
Arcane Background ‐ Psi

Skill: Psionics.(Smarts)

Starting power points: 10.

Starting Powers: 3 choices.

Players start with access to one of the following arts, except Omen. As an Edge choice they may gain a new ART or a new POWER in an ART they already have. At start they have 3 choices, which they can expend in new ARTs or existing powers.

Eg: George is a Psionic, he begins with Far Hand and has a further 3 choices. He takes Barrier and Stun and the new ART of SOMA.

Far Hand (Psychokenesis)


Shield (New): (3/1) the user is considered to be equipped with a physical shield in their off hand.



Bolt (Seasoned)

Telekinesis (Seasoned)

Fly. (Veteran)

Trapping: transparent but visible, force fields appropriate to the task performed.

Omen (Veteran)

Decipher – (SFWBT)

Postcognition (SFWBT)


Object Reading (SFWBT)

Speak with the Dead (Heroic)(3/1) – the user is able to ask questions in a similar manner to Decipher, one question and answer per round on a successful Smarts roll, two with a raise. Questions and answers should be short and to the point or the GM may rule they go over multiple rounds (say 15 words). If the dead is hostile to the caster all rolls are contested. A majority of the dead persons corpse must remain for this spell to work, and they must have been able to talk, and languages count.

Trapping: eery light effects wash over the user and anything they hold.


Empathy (SFWBT)

Telepathy (extreme range mods)(3/1)

Confuse the Mind. (SFWBT)

Mind Reading. (SFWBT)

Probe. (SFWBT)

Forget. (SFWBT)

Anger/Peace(Seasoned). (SFWBT)


Mind Riding(Veteran). (SFWBT)

Mind Rape(Heroic). (SFWBT)

Mind Swap(Legendary). (SFWBT)

Trapping: static field effect around user, makes hair stand up, static shocks on touch.

Sixth Sense

Clairvoyance (extreme range mods)(3/1)

Darksight. (SFWBT)

Detect/Conceal Powers

Alertness (2/1 as Feat).

Clairaudience. (extreme range mods)(3/1)

Mind Riding. (SFWBT)

Stun (Veteran)

Trapping: eyes glow ala Stargate




Quickness. (Seasoned)

Boost (Attributes only)

Enviromental Protection

Leaping. (SFWBT)


Coma (Veteran)(3) – the user is able to drop their body into a coma state, lowering heart rate and breathing to almost nothing, extending life upto x10 longer than can be expected (a raise gives x20). This can be enacted to prevent death as long as they don’t die instantly.

Trapping: healthy glowing and bulging body.


Bonding. (Veteran) (2): anyone within touch range of the caster when cast counts as having Common Bond feat with him for the rest of the event.

Sanctum (New): (3/1)(New)(Veteran): similar to Sanctuary but limited to a huge template around the caster. The area must be prepared, taking at least 10 mins to do so the first time, but an existing area can be re‐used in mostly intact.

Totem (New)

Coven Bond (New)

Vis Craft

Vis Eye (New)(2/1): the user is able to see significant electrical flows in an area around him, small template. For an extra 1pp each, at casting time the template can be enlarged one. He must close his own eyes to do this and counts as blind while maintaining the spell. Micro voltage, such as brain activity etc cannot be seen. Each round the power is active they may trace one power flow to its logical (simple) ends, upto a range of SMx10. Thus the initial area sets what paths he can see, then he may try to trace them one at a time. The GM may allow clues based on their Tech Redemption skills.

Viz Shock (Stun)

Viz Bolt.

Viz Blast (Seasoned).

Viz Burst.

Viz Shield (Deflection.)

Viz Flow (New)(3/1) The caster is able to channel energy from one source to another without taking undue damage to themselves. Eg: they can channel energy from a fusion battery to another fusion battery, or from a battery into a gun to allow it to fire. Do it in this fashion would count as a multiple action. The amount of energy that can be transferred safely is one charge per round, a charge being what is used by a normal device. Larger devices may be charged but would require a raise, failure to get the raise means insufficient energy is transferred and pretty much wasted. They may also attempt to channel incoming energy attacks whilst the power is running. In this regard the power acts as an energy shield (8/16) vs energy attacks only, on a normal success. On a raise they may take some of that incoming energy and store it into a battery in their possession, equal to one charge, although they still suffer any damage inflicted (real Energy shields stop energy penetrating so that part cannot be used).

Primal Vis. (Heroic)(New)(3) The caster can tap to unseen powers of the universe and convert them into Wyrd, one point per success or raise. This can only be done once per session. A natural skill roll of 1 will result in psychic feedback, they lose all bennies held. Vis Drain.(Veteran)(New)(3/1) The caster is able to cut off the flow of power to a device or system that they can touch, or they can see by using the Viz Eye power. Each round they may cut off one system, and each success or raise allows them to cut off more systems. Eg a roll of 12 would allow 3 systems to be cut, one per round.

Trapping: electrical discharges.


Ignite (2): user can cause a normally flammable object to catch fire.

Fire Bolt.

Fire Blast.(Seasoned)

Fire Burst.


Fire Barrier.

Enviromental Protection – Fire/Heat

Immolate.(Veteran): the caster generates a field of flames around themselves (small template), anyone within that area must roll to see if they catch fire.

Trapping: fire around hands, smoking hair etc.


Chill: (2) user can freeze small packages, upto about 5kg, good for preserving food etc.

Slow. (Veteran) (3/1) The target is limited to one action per round, either moving or making an attack. Anything else counts as a multi‐action activity and gains the ‐2 penalty. Normal multi‐action activities are not possible. The spell can be resisted at casting by comparing the spell casting roll to the targets VG roll. If the caster gains a raise than the target is also stunned.

Ice Bolt.

Ice Blast.(Seasoned)

Ice Burst.

Ice Armour.

Ice Barrier.

Environmental Protection – Cold.

Trapping: Cold, frost on body.



Forced Entry (3/1)(gain AP). Method/object of attack gains AP ability, +2/+4

Confusion.(Veteran) As Stuns template around self.

Quickness. (Seasoned)

Smash(new). (5) Attacks vs objects. (See Breaking Things p65) Attacker does damage to the object equal to their ST+Psionics (no raises). Touch attack range.


Scream. (Heroic) As Blast but always centred around self.

Trapping: vocals, dancing and waving


Visioning works with the 6 senses: sight, sound, smell/taste, touch, motion and force.

The target of an illusion gains a SMs roll to see through it as long as they have a reason to doubt it. This SMs roll is vs the casters Psi roll. Once an illusionist is discovered all future attempts are at +2 (the viewer can spot them more easily) for the rest of the event. Doubt can be transferred to others by communication. Once seen through an illusion has no further effect for that individual.

Motion allows moving illusions, within their area of effect.

Force: allows illusions to enact real ST based effects equivalent to the casters ST dice type. Eg an imaginery thrown axe with sight, motion and force can fly through the air and hit a target with a ST equal to the casters ST dice type. IT would do so silently however, which might be Noticed.

Touch is reactive to actions, Force is proactive.

Trick (2): a small illusionary trick is performed with sight and sound, lasts only momentarily.

Image(3/1): a static 3D visual image is created. The cost of this spell is for a small template, add +1 to the powerup cost for each increase of template size upto maximum allowed. medium template.

Minor Illusion(4/1): 3 senses (large template) The cost of this spell is for a small template, add +1 to the powerup cost for each increase of template size upto maximum allowed.

Major Illusion(5/2): 6 senses (gigantic template) The cost of this spell is for a small template, add +1 to the powerup cost for each increase of template size upto maximum allowed.

Mind Beast(3/1): real to a single target…???

Recall (5): the user is able to recall the exact imagery of a scene they witnessed, replaying, slowing, freezing, enlarging etc.


Camoflage (as invisibility)



Trapping: flashing lights/glowing around the users hands and eyes.


Concealment (3/1)(New): +2/+4 stealth rolls. User is covered with camouflaging visions.

Deflection: user appears to be constantly shifting and warping.

Teleport (Seasoned)


Invisibility (Seasoned)


Disguise (3/1): caster can appear as someone else, altering their face and general body shape to suit. This will give them +2/+4 to resist Notice rolls to discover them, used in combination with a Stealth roll.

Trapping: shifting shadows envelope the user.


Diffusion (New) (3/1)– counts as Arcane Resistance vs hostile arcane attacks only, +2/+4.

Harvest (Veteran)(New)(3/1): share wyrd costs with others. Cost of using wyrd points can be drawn from anyone who agrees and is within a small template based on you. Each person may only provide 1 wyrd point , 2 if a raise.



Reflection (Seasoned)(New) (3/1)‐ a success (Psi vs casters power roll) will retarget the arcane attack randomly within a large template, a raise will allow a controlled target within a huge template. Must be given a target or doesn’t work.

Vampire(Heroic)(New)(5): absorb wyrd from enemies, 1 wyrd for a success, two for a raise. They must have the wyrd to gain it. They must be helpless to perform the drain.

Trapping: glowing force fields when struck, light emanations at points of contact, glowing.


Whenever a natural 1 is rolled on the skill dice the character may gain a point of Urge. The effect of Urge is that the player losses control and becomes focused only on themselves and their needs, roll Spirit vs Urge Level. Fail and roll on the Urge Effects Table

Urge Table – roll 1d6+Urge Level

2‐4 Power fails, user is Stunned.

5 Aggressive powers gain an extra single free attack vs random target near to original target. Other powers work only for the caster, no effects on others.

6 Gain random minor psychological flaw.

7 Caster losses control and goes aggressive/berserk

8 Caster losses control and randomly goes aggressive/berserk

9 Player turns psychotic(major) and considers everyone their enemy, requires extended treatment.

10+ Doppleganger: an identical copy of the caster manifests who is evil, they get one free turn immediately that is out of time, although anyone looking at the caster may notice something on a raise in retrospect. Generally the entity will flee and become an enemy of the caster (but no bonus cards).

Urge may be removed by acts of selflessness or by seeking redemption (see Orthodox). Removing the Urge will then require a Psi vs Urge level roll.

Urge Level:

1: d4

2: d6

3: d8

4: d10

5: d12 etc


Arcane Background: Miracles.

Skill: Faith (Spirit)

Basic Rituals (all priests)

Boost (Non‐Combat skills only excluding Faith)


Mass Boost (non‐combat skills only, excluding Faith) (Heroic) (3+1p/1)

Speak Languages.

Holy Weapon: +2/+4 damage vs Antimonists or extra planar evil beings.


Succour (DL:R)

Teleport (Legendary) (extreme range mod)

Redemption (10)(Veteran)(New) – removes Urge/Hubris, as if they were wounds. Target must undertake a Minor flaw if one point of Urge.Hubris is lost, a Major Flaw for more than one. This flaw will last till the end of the next session. The Flaw represents the targets penance.



Protection (DL:R)

Sanctify (DL:R)


Greater Healing (Veteran)

Boost (SP,VG, Faith)(Seasoned)

Anger/Peace (Seasoned) (SFWBT)

Diffusion (3/1)(New) Counts as Arcane Resistance, +2/+4, vs hostile powers only.

Brother Battle.

Boost (Combat skills, AG,ST)(Seasoned),

Boost (Faith)(Veteran)


Resist Social (New)(3/1) +2/+4 vs taunt bluff intimidate etc.


Bonding. (Veteran) (New)(2): anyone within touch range of the Brother when cast counts as having Common Bond feat with him for the rest of the event.

Fear. (Veteran)


Boost (Notice, Investigate, Beaurocracy).


Inspiration (DL:R)

Hunch (DL:R)

Decipher (SFWBT)

Clairvoyance. (extreme range mods)(SFWBT)

Purify (3/1) ‐ +2/+4 to next desease or poison roll, if successful then the affliction is cleansed, no further rolls.

Tabernacle (all PP)(New) – able to create an item that will store wyrd, each success and raise allows one wryd. Only one tabernacle at a time, for caster only. The wyrd is banked from your existing pool.


Boost (Notice, Investigate, Intimidate, Bluff)

Detect Enemy (3/1).

Flame (2/1)(New): small torch sized naked flame appears in the palm of the casters hand, with harming them. Able to set fire to normally flammable items.

Malfunction (3)(New) – able to make any tech device to fail until repaired. A normal success will allow an on the spot repair, a raise will require a workshop repair. Touch range. Target 4. High Tech devices are easier to break, gain +2 to rolls. If the item has been personalized (see Tech Redemption) it gains resistance using the owners Spirit.


Truth (3/1)(New); Detect lies, +2/+4 to Notice rolls.

Rouse the Mob (5)(New): the priest is able to gather together as many people as their casting roll total from a mob who will follow him and do his bidding. They suddenly become equipped with torches and pitchforks.


Sancturay Aeon

Hearth (5)(New) – Doubles power and wound recovery rate. Lasts 6 hours or until everyone leaves, huge template.

Anger/Peace (SFWBT) – normally only Peace can be used, use of anger results in a Hubris roll.

Knowing Heart (3/1)(New)‐ +2/+4 to social skills.

Production (Seasoned)(New) – increases the amount of material gained from some effort of production by preventing waste and maximizing efficiency. A field of wheat would produce twice the normal amount of grain, a load of timber would produce twice the number of planks etc etc. A success yields 50% more, a raise doubles it.

Restoration (3)(Veteran)(New) – removes any long term penalties or afflictions, cures poisons and deseases.

Feast (5)(Veteran)(New) – creates good food and water for 10 people per success or raise.

Regeneration (10)(Veteran)(New) – heals permanent wounds, regenerates limbs etc.

Sanctuary (3/1)(Heroic)(New) – creates a force field around any Consecrated building.

Gjarti (Shamans)

Purify (3/1)(New) ‐ +2/+4 to next desease or poison roll, if successful then the affliction is cleansed, no further rolls.

Boost (Non‐Combat skills only excluding Faith)


Weather Way (3/1)(New) The caster is able to predict the weather (one day per success) or alter the weather (within line of sight). A success will alter the weather slightly, a raise means major changes (minor storm), two raises will bring major weather changes(major storm, small tornado etc).

0 Fine

1 Light overcast, Rain and wind

2 Heavy overcast rain and wind, mild storm

3 Moderate Storm

4 Heavy Storm, features

Animal Voice(3/1)(New): caster is able to communicate with a single animal or their totem, on a empathic level. Raises will allow more detail.

Plant Voice(3/1)(New): able to communicate with local plant life to gain very basic empathic feelings about events in the region. Another option is to discover specific properties of local plants, such as medicinal or poisonous etc. This is a one off effect. You decide you want a specific effect, the GM decides how likely it will be to be there, you roll, you find it. The spell makes it work, it doesn’t mean the same plant can be used the same way next time… it’s a one off event to avoid onerous bookkeeping.

Sacred Space(3/1)(New)(Veteran): similar to Sanctuary but limited to a huge template around the caster. The area must be prepared, taking at least 10 mins to do so the first time, but an existing area can be re‐used in mostly intact.

Summon Creature(3/1)(New): caster can summon a local animal to aid them.

Shape Change(Totem)(3/1)(New): caster may change into their totem animals form and act in all ways as that form.

Storm Lord(New): caster is able to use an existing weather condition (may have to use Weather Way) to summon lightning, wind, debris etc. The effect is the same as Bolts.


Arcane Background: Black Magic.


Arises when the individual says one thing but then does another, betrays their basic beliefs, or even ‘the end justifies the means’. Whenever a player does this the GM should call for a Faith roll, fail and they gain a point of Hubris. Fumble and they gain 2 pts. Hubris adds to the target number of any Faith roll, making it harder to succeed. (Alternatively it is a penalty to all Faith rolls).

Hubris can be removed by acts of selflessness or by seeking redemption (see Orthodox).

Weird Science

Arcane Background: Weird Science

Skill: Smarts.

Standard selection of spells.


Arcane – but not a background skill, can be gained at anytime.

As per SFWBT.

Symbiot Powers


Lifesense: (1/3‐1) The symbiot is able to detect life forces within a gigantic template centred on themselves. They will be able to have a very broad knowledge of what type of life forces they are. A raise will yield more specific details and will allow the symbiot to recognize a life force it has seen before.




Greater Healing

Draw Lifeforce (New)

Steal Lifeforce (New)

Elemental Body (New)

MetaMorphic Powers:


Enviromental Protection

Enviromental Adaption (New)

Concealment (see Cloaking)





Alertness: as feat


Hive Mind (New)

Limbs (New)

Mimicry (New)


Ooze (New)

Pheromones (New)


Shape Change

Scream (see Bedlam)

Toxins (New)

Weapons (new)

Web (new)