Drugs & Medicine

Drugs and Medicine.

Get a copy of SLA.


Many operatives make use of the drugs SLA manufactures,

gambling on avoiding addiction for the rewards of increased

combat effectiveness or just being able to blot out the things

they see and do during the course of their employment. SLA

drugs come in three types: combat, soft and medical.

Combat drugs provide the most dramatic results but are highly

addictive. Soft drugs are designed largely for relaxation or, at

least, not to be used in the field, and it’s rare to become

addicted to them unless use is very heavy. Finally, medical

drugs are barely addictive at all and are the only type of drug

allowed to civilians.

The Hit

Drugs do not take effect immediately, even injected drugs

taking a few seconds to circulate in the operative’s

bloodstream. The time a drug takes to become effective

depends on the delivery method, as follows:

Ingested: 10 rounds

Smoked: 5 rounds

Injected: 1 round

These are full round delays. After injecting UV, for example, a

character must wait until their next action before feeling the

effects (and so doesn’t get to ignore their wound penalties

when making the addiction roll). Needless to say, waiting for

your KickStart to kick in while taking punishment from a

Thresher powersuit or mob of carriens can be a terrifying


It is not possible to take cocktails of drugs or to increase

the effects by taking multiple doses.

Any time a character takes a new drug while still under the

effects of another, the previous drug is immediately


The only exception to this rule is KickStart, which works in

addition to existing drugs and where multiple doses allow

multiple Vigour rolls to heal wounds when it kicks in.


Every time a dose of a drug is taken, the player should make a

Vigour roll for their character with a bonus that depends on the

type of drug being taken.

Combat: 0

Soft: +1

Medical: +2

If the Vigour roll is failed, the user has become addicted. Once

addicted, one or more doses of the drug must be taken every

day or the character is plunged into Withdrawal (see below).

How many doses depends on the drug and is listed on the

addiction line of the drug’s description. Some, such as Rush and

Ultra Violence, are marked as Continuous.

They must be taken for at least 12 hours out of every day once

addiction sets in.


Upon entering into Withdrawal, a character immediately

becomes Fatigued, receiving a single level of ‘Withdrawal

fatigue’ for soft or medical drugs, or two levels for combat

drugs. Fatigue caused by Withdrawal may only be removed in

one of two ways. Either the character takes the drug again, in

which case all Withdrawal fatigue from that drug is

immediately removed, or they manage to ride out their cold

turkey by removing their Withdrawal fatigue levels with Vigour


At the end of each week of Withdrawal, the character makes a

Vigour check (modified by the drugs addictiveness modifier and

any fatigue or wound penalties) to remove a level of

Withdrawal fatigue, only breaking their addiction when the last

fatigue level has been successfully removed. Spending a long

time in Withdrawal can affect a character permanently. A

natural 1 on the Vigour dice when rolling to remove

Withdrawal fatigue gives the recovering addict the Habit

hindrance, lowering their Charisma by 1. ‘Snake eyes’ instead

gives them the Mean (Haggard) hindrance, lowering their

Charisma by 2.

Optional Rule: Building Up Resistance

Once a character is addicted, GMs may wish there to be a

chance they grow resistant to the drug they’re taking. At the

end of each session, the character should make a Vigour roll for

each drug they’re addicted to. On a failure, the number of

doses they need to take for it to have an effect (and to count as

satisfying their addiction) increases by one, rising to 2 on the

First failure, then 3, and so on.RUGS

Combat Drugs

These drugs are the most powerful, but also the most addictive.

Rolls to avoid addiction (and to recover if you do become an

addict) receive no bonus. Withdrawal causes 2 fatigue levels.

Barezark (200)

Ever wondered what happens when an adrenal gland is

accelerated by a factor of 50?

Duration: 1 hour

Addiction: 4


1) +2 damage, +2 armour piercing in close combat

2) Fearless: Automatically pass all Guts checks and immune to

Intimidation tests of wills.

Metaboost (250)

All the benefits of Stormer regeneration in a handy pillform.

Humans/frothers only.

Duration: 10 minutes

Addiction: 10 (!)

Effects: Gain a free soak roll to remove a wound every 30

seconds (5 rounds). Also, should the user need to roll on the

Permanent Injury Table, he gains +2 to his Vigour check when

seeing if the injury is permanent or not.

Rush (150)

Be harder, faster, better, stronger (as the drug’s tagline goes)

with SLA’s first, and some would say best, combat drug. Rush is

still widely used by operatives and SLA troops (especially those

put off by the two year life expectancy of UV users – not that 7

years is much better).

Duration: 6 hours

Addiction: Continuous


1) +2 bonus to recovering from Shaken

2) Ignore up to ‐2 of multi‐action penalties.

Ultra Violence (150)

The breakfast of champions. Ultra Violence is the ultimate

combat drug. Its post effects are deadly serious, and few UV

addicts survive for more than two years, but many consider

that a small price to pay for fame.

Duration: 12 hours

Addiction: Continuous


1) Tireless: Ignore all Wound and Fatigue penalties.

2) Fearless: Automatically succeed all Guts checks and immune

to Intimidation tests of wills.

3) Rabid: +2 to Intimidate tests of wills, ‐2 to Charisma.

4) Hardy: If you are Shaken and take another Shaken result, you

don’t take a Wound (although you do remain Shaken).

Blaze UV (100)

All the power of UV but without spending half the day as a

ravening psychopath. Psychosis when and where you need it.

Duration: 10 minutes

Addiction: 1

Effects: As Ultra Violence, but with only 10 minutes’ duration.

Bass (100)

The bigger your pecs, the harder they fall.

Duration: 1 hour

Addiction: 2


1) Strength increases two die‐types (above D12 add +1 per dietype)

but cannot exceed the racial maximum.

2) +2 to Athletics rolls.

Pineal Stim (200)

A glowing green liquid that is injected into the bloodstream. It

aids the user in the use of Enhancement Ebb abilities.

Duration: 6 hours

Addiction: 2

Effect: This is the Science Friction item for the Enhancement

Ebb affinity.



Soft Drugs

Alice (100)

Live your fantasies. Or, for some, your nightmares. Have a nice


Duration: 6 hours

Addiction: 1

Effect: Automatically remove a Stress fatigue level. Any

character with a hindrance relating to mental instability instead

automatically gains another fatigue level as they sink helplessly

into the darkest pits of their own subconscious imagination.

Beat (50)

The ultimate relaxant. Well, unless it turns you into a

hyperactive, hyper‐aggressive psychopath. Still, after a hard day

at ‘the office’, many are willing to take the risk.

Duration: 6 hours

Addiction: 1


1) Roll at +1 to remove a Stress fatigue level. A 1 on your Spirit

dice instead gain a major hindrance for the 6 hours duration.

Roll randomly between Bloodthirsty, Overconfident, Phobia

(Major) or Vengeful. Alternately, GMs may wish to use the

Cracking Up optional rule.

2) +2 to Guts checks.

Drum (30)

This light blue capsule than induces feelings of complete calm

in the user followed by a long and extremely restful sleep. For

Ebons it causes an increased recovery of flux.

Duration: 1 hour

Addiction: 1


1) Roll to remove a Stress fatigue level.

2) +2 to Guts rolls for 2 hours after waking. Ebons instead

double their Flux regeneration rate for the hour the Drum is in

effect as well as their first 6 hours of sleep if they drop off to

sleep during that hour.

Flip (40)

The smoke to end all smokes. A must have for all rebels without

a cause.

Duration: 2 hours

Addiction: 1


1) Roll to remove a Stress fatigue level.

2) +2 to Guts rolls.

Lumo (40)

Why choose flesh tones when you can select one of Lumo’s

1774 skin colour options?

Duration: 12 hours

Addiction: 1

Effect: Changes skin colour.

NiteLite (100)

UV night‐vision without the need for expensive electronics.

Duration: 1 hour

Addiction: 1

Effects: Ignore penalties for Dim or Dark conditions. Normal

daylight, however, causes a ‐1 penalty to all trait rolls, while

bright lights such as strobes or fluorescent bulbs increase this

penalty to ‐2. The user also receives a ‐2 penalty against

blast/concussion grenades.

Personal Interest (50)

Sex in a pill. An hour of orgasm for the price of a pizza without

the stains left by either.

Duration: 1 hour

Addiction: 1

Effect: Mm‐hmmm. Roll at +2 to remove a Stress fatigue level.

Slosh (20) Ingested

You’re my besht friend, you are.

Duration: Hard to tell.

Addiction: 2


1) Roll to remove a Stress fatigue level.

2) Ignore one level of wound penalties

3) -2 to Smarts, Agility and both Smarts- and Agility-based

skills till you sober up. You didn’t have anything planned,

did you?



Duration: 1 hour

Addiction: 2

Effects: The users natural volume becomes equivalent to

a megaphone. As well as allowing communication over

long distances or in noisy environments, this grants +2 to

Intimidation tests of wills.

Medical Drugs

Flush (50)

The recovering drug addict’s drug of choice.

Duration: Special

Addiction: 1

Effect: Provided at least one dose of Flush was taken each

day of the previous week, gain +2 on Vigour rolls when

trying to remove Withdrawal fatigue levels. In addition,

Flush can help stop infection or poisoning, granting an

additional Vigour roll (with the original modifier) for each

dose of the drug taken. A success on this roll halts the

effects for D6 hours, while a raise effectively ‘flushes’ the

body of the harmful substances. The ‘Golden Hour’ rule still


Honesty (100)

A powerful truth serum. Generally not taken voluntarily.

Duration: 30 minutes

Addiction: 2

Effect: It is impossible to lie while under the effect of Honesty.

Users are also highly suggestible and must make a Smarts roll

to resist answering questions or refuse a request made of


Elixir (KickStart) (50)

An analgesic amalgamated with coagulants, this wonder drug

rapidly heals the user’s wounds.

Duration: Instantaneous

Addiction: 2

Effect: Make a Soak roll (including wound penalties). On a

success, recover a wound. On a raise, recover two wounds.

Only recently acquired wounds can be lifted this way, the

Golden Hour rule still applies.

Elixir+ (KickStart+) (70)

A more potent version of KickStart.

Duration: Instantaneous

Addiction: 2

Effect: Make a Soak roll (with NO wound penalties). On a

success, recover a wound. On a raise, recover two wounds.

Only recently acquired wounds can be lifted this way, the

Golden Hour rule still applies.

Elixir Solo (KickStart Solo) (100)

If you are going ‘Solo’, you need the World of Progress’s

number one medical drug to succeed! KickStart Solo is perfect

for the job ‐ blast your opponents like there is no tomorrow

while the most powerful nanites in Karma’s stock work hard to

keep up with your awesome kill score.

Duration: Instantaneous/30 minutes

Addiction: 2

Effect: Make a Soak roll (with NO wound penalties). On a

success, recover a wound. On a raise, recover two wounds.

Only recently acquired wounds can be lifted this way, the

Golden Hour rule still applies. In addition, for 30 minutes after


1) Automatically pass all Guts checks.

2) Ignore all Fatigue penalties.

3) +2 to Vigour rolls to resist harmful physical effects (such as

Stun or Poison).

These benefits continue for 30 minutes even if the character

takes another drug.

Karma KS (50)

It’s always nice to have the newest nanotechnology installed

(or be created with it from birth). Karma labs present a healing

drug aimed specifically at Stormers and Nuke Tendon users.

Duration: Instantaneous

Addiction: 2

Effect: This drug works like normal KickStart if you don’t have

Nuke Tendon implants installed, or like KickStart+ if you do. All

Stormers (except for vevaphons) are considered to be Nuke

Tendon users.

Pain Away (100)

The ultimate pain‐killer.

Duration: 6 hours

Addiction: Continuous

Effect: No wound penalties, or fatigue penalties from physical

sources (dehydration, heat‐stroke, hunger, etc.)

Streak (200)

A powerful brain stimulant, Streak was designed to help

treat psychosis but since its general release actually

causes more admittances than remittances across Mort’s

various asylums.

Duration: 1 hour

Addiction: 1

Effect: +2 to Smarts and all Smarts-based skills. + 2 to


from Shaken.

White Noise (100)

A non‐descript blank white tablet taken orally. Prevents the

‘Dream Daemons’ that occur when an Ebon gets ‘Close’.

Duration: Instantaneous

Addiction: 1

Effect: Adds +2 to an Ebon or Brain Waster’s Smarts roll to

fight off their ‘Dream Daemons’.