
In this page my research works about Musical Informatics.


FDSDB, XXth Century Composition Techniques.

Library for PWGL or Open Music, softwares for algorithmic composition, addressed to XXth Century composition techniques.

Application field of this library can be composition, didactics of composition and musical analysis. It is conceived to be used in parallel with patches (or algorithmic schemas) that show the specific composition technique, many of which are into pdf slides of my Erasmus lessons: first you study the algorithm as expressed into the patch, and the relative bibliography if specified, last the functioning of corresponding object of the library. Or, in a faster manner, it is possible to use only the specified references. In a different manner the use of technique could be deprived of its meaning, also expressive meaning, and decontestualized from a historical point of view. The aim is also that of transmitting and preserving some techniques of the past that, in my modest opinion, have still a value, also for their utopic tension.

I dedicate this work to my wife, for her patience and support, without which to realize this library should have been not possible.

For download of respective versions and installation instructions, please, go to the dedicated pages.