-Co-ed Rules

Fannin County Recreation Department

Co-ed Volleyball Rules

  • Swearing will not be tolerated. Teams will receive one warning each. After that the referee has the right to stop play. We are not the only program in this building.

  • PLEASE RESPECT THE CALLS FROM THE OFFICIAL. Anyone arguing with the official or another player will be given a warning. If that player continues to argue, the participant will be ejected from the game. If it happens a 3rd time, the player will be done playing for the season.

  • Every team must provide a line judge.

  • First team to 25 wins, rally scoring.

  • Teams must field a minimum of five (5) players to legally start a game without a forfeit.

  • Each team must alternate male/female in line-up. At no time may a team play with more males than females unless you only have 5 players present at game time. In this case, you can play 3 male & 2 female.

  • A served ball that strikes the net is alive if falls in bounds.

  • The ball must be served from behind the designated back line. A foot may touch the line, but cannot cross.

  • Both underhand and overhand serves are permitted.

  • A served ball may not be blocked or attacked in any manner.

  • One-handed saves are permitted, except those considered “slaps” – hand should be closed.

  • Ceiling rule – The ball will remain “live” as long as it stays within your team’s side of the net. Otherwise, ball is dead, appropriate service/point awarded.

  • A returned ball may not be “lifted”. Bumps/closed hands are required on ball’s waist high and below.

  • Players may set the serve, but it has to be legit. It cannot be a two handed pass.

  • Ball can touch any part of the body.

  • Teams rotate into the serve.

  • A series of two or more contacts must involve a female player.

  • A male can hit the ball over in one hit from the serve or anywhere else on the court.

  • Serve can take place anywhere on the back line.

  • A back row male player may come up to the front and block when there is only one other male in the front row. That player is not allowed to attack a ball above the net from in front of the ten-foot line.

  • If your team has a question regarding a player or the score, only the captain may talk to the official about their ruling or for clarification.


Volleyball Terms

Blocking: A defensive play in which a player or players play a ball that is right at the net.

Body Foul: Ball touches any part of a player below the waist.

Dead Ball: Ball that is temporarily out of play.

Foot Fault: Server stops on or over the end line at the moment she contacts the ball.

Illegal Hit: Ball visibly comes to rest voluntarily on any part of the body above and including the waist.

Legal Hit: Ball that is given immediate impetus with any part of the body above and including the waist.

Legal Serve: Putting the ball into play over the net into the opponent’s court by a player positioned within the serving area.

Out of Bounds: Any surface or object outside of the court except when a player is in the act of playing the ball.

Point: Scoring unit awarded to serving team for the infringement of a rule by the receiving team.

Rotation: Act of shifting positions in a clockwise direction as shown in the court diagram.

Serving Order: Sequence of service of a team’s players, which coincides with the official method of rotation.

Side-Out: Decision following the infringement of a rule by the serving team at which time service is awarded to the opposing team.

Term of Service: Server continues to serve until side-out is called.

Spiked Ball: A ball (other than a served ball) hit forcibly at a downward angle from a height greater than the top of the net.

Time Out: Temporary Suspension of play for the purpose of rest, substitution, or injury. Two time-outs are allowed per game.

Violation: Infringement of the rules that is sometimes referred to as a foul.

A printable version of the rules is available below: