Potential corruption to avoid: EDF - Nice Airport

Post date: Aug 19, 2010 4:30:32 PM

European Free Market economy still unknown ?

French Rivera "Southern Comfort" business

Nice Airport solar rendering

EDF a majority government owned Enterprise

takes control of the not yet privatized Nice Airport

controlled by the Chamber of Commerce sign a

business contract for Energy efficiency and Renewable

energy for the Nice Airport.

45GWh "Partnership Agreement" signed

between government and government

means in practice Europen and local competition excluded,

overpriced renewable products featuring big 3 in France.

Int'l companies and Start-Ups will think twice

to engage for ECO Valley, that should be a paid

market for new companies, not a protected area

for old fashioned companies leaving the French

Riviera since years with power breaks.

Link: green-cotedazur-at-the-bay.com/2010/07/22


SBA Small Business ACT 2009 Europe for SME/PME orders

in big contracts obligatory.....

"Small Business Act" for Europe

The "Think Small First" principle is at the heart of the Commission Communication "Small Business Act" for Europe. The overarching objective of this political document is to irreversibly anchor the "Think Small First" principle in policy making through the application of 10 politically binding principles and a series of actions to be performed by the Commission and the Member States.