
Non technical publications/interviews

  1. Interview about Brexit: "Six months to Brexit: how scientists are preparing for the split"

       Written by Ehsan Masood, Inga Vesper and Richard van Noorden. 

       Nature 561, Issue 7724, 2018. Link

Book Chapters

  1. Species sampling priors for modeling dependence: an application to the detection  of chromosomal aberrations 

       Nonparametric Bayesian Inference in Biostatistics, 97-114, 2015, Springer.

       with E. Airoldi, F. Bassetti and M. Guindani. 


 1. Latent Nested Nonparametric Priors by F. Camerlenghi, D. B. Dunson, A. Lijoi, I. Pruenster, A. Rodriguez

      Bayesian Analysis, 14, 1303-1356, 2019. Link

       with A. Riva Palacio. 

2.  Sparse Graph Using Exchangeable Random Measures by F. Caron and E. Fox

       Journal of the Royal Statistical Society-Series B, 79, 1295-1366, 2017. Link

       with J. Griffin.

Papers in refereed journals

48. A probabilistic view on predictive constructions for Bayesian learning

         Statistical Science. Forthcoming. 

         with Patrizia Berti, Emanuela Dreassi, Pietro Rigo and Luca Pratelli

47. Generating knockoffs via conditional independence

        Electronic Journal of Statistics, 18, 119-144, 2024.

 with Emanuela Dreassi, Pietro Rigo and Luca Pratelli

46. Bayesian predictive inference without a prior

Statistica Sinica, 33, 2405-2429, 2023. 

        with Patrizia Berti, Emanuela Dreassi, Pietro Rigo and Luca Pratelli

45. Kernel based Dirichlet sequences

        Bernoulli, Vol. 29, No. 2, 1321-1342, 2023. Link

        with Patrizia Berti, Emanuela Dreassi, Pietro Rigo and Luca Pratelli

44. New Perspectives on Knockoffs construction

       Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 223, 1-14, 2023. Link 

       with Patrizia Berti, Emanuela Dreassi, Pietro Rigo and Luca Pratelli

43.  Survival regression models with dependent Bayesian nonparametric priors

Journal of the American Statistical Association - Theory and Method, 122, 1530-1539, 2022.  Link

         with A. Riva Palacio and J. Griffin 

42. A Pólya-Gamma Sampler for a Generalized Logistic Regression

Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 91, 2899-2916, 2021. Link

         with L. Dalla Valle, W. Zhu and L. Rossini

41. Compound vectors of subordinators and their associated positive Lévy copulas 

Journal of Multivariate Analysis 183, paper no. 104728, 2021. Link

         with A. Riva Palacio

40.  Two-groups Poisson-Dirichlet mixtures for multiple testing

         Biometrics, 77, 622-633, 2021. Link

         with F. Denti, M. Guindani, A. Lijoi, M. Vannucci and D. Wadsworth

39.  Completely Random Measures and Lévy Bases in Free Probability

         Electronic Journal of Probability, 26, paper no. 49, 1-41, 2021. Link

         with F. Collet and S. Thorbjørnsen

38.  A loss-based prior for Gaussian graphical models

  Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 62, 444-466, 2020. Link

         with L. Hinoveanu and C. Villa

37.  On a Class of Objective Priors from Scoring Rules (with Discussion)

         Bayesian Analysis, 15, 1345-1423, 2020. Link 

         with C. Villa and S. G. Walker

36.  Loss-based approach to two-piece location-scale distributions with applications to dependent data

          Statistical Methods & Applications, 29, 303-320, 2020. Link

          with L. Rossini and C. Villa

35.  Bayesian Analysis of Immigration in Europe with Generalized Logistic Regression

  Journal of Applied Statistics, 47, 424-438, 2020. Link

         with L. Dalla Valle, W. Zhu and L. Rossini

34.  On a flexible construction of a negative binomial model

          Statistics and Probability Letters, 152, 1-8, 2019. Link 

          with R. Mena, L.Rossini and F. Palma

33.  Modelling preference data with the Wallenius distribution

  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series A, 82, 533-558, 2019. Link

         with C. Grazian and B. Liseo

32. Bayesian loss-based approach to change point analysis

 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 129, 61-78, 2019. Link

        with L. Hinoveanu and C. Villa

31. An approximate likelihood perspective on ABC methods

        Statistics Surveys, 12, 66-104, 2018. Link 

        with G. Karabatsos.

30. Modelling and computation using NCoRM mixtures for density regression  

        Bayesian Analysis, 13, 897-916, 2018. Link

         with J. Griffin.

29. Bayesian nonparametric estimation of survival functions with multiple-samples information

        Electronic Journal of Statistics, 12, 1330-1357, 2018. Link

         with A. Riva Palacio. 

28. Limiting behaviour of the stationary search cost distribution driven by a generalized gamma process 

        Electronic Communications in Probability, 23, paper no. 11, 1-10, 2018. Link

        with A. Kume and A. Lijoi. 

27. Bayesian Nonparametric Conditional Copula Estimation of Twin Data 

        Journal of the Royal Statistical Society-Series C, 67, 523-548, 2018. Link

        with L. Dalla Valle and L. Rossini.

 26. Objective Bayesian Analysis of the Yule-Simon Distribution with Applications

         Computational Statistics, 33, 99-126, 2018. Link

         with L. Rossini and C. Villa.

 25. Adaptive independent sticky MCMC algorithms

         EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 5, 2018. Link

         with R. Casarin, D Luengo and L. Martino.

 24. Integrability conditions for Compound Random Measures

         Statistics and Probability Letters, 135, 32-37, 2018. Link

         with A. Riva Palacio. 

 23. Objective Bayesian modelling of insurance risks with the skewed Student-t distribution

         Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 33, 136-151, 2017.  Link 

         with Juan Miguel Marin and C. Villa.

 22. Compound random measures and their use in Bayesian nonparametrics 

        Journal of the Royal Statistical Society-Series B, 79, 525-545, 2017.  Link  

        with J. Griffin.

 21. A note on the posterior inference for the Yule-Simon distribution

         Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 87, 1179-1188, 2017. Link

         with L. Rossini and C. Villa.

 20. Merging exchangeable occupancy models: the family M(a) and its connection with the 

         maximum entropy principle 

         Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 18, 979-997, 2016. Link

         with F. Collet and F. Spizzichino.

 19. Embarrassingly Parallel Sequential Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Large Sets of Time Series  

         Statistics and Its Interface, 9, 497-508, 2016. Link

         Special issue on Statistical and Computational Theory and Methodology for Big Data.

         with R. Casarin and R. Craiu.  

 18. A Bootstrap Likelihood approach to Bayesian Computation  

         Australian and New Zealand Journal  of Statistics, 58, 227-244, 2016. Link

         with Juan Miguel Marin and W. Zhu. 

 17. A Bayesian Beta Markov Random Field Calibration of the Term Structure of Implied Risk

         Neutral Densities  

         Bayesian Analysis, 10, 791--819, 2015. Lindley Prize finalist.  Link

         with R. Casarin, G. Molina and E. ter Horst.

16.  A multivariate extension of a vector of two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet processes 

         Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Vol 27, 89-105, 2015. Link

         with W. Zhu

 15. Generalized Species Sampling Priors with Latent Beta reinforcements  

         Journal of the American Statistical Association-Theory and Methods, Vol. 109, 1466-1480, 2014. Link

         with E. Airoldi, F. Bassetti, T. Costa and  M. Guindani.

 14. Beta-Product dependent Pitman-Yor Processes for Bayesian inference

         Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 180, 49-72, 2014. Link

         with F. Bassetti and R. Casarin. 

 13. Exchangeable Occupancy Models and Discrete Processes with the Generalized Uniform

        Order Statistics Property 

        Probability in the Engineering and the Informational Sciences, vol. 27, 533-552, 2013. Link

        with F. Collet, F. Spizzichino and F. Suter.

 12. Interacting Multiple Try Algorithms with Different Proposal Distributions  

        Statistics and Computing, Vol. 23, 185-200, 2013. Link   

         with R. Casarin and R. Craiu.

 11. A vector of Dirichlet processes 

         Electronic Journal of Statistics, Vol. 7, 62-90, 2013. Link

         with A. Lijoi and D. Spanò. 

 10. Bayesian Model Selection for Beta Autoregressive Processes 

         Bayesian Analysis, 7, 385-410, 2012. Link

         with R. Casarin and L. Dalla Valle.

    9. Limiting behavior of the search cost distribution for the move-to-front rule in the stable case 

         Statistics and Probability Letters, 81, 1827-1832, 2011. Link

         with A. Lijoi and C. Paroissin.

    8. Vectors of two parameters Poisson Dirichlet Processes 

         The Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 102, 482-495, 2011. Link

         with A. Lijoi.

   7.  A note on Variance bounding for continuous time Markov Chains 

         Statistics and Probability Letters, 81, 153-156, 2011. Link    

         with C. Prosdocimi.

   6.  Maximal flows in branching trees and binary search trees  

         Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 13, 475-486, 2011. Link

         with F. Bassetti.

   5.  Conditionally identically distributed species sampling sequences 

         Advances in Applied Probability, 42, Volume 2, 433-459, 2010. Link

         with F. Bassetti and I. Crimaldi.

   4.  A new multinomial model and a zero variance estimation

         Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, Volume 39 Issue 4, 846-859, 2010. Link

         with L. Dalla Valle.

   3.  Covariance Ordering for discrete and continuous time Markov Chains 

         Statistica Sinica 19, Volume 2, 651-666, 2009. Link

         with A. Mira.

   2.  An extension of Peskun and Tierney Orderings to continuous time Markov chains 

         Statistica Sinica 18, Volume 4, 1641-1651, 2008. Link

         with A. Mira.

   1.  Asymptotic results for a Generalized Pólya Urn with “Multi-Updating” and applications to Clinical Trials 

         Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, Volume 37 Issue 17, 2777-2794, 2008. Link

         with I. Crimaldi.


    1. Loss-based prior for tree topologies in BART models

         with F. Serafini, C. Villa and K. Wilson

    2. Asymptotics of predictive distributions driven by sample means and variances

         with S. Garelli, L. Pratelli and P. Rigo