Standard three reads as follows:
Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations.
b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation.
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats.
d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.
This standard emphasizes the teacher's role in modeling purposeful uses of technology. Often times, teachers tend to simply include technology as a means of engagement, but the technology will not engage students if there is no reason for the students to engage with the technology. Essentially the teacher has to demonstrate to students how technology can be used for the purposes of inquiry. Specifically, the communication and acquisition of information is emphasized in this standard. After all, inquiry-based learning involves the seeking out of relevant information to solve a problem or answer a question. This involves collaboration and communication. As such, the teacher must model how technology can be used to enhance communication amongst various parties working toward a common goal, in his/her instruction. As was mentioned in an article about information communication technology (ICT) in China, "Network platforms need to be designed to emphasize interactions among students, and between students and instructors. Ideally, students should have an environment where they can freely discuss ideas with instructors and receive support" (Li, 2013). If students are presented with a task in which they must seek out information on their own, they will need assistance from teachers and parents as well as each other. Being that such a task would take time, they would not necessarily be able to be entirely successful in their endeavors to seek out information, within the confines of a class period. As such, research would have to be done outside of school, where the teacher is not physically present. Technology, however, mitigates this issue, as it provides various platforms for communication. It has been noted that "ICT breaks the constraints of time and space, which helps develop students' ability in obtaining and using information outside school hours" (Li, 2013). Digital platforms such a e-mail and Google Docs are some examples of ICT that can be used for such purposes. I had mentioned, in my reflection of standard 1, that technology can be used for the purposes of immediate feedback via apps such as Google Docs. I had also posted my Youtube video, which demonstrates how I use the comments feature of Google Docs to meet this end. This is an excellent way to maintain communication with students and even parents, so that substantial support is provided when students are doing work at home. Students can ask questions via the comment feature, or the teacher can simply view the doc to see what progress has been made, leaving feedback where necessary. Additionally, apps such as Remind also allow for communication between the teacher and students and parents, as it allows for safe text message reminders to be delivered to class participants. Modeling such use of technology for students will encourage them to use technology for similar purposes. The artifacts provided below will demonstrate how I use the two aforementioned apps to maintain communication with students and parents. Pay particular attention to the time stamps on each artifact, to see how I maintain communication to support students and remind them to complete assignments, even when they are not in my physical presence.
Li, X (2013). Information and communication technology in education: Getting chinese connected for learning. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 9(1), p.1