-Zero Tolerance Policy

This policy was implemented on 04/01/1995 and amended on 12/03/2008 with the purpose of upholding a healthy and enjoyable environment for the entire community of Fannin County Parks and Recreation Department. This policy is in affect at all Fannin County Recreation Department events and locations. This includes events held out of town. All decisions made by the Fannin County Recreation Department Board are final.

· Players, managers, spectators, or coaches ejected from a game will not be allowed to participate in the next 1 and/or up to the next 2 games. In the event that the ejection is in the last game of the season the suspension may carry over to the next participating sport.

· Players, managers, coaches, spectators, guilty of profanity, either by word or sign, against other players, coaches, spectators, referees, or any other people just before, during, or immediately after a game shall be suspended for the current game and the next game and possibly up to the following game also.

· Players, managers, coaches, or spectators guilty of making threatening gestures against other players, coaches, spectators, referees, or any other people shall receive up to a 2 game suspension.

· Players, managers, coaches, or spectators who participate in pushing, striking, or fighting against any other players, managers, coaches, spectators, referees, or any other people shall receive punishment as determined by the Recreation Board which may include a maximum of lifetime suspension.

· Violations of A, B, C, or D as determined by the Recreation Department officials or staff will result immediately in leaving the premises entirely without any visual or verbal contact with their team for the entire suspension. Violators may be on probation for one year from the date of the incident. Any subsequent violation may result in a suspension from participation in the Recreation Department up to a maximum of five (5) years after which time the violator may request a hearing for reinstatement.

· Violations of A, B, C, or D are determined by recreation officials or staff. Any person may appeal their violation to the Recreation Department Board. The decision thereof shall be final.

· Failure to abide by these terms and conditions may result in your child/children being prohibited from participating in future activities of the Fannin County Recreation Department.

· For all Fannin County Recreation Department competitions, positive cheering by players, coaches, and spectators is encouraged. Any negative cheering/hollering may result in a warning and/or removal from the site whether it is for or against your team.