Conferences and Workshops


December, 14-16 2024, London, UK



Invited Talks

June, 19-23 2023, CIRM, Marseille, France

Exchangeable Random Measures and Beyond

Approximation methods in Bayesian Analysis

June 25- July 1, 2022, Montreal, Canada

Compound vectors of subordinators and their associated Lévy Copula

ISBA world meeting

December, 14-16 2019, London, UK

Modelling Heterogeneous Data in Bayesian nonparametrics


July 28- August 2, 2018, Vancouver, Canada

Survival models with Compound Random Measures

Joint Statistical Meeting 

June, 26-30 2017, Paris, France 

Some recent constructions of vectors of dependent completely random measures

11th Conference on Bayesian Nonparametrics.

March 20, 2017, University of Kent, UK

Objective Bayesian modelling of the skewed Student-t distribution

Objective Bayesianism symposium, Centre for Reasoning, Philosophy department. 

December, 9-11 2016, Seville, Spain

Bayesian nonparametric conditional copula estimation of twin data


June, 20-23 2016, Toronto, Canada 

Compound Random Measures and their use in Bayesian nonparametrics and 

Limiting behaviour of the stationary search cost distribution driven by a generalized gamma process

International Workshop on Applied Probability (IWAP)

June, 8-9 2015, Modena, Italy  

Vettori di misure di probabilita' aleatorie: dalle copule di Lèvy alle misure aleatorie composte 

Alcuni argomenti di Probabilitá, Statistica e Teoria della Misura. Workshop in honor of Prof. ssa Patrizia Berti.

June, 16-19 2014, Antalya, Turkey 

Classes of Exchangeable Occupancy Models and Related Transformations

International Workshop on Applied Probability (IWAP)

September 1-3, 2011, Madrid, Spain 

CID sequences and Bayesian non parametrics

Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Processes (BISP) 7

June 15-17, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey

CID sequences and Bayesian non parametrics

Yeditepe International Research Conference on Bayesian Learning

December 10-12, 2010, London, UK 

Vectors of Dependent Poisson Dirichlet Processes

ERCIM 2010

April 16-17, 2010, Harvard, Boston, USA 

Vectors of Dependent Poisson Dirichlet Processes

New england Statistics Symposium.  

September 3-7, 2007, Bonn, Germany  

Covariance and Peskun ordering in continuous time

Complex Stochastic Systems: Discrete vs. Continuous. W1 Stochastic processes and algorithms. 

Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics. 


June, 28 - July, 2, 2021. Online meeting. 

New perspectives on knockoffs construction

World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis. 

June, 18-21 2018, Budapest, Hungary 

Modelling preference data with the Wallenius distribution (Talk)

International Workshop on Applied Probability (IWAP)

December, 11-14 2015. London, UK

Compound Random Measures and their use in Bayesian nonparametrics (Talk)


June, 22-26 2015. Raleigh, NC, USA

A pseudo-marginal algorithm for MGF-like distributions (Poster)

10th Conference on Bayesian Nonparametrics

May 23-25, 2012, Murcia, Spain

Exchangeable occupancy models and discrete processes with the generalized uniform order statistics property (Talk)

Tenth International Conference on Ordered Statistical Data and Their Applications

September 13-16, 2011, Jaca, Spain  

CID sequences and Bayesian non parametrics (Talk)

SPO 2011

August 9-13, 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden

Vectors of Dependent Poisson Dirichlet Processes (Talk)

IMS 2010

September 15-18, 2009, Jaca, Spain 

Vectors of Dependent Poisson Dirichlet Processes (Talk)

Statistics on the Pyrenees

January 7-11, 2008, Bormio, Italy

Covariance and Peskun ordering in continuous time (Poster)

McMski2: MCMC in Theory and Practice

June 25-29, 2007, Fleurance, France 

An extension of Peskun and Tierney Ordering to continuous time Markov Chains (Talk)

New directions in Monte Carlo Methods

May 13-14, 2007, Harvard, Boston, USA 

Metropolis Algorithm and equienergy sampling for two mean field spin system (Poster)

Third workshop on Monte Carlo Methods

May 15-17, 2006, Ottawa, Canada 

Generating CID sequences (Talk)

Workshop on Probabilistic Symmetries and Their Applications


April, 6-11 2014. Leuven, Belgium 

Chair and organizer of the session "Adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods"

Monte Carlo and Quasi Monte Carlo in scientific computing

July 29- August 2, 2007, Salt Lake City, USA

Joint Statistical Meeting JMS2007