Home page of Prof. Fabio De Sanctis De Benedictis's courses - ISSM "P. Mascagni" - Livorno (Italy)

Welcome to the Home Page of my courses by High Musical Studies Institute "Pietro Mascagni" in Livorno, Italy.

In the page Bio you can find short biographical informations.

In the page Code some software llibraries by me.

In the page Conferences and seminars there are materials relative to my conferences and seminars.

In the page Didactics you can find my courses materials. Most of them in Italian, some in English.

In the page Papers my papers.

In the page Useful links you can find a list of links to sites of different type, useful for study and research, for musical activities and so on.

If there are site troubles, I beg you to get in touch with me by email using the address you can find further.

Good surfing.




YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/fdsdb12358

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/fabiodesanctisdebenedictis