-g-axis-catalogue about Hába.

Bartók functions create chords whose interval distances are proportional to numbers of the Fibonacci series, randomly or deterministically, and divide a numerical range into parts proportional to the Golden Ratio, also recursively.

The Hába functions compile catalogues of possible chords from sevenths to thirteenths, and create various types of scales and catalogues of scales, dividing the octave into two parts.

Little update made on May, 1, 2023.

Some little mistakes have been corrected as well as chords-rhythmic-canons function.

New functions have been introduced. Ligeti: luxaeterna2, micropolyphony; Harvey: q1-random, q1-user, ritual-melodies; Messiaen: talea-n; Berg: m5m7; Utilities: ord-comb; selection-n.

In this version, new features deduced from Olivier Messiaen's "Technique of my musical language" have been incorporated, in the Italian version translated by Lucia Ronchetti.

They are the result of a rereading of the treatise inspired by Maestro Francesco Maria Paradiso, whom I thank, after a Masterclass on Messiaen held together at the Conservatory of Sassari in the a.y. 2020-2021.

The new functions added are: augm+dim, chord-types, chords+durs, chords-canon, chords-rhythmic-canon, chrd-progression, circular-series, custom-augm+dim, interval-cells, interversion, mel-contour, modal-sequence, mode-common-pch, mode-compl, ostinato+var, parallel-chords, parallel-chords-poly, pch-delete, ped-group, point-add, point-add-canon, rhythm+r, rhythmic-canon+del, rhythmic-canon-2v, rhythmic-ped, talea.

As always, each example has its own reference to Messiaen's treatise (page and/or number of the musical example).

New functions


20180810: corrected a programmation error in object sieves-durs.

Some screenshots from tutorials.

Dodecaphony: canonical forms, chromatic and ordered transpositions.


Symmetric series: not chromatic tetrachords.


So-called Boulez's demultiplied rhythms.


Xenakis's sieves theory.


Latin squares (Maderna).


Invariants between two chords according to absolute pitches (P Space).


Non retrogradable rhythms.


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