Getting Involved > Personal Conduct

Model Competitors

Ever Green Boat Club ("EGBC") requires the highest standard of personal conduct. All members are subject to the code of conduct and are expected to endorse the club's mission statement.

Code of Conduct

  • Observe the rights, dignity and worth of fellow members;

  • Act in a sportsmanlike manner during training, competition and in any action representing EGBC;

  • Abide by the rules of the competition or event;

  • Treat other competitors, coaches, other water users and officials of clubs, competitions and events with respect;

  • Promote the best interests of EGBC, its mission and the unity of its members in all forms of communication.

Violation may result in the suspension or termination of membership.

Mission Statement

To advance a competitive rowing community of Dartmouth alumni and friends who champion the sport of rowing and their common bond to the college.