A Few Secrets to Excel the Journey of Becoming a Celebrity Stylist

"Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak." – Rachael Zoe. Being a stylist is not just a profession rather it is more about who you are and what your personality is! If you are aspiring to become a celebrity stylist in Los Angeles, then you need to realize that the journey won’t be easy; you will have to hope for the best while stay prepared for the worst.

However, there are certain tricks and secrets which can help in making your journey of becoming a renowned wardrobe stylist in LA a bit smoother. Let us have a look at some of those expert tricks –

• Careful Selection of Course

It is common for stylists to study fashion at universities specifically degrees that involve history of fashion or the fashion business. However, getting a degree in fashion doesn’t make you a stylist! There are many celebrity stylists like Elizabeth Stewart who were in different fields and haven’t gone to any university for studying fashion, but still have become famous. Also, there are many young people aspiring to be stylists prefer to get straight into the field through work experience. So whether you want to go for a degree or straight to the field to gain experience, if you are serious about becoming a stylist then you will need to be fully dedicated and focused towards the goal.

• Building Connections and Valuing Relationships

Building connections and having a strong network is extremely essential step to succeed in the fashion industry. When you at the beginning of your journey, make connections and eventually grow together as a team. Be it photographers or hair and makeup artists or anyone you assist during your initial days, staying connected is the key here.

• Begin your journey as an assistant

If you truly wish to learn and grow, then the best way is to be an assistant. Although you have a unique sense of styling, but to flourish you will need to combine your creativity with hard work and stay devoid of ego. Educating yourself, looking at everything you can and realizing that 90 percent of the job involved is not glamorous can only be achieved by assisting someone who is already established. You will fumble at first but will learn from your boss, then you will start finding your feet and then eventually you will step out as a stylist with experience. You need to understand that positive attitude and organization are the keys to success not only in fashion industry but everywhere. Also, remember to treat everyone equally.

• Discover a point of view that will distinguish you

Discovering your unique and distinctive point of view and honing it will help you become a wardrobe stylist LA with unique taste. You taste of styling should be a personal thing; you need to understand its essence first and believe in yourself. At first others might not understand your style but you still need to be passionate and patient to make them realize your point of view and the beauty of your style.

Reference: https://www.vogue.co.uk/article/how-to-become-a-celebrity-stylist


Zoe Hennessey is a freelance celebrity stylist in Los Angeles, C.A. She styles for commercials, print advertisements, music videos, television shows, red carpet and fashion editorials. Want to know more about her? Visit https://www.zoehennessey.com/

Source: https://zoehennessey.wordpress.com/2020/06/13/a-few-secrets-to-excel-the-journey-of-becoming-a-celebrity-stylist/