03.) Mesh Mashup: Selection and Refinement

Post date: Sep 27, 2017 1:38:53 PM




Mesh Mashup: Selection and Refinement

Wed, Sept 27

Tues, Oct 3 @ 11:59pm (noon!)

Assignment Description:

Now that we have generated a multitude of concepts for our Thingiverse Mashup, it is time to select, refine, and render our most successful creation.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) With your collegues' feedback in mind, select one of the concepts you generated to take forward toward the final design for this project. You may also decide to revise a concept completely, or to combine multiple concepts.

2.) Using Mesh Mixer, in combination with Tinkercad (if necessary), refine your design - pay attention to detail and strive to create a seamless, well-integrated object.

3.) Create a new post on your process blog, introducing your object.

4.) Include, in your post:

a.) Screenshots of the original objects (from thingiverse or scans)

b.) At least six HD renders (in rhino) showing your object from various perspectives.

5.) Include a response to the feedback you collected during our group discussions (1-2 paragraphs) - and how they did or did not influence your selection and final design.

6.) Finally, include, in your post, describe how your creation relates to Remix Culture (1-2 paragraphs) . Consider properties such as:

a.) Remix - appropriating existing objects

b.) Read/Write Culture - A society that encourages remix

b.) Mashup - combining separate existing ideas to form a new one

c.) Juxtaposition - what relationship is created by merging these two objects/ideas together?