

Past Seminars

May 20, 2024, University of Warwick , UK

-A probabilistic view on predictive constructions for Bayesian learning

Invited by Ritabratta Dutta

November 17, 2023, Newcastle University, UK

-Beyond Exchangeable Random Measures: predictive constructions and data heterogeneity. 

Invited by Kevin Wilson

March 24, 2021, Universität Basel, Switzerland

-Bayesian nonparametric Conditional Copula Estimation of twin data

Invited by Giusy Moffa

February 12, 2020, Milano-Bicocca, Italia

-On a class of objective priors from scoring rules

Invited by Federico Camerlenghi e Andrea Ongaro

May 24, 2018, Exeter, UK

-Modelling preference data with the Wallenius distribution

Invited by the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences

March 12, 2018, Santacruz, USA

-Modelling preference data with the Wallenius distribution

Invited by Juhee Lee 

February 2, 2018, Turin, Italy

-Compound Random Measures

Invited by the Stats Group 

May 19, 2017, Bristol, UK

-Some recent Constructions of vectors of random probability measures

Invited by the School of Mathematics

March 24-30, 2017, IIMAS, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico

-Bayesian nonparametric Conditional Copula Estimation of twin data

Invited by Ramses Mena

September 21, 2016, Queen Mary, London

-Some recent results on Exchangeable Occupancy Models

invited by Alexander Gnedin

June 4, 2014, Rome la Sapienza, Italy

-Vector of dependent random probability measures

invited by Fabio Spizzichino

May 8, 2014, Plymouth, UK 

-Adaptive Sticky Generalized Metropolis

Royal Statistical Society South West Local Group Meeting

invited by Luciana Dalla Valle

March 13, 2014, Milano, Italy

-Exchangeable occupancy models and discrete processes with

 the generalized uniform order statistics property

invited by Bocconi University

September 27, 2011, Venezia, Italy

-CID sequences and Bayesian non parametrics

invited by Roberto Casarin

December 3, 2009, Barcellona, Spain

-Vectors of Dependent Poisson Dirichlet Processes

invited by Omiros Papaspiliopoulos

October 30, 2009, Albuquerque, NM, USA

-Vectors of Dependent Poisson Dirichlet Processes

invited by Michele Guindani

July 22, 2009, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy

-Conditionally identically distributed species sampling sequences

invited by Paolo Paruolo

November 20, 2008, Padova, Italy

-An extension of the two parameter Poisson-Dirichlet Process

invited by Paolo dai Pra

June 9, 2008, Rome, Italy

-Variance reduction in MCMC with applications to Bayesian Credit Risk Estimation

invited by Luca Tardella

April 29, 2008, Pavia, Italy

-Covariance and Peskun ordering in continuous time

invited by Guido Consonni

April 18, 2007, Rome, Italy

-Equi-energy sampling per due modelli di spin in campo medio

invited by Fabio Spizzichino

October 18, 2006, Varese, Italy

-Generazione di successioni condizionatamente distribuite

invited by Antonietta Mira