Stars on Ice Japan Tour 2015 in Tokyo

I went to the shows in the evening on January 17 and in the afternoon on January 18.

My seat was on the 2nd floor of the north side on Jan. 17, and it was on the the south side on Jan.18.The rink became smaller than MWO by making on-ice seats of 2 rows. The arena was very crowded even just after the door open. There was a long line to the souvenir shop. I saw Mr. & Mrs. Sato sitting in the VIP area.

Most skaters performed different programs by shows.

The 1st half


Rhapsody in Blue

First, We saw Patrick leaning on the fence of the south side. He was wearing a black hat and showed some skating. It somewhat reminded me Kurt Browning. Then, two ladies (I think Katia and Joannie) appeared. After that, Evan showed up and skated awhile. Then other skaters came out one after another, Daisuke and Akiko joined as regular member in Japan. The ladies were in white and the men were in black with white lines in their front. After some group skating, they posed in some lines. Meryl and Charlie appeared from the both short side and skated among them. They met at the center of the rink and danced together. After that, other skaters danced in couples. Single skaters danced like ice dancers also. Evan danced with Joannie. All the couples including single skaters except the Japanese couple did even genuine dance lift. It was really amazing. In the later part of the program, Evan and Joannie showed SBS 3T. He has often doubled his jumps in group numbers in past shows that I have ever seen, but in both days, it was executed well.

Kimmie Meissner

After the finish of the opening number, a lady left the group and stayed on the rink. It was Kimmie. She skated the same program on both days. It was a cute number. Her expression looked softer than the days when she skated at competitions. Her spiral was beautiful. She was a little struggling with jumps at MWO and at the first show I saw, but she landed all jumps at the last show.

Takahito Mura

His programs were "Feeling Good" and "Love Never Die". He showed his consistency of 4T in both programs. (It may be two-footed on Sunday.) The crowd applauded very much at his jumps.


They skated same programs on both days. It was a fun number of country music. They showed many lifts and the highlight was of course the one that Sinead lift John.

Kanako Murakami

Her EX in a pink dress and SP in a gold dress

She was very fast and her jumps were big. She was very great without the pressure of competitions. She was very impressive and I loved her performances.

On Sanday, Charlie, Ryan and Tanith appeared after Kanako's performance, and showed a transition program. It was a story that two men courted her and she chose Charlie at the last.

“Dumped” Ryan Bradley skated Mr. Cellophane in a bit sorrow mood. He did some good jumps and of course his trade mark back flip.

He skated a program with two back flips on Saturday.

It was great that he could do back flips from Walley jumps.

Joannie Rochette

She showed the same program with MWO on Saturday. On Sunday, she performed a danceable number with a black and pink sexy dress. Her jumps were not as good as those at MWO. But still the quality of her performace was very good.

Evan Lysacek

On Sunday, I didn't know the starting order. I only knew that he would skate somewhere in the first half. I saw a person who had long arms made a familiar starting pose in the dark. "It's coming at last!" I felt nervous. It was the long-awaited "Black Swan". On the pale blue lighting like a lake, he began to skate in a black costume with see-through sides. I'm not sure whether it was the same one with what he wore in Kazakhstan. Every moment was like a dream. His performance was flawless. The steps were complicated and smooth. His spins were beautiful. He doesn't do camel spins so much in the past show programs, So I was glad to see it in this program. His long legs looked fine on the ice. I think he did 3Lz and 3T. Jumps were clean. His beautiful posture and the stretched arms with nice hand moves were just like a ballet. I love watching circular pattern step sequences in competition programs. (In this point, it was a pity that Roxanne didn't have that kind of step sequence.) This program included a step sequence like that. I think it was a part of the recent element of step sequence of free pattern. It was the highlight of the program. I was really thrilled with seeing it. The only complaint was that the rink was too small. It would be more brilliant if performed on the competition sized rink. In particular, step sequence looked a bit cramped on the small show rink. However, it was totally mesmerizing. I really wish to see it again at a larger rink.

For me, having watched this program at last means that my "Sochi Olympics" was finally over.

On Saturday, he skated "Take Me To Church" in a black tank top. His bare arms were beautifully and strongly moved to the music. I think this is a program in which we can enjoy the beauty of his body line and moves. In this program also, he did some camel spins. There was no apparent mistake in this program, too. But for some reason, the reaction of the people around me was not as big as Black Swan. Maybe, it was the reason that it was difficult to feel the power and dynamism of him from 2nd floor. And technical side of this program is a little conservative. This may be a difficult number if you are not a fan who loves Evan himself or his body shape. But I think this music is fit for him, so it is a great choice. (In the Q&A of the event program, Patrick picks this song as one of his favorite music.) The tank top costume was very good to emphasize his beautiful arms. I want him to keep wearing it or al least not to make a new one of black long sleeves.

All his jumps during the shows which I saw were clean including those in group numbers.


After too absorbed in Evan's performances, I was really sorry for feeling some difficulty to get into their programs. On Saturday, they did a danceable number in glaring lighting. On Sunday, they showed a quiet music program in which I think they were acting lovers. It was a very nice atmosphere and I preferred this.

There was a program by TBS pig mascot and a little girl before the intermission.

The 2nd half

The first program was a group number. On Saturday, it was a Blues program by Davis/White, Belbin/Agosto and Gordeeva/Chan. They performed with using chairs and folding fans. It was nice adult atmosphere. Patrick and Katia did well with ice dancers though they seemed excused from some really difficult dance elements.

On Sunday, I saw a staff putting many chairs on ice during after the ice surfacing. I thought that they would show another group number, and I felt glad that Evan might participate in it. And he did! There were very many skaters on the ice. (maybe, most of the regular cast?) I can't say all their names. And they moved in very various patterns. So I can't describe well how it really was. It was modern cool music and the program was fun to see. Sometimes they danced and sometimes they skated with the chairs. In the middle of the program, Evan fell with holding the chair in the center of the rink. I felt it was rather a mistake in handling of the chair than a mistake in footwork. It was like sliding onto the ice rather than hitting. I hope he didn't damage his body. He stood up soon and brought the chair to the corner. He continued skating with no problem. It hardly influenced the entire program.

Satoko Miyahara

The new national champions showed her EX of this season in a pink dress and her old EX in a white dress with some red cloths. She was very tiny, but her skills were excellent and the performances were lovely.

Takahiko Kozuka

He skated his SP on Saturday. He did difficult jumps like at a competition. Those jumps were not clean. On Sunday, his program was the Flamenco EX. In both programs, I enjoyed his light and smooth footwork as always.

Akiko Suzuki

Clair de lune on Saturday. She was like the goddess of the Moon in a beautiful purple dress and sparkling hair band. It was a nice program with her excellent expression.

Zigeunerweisen on Sunday. Despite one fall, still it was fun to see her dance always.

Nobunari Oda

He showed his new program "Riverdance" on Saturday. It reminded me of Jason. He was in a dark green simple shirt. I thought it might be better if his costume was brighter color. On Sunday, he skated Adios Nonino. His jumps and spins were really great and he expressed the music with really good atmosphere.

On Saturday, Ben, John and Meryl appeared and did a short collaboration number to connect to the next program of Katia.

Ekaterina Gordeeva

She showed "I Dreamed a Dream" in a nice pink dress. I loved it very much. Her skating was light like a feather. It was very elegant. On Sunday, she skated a Tango program with using a chair. After a while, Patrick came out and sat on it. He was just sitting and she performed around him for a while.

Daisuke Takahashi

He showed "Caravan" on Saturday and "Kissing You" on Sunday. He was the crowd favorite and many people in the arena enthusiastically shouted his name after his performance. He was always an excellent dancer and his steps and jumps were very skilful.


Their program on Saturday was "A Thousand Years". Tanith was in a white dress. I have seen this a few years ago, but I felt it had become very matured and nicer. On Sunday, they did "Boogie Shoes" number in yellow shirts and light blue pants with purple sneakers. It was the only comical program during the show and was much fun.

Patrick Chan

He showed different programs on Saturday and Sunday. In both programs, his incredible skating skills made me admire him. His jumps on Sunday were shaky for some reason. However, his edge work with that body balance was an art itself.


Their programs were "Say Something" on Saturday and "Sleeping Beauty" on Sunday. Both were excellent. But I definitely much preferred the latter. They were totally like a prince and the princess of the fairy tale. That was exactly what I had wanted to see from them. It was really fantastic.

Mao Asada

She was the last performer of the shows and skated her gospel number. She was always cute and showed many connections to fans. Everyone loved her. She doubled her loop on Saturday, but skated perfectly on Sunday.


It was with cheerful and danceable music. Men were in black short sleeve shirt and ladies were in black spangled dresses. Evan was in the front row and danced briskly. When men and ladies made couples, his partner was Joannie again. The number was powerful and fun finale number. After the familiar style bow by regular cast, guest skaters came out and greeted fans. They went around the rink and once disappeared into the tunnel, but came out to the rink again for the encore.

Overall impression was that the group numbers were excellent and solo programs were also nice. I can understand that each regular skater could do only one solo program in a show because there were many guest skaters. But there was only one group number per a show except the opening and the finale. It was too few. When I saw SOI last time in 2011, there were three group numbers in a show. The total show time was only 2 hours 15minute including the intermission. Group numbers are the most characteristic part of SOI. Why didn't they do more programs? It was the most disappointing point of the show. But nothing is more precious than seeing Evan's skating. It was so special for me. I am really thankful to have had this opportunity to see him and the great skaters.

Q&A in the program booklet

1. When did you see SOI for the first time?

In 1994. I was thrilled with the speed.

2. What do you like about group numbers?

Because I am slow at learning, I am usually weaker in group numbers than anyone.

3. How did your life change by becoming a medalist?

I have never wanted to become famous, and the feeling have not changed yet. I only wanted to accomplish something in my life. I tasted fame by winning the Olympics, but it didn't fit for me. However, I thanked the route that opened by it. I have increased knowledge about first-class global brands and about how those brands insert Olympics into their strategies. The feeling that I became interested in it kept remained, and it is useful in my business now. My main job are negotiation and structuring at acquiring and administrating commercial real estates, and also marketing of shopping centers. I will continue activities as sports envoy of the State Department.

4. What is a star for you? What is necessary for being a star?

People who accomplish something, retain dignity, and keep faith. In painters, Picasso, Mark Rothko, and Matisse, in musicians, they are Mozart, Stravinsky, and Sinatra, and businessmen like Warren Buffett and Steve Jobs, also. Their works and achievements do not fade even after time elapses.

5. What is your favorite music?

(no answer)

6. What is your source of energy?

Curiosity and ambition

7. (to single skaters) Do you want to try pairs or ice dance? Who is the skater who you want to be your partner?

I had imagined that it would be fun if I would try. But I wonder if I am temperamentally suited to it.

8. Please tell your hopes for the event and your message to Japanese fans.

My take about skating is now in a different way from before. In the feeling like return to the beginning, I remember comfortableness of skating fast and the feeling of satisfaction of executing difficult tricks, and keep them in my mind. I like skating in Japan because Japanese fans deeply understand the elements included in figure skating, such as music, concept, and moves.