
IFS ● TU Dortmund

  • SS 2019 / Sabbatical

University of Bonn

  • 2015-2019 "Preparation for pre-service teaching - Part II," Master-level required core courses for preservice teachers (2 courses; 3 courses in 2018).
              • (taught in: WS 2015/2016; WS 2016/2017; WS 2017/2018; WS 2018/2019)
  • 2015-2018 "Preparation for pre-service teaching - Part I," Master-level required core courses for preservice teachers (2 courses; 3 courses in 2018).
              • (taught in: SS 2015; SS 2016; SS 2017; SS 2018)
  • WS 2014/2015 "Student Motivation and Learning," Master-level seminar for preservice teachers.
  • WS 2014/2015 "Which Teaching Methods Work?," Master-level seminar for preservice teachers.

University of Michigan

  • FS 2011/2012 "Educational Psychology and Human Development," Undergraduate level required core course for preservice teachers.
  • WS 2011 "Advanced Statistical Methods for Psychologists - Part II," PhD-level required core course for graduate students in psychology.
  • FS 2010/2011 "Advanced Statistical Methods for Psychologists- Part I," PhD-level required core course for graduate students in psychology.
  • WS 2010 "Introduction to Organizational Psychology," Undergraduate level elective course.


  • 2010 "Multivariate Statistics," Professional development course at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Germany.
  • 2006 "Statistics with SPSS," Professional development course at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Germany.
  • 2006 "Introduction to Statistics," Professional development course at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Germany.
  • 2006 "Time Management: Theory & Principles, Methods & Alternatives," Undergraduate-level workshop, social management, University of Bonn, Germany.