About Dr Fawnizu

Other details about Dr Fawnizu can also be found at his LinkedIn profile and resume/CV (PDF).
Research profiles on ORCID, Scholar, SCOPUS, SciProfiles, ResearchGate,  and Academia.
Sone profile photos are available here.

Dr Fawnizu Azmadi Hussin
Associate Professor at Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia
Current and Past Leadership Roles

E-mail: fawnizu at utp dot edu dot my
E-mail: fawnizu at ieee dot org
Office: 22-03-10 (Block 22), Electrical & Electronic Engineering Department
Address: Electrical & Electronic Eng Dept, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Seri Iskandar, 32610, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
Phone (D/L): +605-368-7811
Fax (Dept.): +605-365-7443 (EE)


Dr Fawnizu Azmadi Hussin (IEEE M'02, SM'14) is an Associate Professor at the Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia. Dr Fawnizu was the Director of UTP Strategic Alliance Office (Oct.2014 - Sept.2018) where he coordinated UTP partnerships with university and industry partners. Prior to that, he was the Deputy Head of E&E Department (Jan.2013-Sept.2014) and the Program Manager of the MSc in Electronics System Engineering (Dec.2008-Feb.2012)--a coursework-based Master program offered by the Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department at UTP. He was the first program manager for the MSc program. Before ending his term, he led the accreditation exercise (document preparation and accreditation site visit) with the MQA (Malaysian Qualification Agency) to secure a perpetual accreditation for the MSc program. 

In addition, Dr Fawnizu is also a PIKOM PLC Associate (Project Leadership Certification) and a Certified HRDF (Human Resource Development Fund) Trainer, and has conducted several paid training courses.

Outside of his institution, he was a Visiting Professor at Intel Microelectronics Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Sept 2012 - May 2013). He was also a Visiting Professor at Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT-UTM) (Jan 2020 - Dec 2020) and currently a Member of Board of Study for Masters in Computer Engineering and Business Technology at Universiti Putra Malaysia (Feb 2020 - Jan 2023). Dr Fawnizu has graduated 11 PhD and 12 MSc students by research at UTP. He has served as external evaluator for academic promotions at two institutions, external examiner for 11 PhD theses and viva and 11 MSc/MPhil theses and viva and 19 Masters dissertation (project by course) at various local and international institutions. He also served in various grant panels including industry-based grants by CREST (Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science and Technology), multi-country grants by Malaysia-Thailand Joint Authority (MTJA) and the research grants by Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. 

At the Ministry of Education level, he served as a taskforce member for the Malaysian Quality Evaluation System for Private Colleges (MyQUEST) in 2021-2022. The taskforce coordinated the rating exercise for 230+ private colleges in Malaysia from indicator review and development, to the audit exercise, final data analysis and ratings recommendations to the Steering Committee at the Department of Higher Education of Malaysia. Dr Fawnizu was also appointed by the Minister of Education as a member of the Board of Examination and Cerfificate/Diploma Awards for Polytechnics and Community Colleges (2022-2025) in Malaysia.

As a professional, Dr Fawnizu has been actively involved with the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE). He was the Membership Development Coordinator (2021-2022) at IEEE Region 10 (Asia Pacific) and Vice Chair of IEEE Kuala Lumpur subsection (2022). Prior to that, he was the Chair of the IEEE Malaysia Section (2019-2020),  and the chair of IEEE Circuits & Systems Malaysia Chapter for 2013-2014 (2 years). He started the involvement at the Malaysia section level as the executive committee member in charge of Newsletters and Communication for 2015-2016 (2 years), then as the vice chair for 2017-2018 (2 years) before getting elected as the Chair during the 29th Annual General Meeting on 19th January 2019 at Dorsettt Hotel, Putrajaya.

Dr Fawnizu received the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Computer Engineering) degree with emphasis in the field of Computer Design from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities in 1999. Upon completion, he returned to Malaysia to join the Universiti Teknologi Petronas as a tutor. Early in 2000, he continued his study at the University of New South Wales, Australia and obtained the Masters of Engineering Science in Electrical Engineering in 2001 with a project thesis entitled "Drum Water Level Control: A Study by Simulation".

He returned to Universiti Teknologi Petronas to join as an academic staff where he pursued his interest in academic and research until the end of March 2005. Starting April 2005, Fawnizu continued his research as a PhD student at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan. He was awarded the Monbukagakusho scholarship for the duration of his PhD research by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan.

At Nara Institute, he completed his PhD at the Computer Design & Test Laboratory (Fujiwara Laboratory). His PhD thesis is in the field of System-on-Chip and Network-on-Chip Testing under the supervision of Professor Hideo Fujiwara and Assistant Professor Tomokazu Yoneda. He has published several research papers as a result of his research at the laboratory. He is currently Guest Editing a special issue on "Recent Advances in Emerging Transistor Technologies and Their Applications" at MDPI Micromachines. 

Dr Fawnizu is interested in all aspects of Computer Engineering (including IT/Multimedia/Networking/AI) and Electronics, including but not limited to the following areas:

A list of Dr Fawnizu's paper publications can be found here (this personal website).