04.) Papercraft Research

Post date: Oct 04, 2017 2:24:20 PM




Papercraft Research

Wed, Oct 4

Tues, Oct 10 @ 11:59am (noon!)

Assignment Description:

To ramp up for our next project, Papercraft Objects, we'll be reviewing work of other artists working in the medium. Your task: read through the articles below (each is primarily photos and quite a short/quick read) and select one to review on your blog.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Look at EACH of the articles linked below.

2.) Select one that inspires you, or that you'd like to write about. If you wish to respond to an artist working in paper who is not mentioned below, you need to okay it with me by the end of the day this Friday (February 3rd)

3.) Create a new blog post, and briefly introduce the topic.

4.) Include images of the artist/work you are reviewing.

5.) Explain the work as you understand it (2-3 paragraphs), and seek out additional information on the internet (i.e. videos, articles, or interviews) to expand on the artist's ideas or processes

6.) Explain how/why this artist/work inspires you or why you selected it for your review (1-2 paragraphs)

Papercraft Artists/Works