Opening Positions

[Open positions 2024 (誠徵博士後研究員, 研究助理, 工程師)] We are hiring! Applications are invited for postdoc positions, research assistants, and engineers!  Please submit your application (including CV, research statement, and documents of professional profile) to π.01Labs! [More details]

Hiwi positions [Closed, 31 July 2023]

HiWi positions (student assistants/teaching assistants) are open. [More details]

Ph.D. positions [Closed, 2019]

We are looking for a self-motived Ph.D. student in the following research areas but not limited to cyber-physical systems, edge computing, embedded systems, pervasive and ubiquitous computing, wearable computing, software-defined communication systems, and wireless networks. [More details]. 

Teaching assistants [Closed on 24 Oct 2018] 

A teaching assistant for the module in Computer Systems is open. [More details]