C2 Score Keeper

Share C2 scores here. We adjust for age, gender and weight. View sortable table below.

Score Keeper

[1] Adjusted Score = Raw Score x (1/2 Age Adjustment + 1/2 Weight Adjustment).

[2] Age Adjusted Score = (Age-27)^2 *.020, as used for Masters races in an 8+ and 4x over 1000 meters. The handicap normalizes performance to allow, for example, 20-somethings and 60-somethings to compete on equal terms. Source USRowing.

[3] Weight Adjusted Score = [body weight in lbs / 270] raised to the power .222. The score estimates a person’s potential speed in an 8+, where eight rowers averaging 6:00 over 2k should achieve the same time over the same distance on the water, assuming perfect conditions and near perfect rowing effectiveness. Source Concept2 USA.

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Score Keeper