10.) Ceramic 3D Print

Post date: Nov 29, 2017 9:57:25 AM




3D Printed Object: Hybrid Design + FDM Print

Wed, Nov 29

Friday, Dec 8 @ 11:59pm (midnight!)

Assignment Description:

You will be joining forces with another team from the previous project to design and fabricate a continuous flow ceramic 3D print. This design will be "inspired" by your FDM prints.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Brainstorm, with your team, potential concepts for a continuous-flow print on the ceramic 3D printer.

2.) Sketch (on paper!) at least FIVE concepts of what this design might look like.

3.) Collaborate on the design of a 3D model. The model should fit roughly within a 4 in x 4 in x 6 in envelope

4.) 3D Print your final design on the ceramic 3d printer.

*Note: We will be printing these together during the final clas period!!

5.) Document all of the above, with brief explanations, as a new post on your process blog.

6.) You can share media (images, screenshots, etc) with your group, but each member is responsible for writing their own blog entry.