EV3 Basic Manual

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The runtime-library for the EV3 is organized in individual parts, called 'objects'. Each object provides functionality for a different part of the system. This list contains everything that is available for both Small Basic on the PC (with EV3-extension) and also on the brick when compiling with EV3 Explorer. When developing programs that only need to run on the PC, you can also use everything else that is provided by Small Basic, but the standard Small Basic objects are not documented here except for the Math, Program and Text objects. The objects documented here are:

Assert     Buttons     Byte     EV3     EV3File     F     LCD     Math     Motor

Program     Sensor     Speaker     Text     Thread    Vector

Click HERE for descriptions of the Small Basic objects.


A test facility to help check part of the code for correctness. 

Assertions make implicit assumptions about the current program state explicit. By adding assertion calls you can help finding bugs in your program more easily. For example, when a part of the program depends on the variable A having a positive value, you could call Assert.Greater(A,0,"A must be > 0!"). In the case that the program runs into an assertion that is not satisfied, the error message is displayed stating the problem.

Assert.Equal (a, b, message)

Make sure that two values are equal. For this test, even "True" and "tRue" are not considered equal.

a  First value

b  Second value

message  Message that will be displayed if the assertion fails.

Assert.Failed (message)

Write a failure message to the display. This function should only be called if something has already failed in the program.

message  Message to be displayed

Assert.Greater (a, b, message)

Make sure that the first number is greater than the second.

a  First value

b  Second value

message  Message that will be displayed if the assertion fails.

Assert.GreaterEqual (a, b, message)

Make sure that the first number is greater than or equal to the second.

a  First value

b  Second value

message  Message that will be displayed if the assertion fails.

Assert.Less (a, b, message)

Make sure that the first number is less than the second.

a  First value

b  Second value

message  Message that will be displayed if the assertion fails.

Assert.LessEqual (a, b, message)

Make sure that the first number is less than or equal to the second.

a  First value

b  Second value

message  Message that will be displayed if the assertion fails.

Assert.Near (a, b, message)

Make sure that the two numbers are nearly identical. This can be used for fractional numbers with many decimal places where the computation could give slightly different results because of rounding issues.

a  First value

b  Second value

message  Message that will be displayed if the assertion fails.

Assert.NotEqual (a, b, message)

Make sure that two values are not equal. For this test, even "True" and "tRue" are not considered equal.

a  First value

b  Second value

message  Message that will be displayed if the assertion fails.


Reads the states and clicks of the buttons on the brick. The buttons are specified with the following letters:   U(p), D(own), L(eft), R(ight), E(nter)

Buttons.Current - property

The buttons that are currently pressed. This property contains a text with the key letters of all keys being pressed at the moment.

Buttons.Flush ()

Remove any clicked-state of all buttons. Subsequent calls to GetClicks will only deliver the buttons that were clicked after the flush.

Buttons.GetClicks ()

Checks which buttons were clicked since the last call to GetClicks and returns a text containing their letters. The 'clicked' state of the buttons is then removed. Also a sound is emitted from the brick when a click was detected.

Returns  A text containing the letters of the clicked buttons (can be empty)

Buttons.Wait ()

Wait until at least one button is clicked. If a buttons was already clicked before calling this function, it returns immediately.


Manipulate individual bits of an 8-bit numerical quantity. This library lets you treat Small Basic numbers as if they were organized as 8-bit integer values (a.k.a. "bytes"). To do so, the parameter values are always converted to plain bytes, then the requested operation is performed and then the result is converted back to a Small Basic number. The usual bit operations are supported: AND, OR, NOT, XOR, various shifts and data conversion operations. Note that the identifiers AND and OR are reserved words of Small Basic and so these operations are named AND_ and OR_ instead. For further information see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwise_operation .

Byte.AND_ (a, b)

Bitwise AND operation.

a  First operand

b  Second operand

Returns  The number you get when merging the two input bytes a and b by doing a binary AND operation on their individual bits

Byte.B (value)

Convert a string that contains a binary value into a number.

value  The string holding a byte in binary form (for example: "01001111")

Returns  The byte as number

Byte.BIT (value, index)

Extract a single bit from a byte.

value  The byte number from where to extract the bit

index  Position of the bit inside the byte

Returns  The bit on the specified position which is either 0 or 1

Byte.H (value)

Convert a string that contains a hexadecimal value into a number.

value  The string holding a byte in hexadecimal form (for example: "4F")

Returns  The byte as number

Byte.L (value)

Convert a string that contains a logic value into a numerical 0 or 1.

value  The string holding a logic value. All case-insensitive variants of "True" ("TRUE","TrUe", "truE", etc.) are considered the same. Everything else is treated as "False".

Returns  0 or 1

Byte.NOT (value)

Bitwise negation.

value  Number to negate

Returns  The number you get when every bit of the input byte is individually inverted

Byte.OR_ (a, b)

Bitwise OR operation.

a  First operand

b  Second operand

Returns  The number you get when merging the two input bytes a and b by doing a binary OR operation on their individual bits

Byte.SHL (value, distance)

Perform a bitwise shift operation to the left.

value  The byte whose bits will be shifted

distance  By how many positions to shift the bits

Returns  The number you get after moving every bit of the input value towards the more significant positions

Byte.SHR (value, distance)

Perform a bitwise shift operation to the right.

value  The byte whose bits will be shifted

distance  By how many positions to shift the bits

Returns  The number you get after moving every bit of the input value towards the less significant positions

Byte.ToBinary (value)

Convert an 8-bit byte to its 8-digit binary string representation.

value  The byte to convert into a string

Returns  A string holding 8 binary digits

Byte.ToHex (value)

Convert an 8-bit byte to its 2-digit hexadecimal string representation.

value  The byte to convert into a string

Returns  A string holding 2 hexadecimal digits

Byte.ToLogic (value)

Convert a number (can be a 8-bit byte or any other number) to a logic value of either "True" or "False". 

This value can then be used for the condition in If or While or any other purpose. 

Note that any input value greater than 0 results in a "True" while an input value of 0 or any negative value results in "False". 

This specific behaviour allows some weird and wonderful things to be done with this command. Refer to the appendix for advanced logic operations.

value  The numeric value to be converted into its corresponding logic value

Returns  Either "True" or "False"

Byte.XOR (a, b)

Bitwise XOR operation.

a  First operand

b  Second operand

Returns  The number you get when merging the two input bytes a and b by doing a binary XOR operation on their individual bits


Small utility functions that concern the EV3 brick as a whole.

EV3.BatteryLevel - property

The current loading level of the battery (range 0 to 100).

EV3.Time - property

The time in milliseconds since the program was started.

EV3.SetLEDColor (color, effect)

Set the color of the brick LED light and the effect to use for it.

color  Can be "OFF", "GREEN", "RED", "ORANGE"

effect  Can be "NORMAL", "FLASH", "PULSE"

EV3.SystemCall (commandline)

Execute one system command by the command shell of the EV3 Linux system. All threads of the virtual machine are halted until the system command is finished.

commandline  The system command.

Returns  Exit status of the command.


Access the file system on the EV3 brick to read or write data. 

File names can be given either absolute (with a leading '/') to reach any file in the system, or relative to the 'prjs' folder.

EV3File.Close (handle)

Close an open file.

handle  The file handle (previously obtained from an Open... call)

EV3File.ConvertToNumber (text)

Utility function to convert a text to a number.

text  A text holding a number in decimal representation (with optional fractional digits)

Returns  The number

EV3File.OpenAppend (filename)

Open a file for adding data. When the file does not exist, it will be created.

filename  Name of the file to create/extend.

Returns  A number that identifies this open file (a.k.a. file handle).

EV3File.OpenRead (filename)

Open a file for reading data. When the file does not exist, a 0 is returned.

filename  Name of the file to read from.

Returns  A number that identifies this open file (a.k.a. file handle) or 0 if file does not exist.

EV3File.OpenWrite (filename)

Open a file for writing. When the file already exists, it will be overwritten.

filename  Name of the file to create/overwrite.

Returns  A number that identifies this open file (a.k.a. file handle).

EV3File.ReadByte (handle)

Read one byte of data from the file.

handle  The file handle (previously obtained from an Open... call)

Returns  The next byte from the file.

EV3File.ReadLine (handle)

Read one line of text from the file. The line will be decoded using the ISO-8859-1 encoding and must be terminated with a newline-character (code 10).

handle  The file handle (previously obtained from an Open... call)

Returns  The text from the current line in the file.

EV3File.TableLookup (filename, bytes_per_row, row, column)

Utility function to read bytes from potentially huge data files that are too big to be transferred to memory as a whole. Because the file could be so big that the numerical precision of the normal numbers is not enough, a row/column addressing is possible.

filename  The name of the file.

bytes_per_row  When the file has a row/column structure, this is the number of bytes in one row. Use 1 if not applicable.

row  Which row to access (start with 0).

column  Which column to access (start with 0).

Returns  The byte on the denoted position

EV3File.WriteByte (handle, data)

Write a single byte of data to the file.

handle  The file handle (previously obtained from an Open... call)

data  One byte to write (value of 0 - 255).

EV3File.WriteLine (handle, text)

Write one line of text to the file. The line will be encoded with ISO-8859-1 encoding and will be terminated with a newline-character (code 10).

handle  The file handle (previously obtained from an Open... call)

text  The text to write to the file.


A framework to create functions with parameters and local variables in Small Basic. This enables programs to call user-defined library functions in a form similar to what is possible with the built-in commands, including nicer parameter passing and return values. Functions can be defined by use of the F.Function command and can be later called with one of the F.Call commands. See the provided example "Function.sb" for a better introduction.

F.Start - Property

This property must be set to a subprogram before a subsequent F.Function operation is done which actually defines the function.

F.Call0 (name)

Do a function call without passing parameters.


The name of the function (case insensitive)


The value returned by the function

F.Call1 (name, p1)

Do a function call with 1 parameter.


The name of the function (case insensitive)


Parameter 1


The value returned by the function

F.Call2 (name, p1, p2)

Do a function call with 2 parameters.


The name of the function (case insensitive)


Parameter 1


Parameter 2


The value returned by the function

F.Call3 to F.Call20 are formatted in a similar way to functions FCall.0 to F.Call2 described above.

F.Function (name, parameterdefinitions)

Define a named function and its local variables/parameters with default values. Before this command is executed, the Start property needs to be set to a subroutine that will then be the starting point of the function. 

The local variables are also used for parameter passing when using a Call command: For any call with n parameters, these parameters will be assigned to the first n local variables. The rest of the local variables will be set to their defined initial value.


The name for the function (needs to be a string literal)


A string that holds a sequence of local variable names and initial values. This looks like for example "A B:5 T:hello". When no default is specified, 0 will be used.

F.Get (variablename)

Retrieve the value of a named local variable.


The name of the local variable (case insensitive)


The value stored in the variable

F.Return ()

Causes the current function call to terminate immediately. 

In "brick mode" it is only allowed to use this command in the topmost sub of a function.

F.ReturnNumber (value)

Causes the current function call to terminate immediately and delivers the value as number back to the caller. 

In "brick mode" it is only allowed to use this command in the topmost sub of a function.


The return value (must be a number)

F.ReturnText (value)

Causes the current function call to terminate immediately and delivers the value as text back to the caller. 

In "brick mode" it is only allowed to use this command in the topmost sub of a function.


The return value (is interpreted as text)

F.Set (variablename, value)

Set a named local variable to a specified value.


The name of the local variable (case insensitive)


The value to store into the local variable


Control the LCD display on the brick. 

The EV3 has a black-and-white display with 178 x 128 pixels. All pixels are addressed with X,Y coordinates where X=0 is the left edge and Y=0 is the top edge. Thus the coordinates of the bottom right pixel are (177,127).

LCD.BmpFile (color, x, y, filename)

Draw a bitmap file in a given color to the display.

color  0 (white) or 1 (black)

x  X coordinate of left edge

y  Y coordinate of top edge

filename  Name of the file containing the bitmap

LCD.Circle (color, x, y, radius)

Draws a circle in the given color.

color  0 (white) or 1 (black)

x  X coordinate of center point

y  Y coordinate of center point

radius  Radius of the circle

LCD.Clear ()

Set all pixels of the display to white.

LCD.FillCircle (color, x, y, radius)

Draws a filled circle with a given color.

color  0 (white) or 1 (black)

x  X coordinate of center point

y  Y coordinate of center point

radius  Radius of the circle

LCD.FillRect (color, x, y, width, height)

Fill a rectangle with a color.

color  0 (white) or 1 (black)

x  Left edge of rectangle

y  Top edge of rectangle

width  Width of rectangle

height  Height of rectangle

LCD.InverseRect (x, y, width, height)

Invert the colors of all pixels inside of a rectangle

x  Left edge of rectangle

y  Top edge of rectangle

width  Width of rectangle

height  Height of rectangle

LCD.Line (color, x1, y1, x2, y2)

Set a straight line of pixels to a color.

color  0 (white) or 1 (black)

x1  X coordinate of start point

y1  Y coordinate of start point

x2  X coordinate of end point

y2  Y coordinate of end point

LCD.Pixel (color, x, y)

Set a single pixel on the display to a color.

color  0 (white) or 1 (black)

x  X coordinate

y  Y coordinate

LCD.Rect (color, x, y, width, height)

Draw an outline of a rectangle with a color.

color  0 (white) or 1 (black)

x  Left edge of rectangle

y  Top edge of rectangle

width  Width of rectangle

height  Height of rectangle

LCD.StopUpdate ()

Memorize all subsequent changes to the display instead of directly drawing them. At the next call to Update(), these changes will be finally drawn. You can use this feature to prevent flickering or to speed up drawing complex things to the LCD.

LCD.Text (color, x, y, font, text)

Write a given text (or number) in a color to the display

color  0 (white) or 1 (black)

x  X coordinate where text starts

y  Y coordinate of the top corner

font  Size of the letters: 0 (TINY), 1 (SMALL), 2 (BIG)

text  The text (or number) to write to the display

LCD.Update ()

Draw all changes to the display that have happened since the last call to StopUpdate(). After Update() everything will again be drawn directly unless you use the StopUpdate() once more.

LCD.Write (x, y, text)

Write a given text (or number) in black color to the display. When you need more control over the visual appearance, use the function 'Text' instead. 

x  X coordinate where text starts

y  Y coordinate of the top corner

text  The text (or number) to write to the display


The Math class provides lots of useful mathematics related methods

Math.Pi - property

Gets the value of Pi

Math.Abs (number)

Gets the absolute value of the given number. For example, -32.233 will return 32.233.

number  The number to get the absolute value for.

Returns  The absolute value of the given number.

Math.ArcCos (cosValue)

Gets the angle in radians, given the cosine value.

cosValue  The cosine value whose angle is needed.

Returns  The angle (in radians) for the given cosine Value.

Math.ArcSin (sinValue)

Gets the angle in radians, given the sin value.

sinValue The sine value whose angle is needed.

Returns The angle (in radians) for the given sine Value.

Math.ArcTan (tanValue)

Gets the angle in radians, given the tangent value.

tanValue  The tangent value whose angle is needed.

Returns  The angle (in radians) for the given tangent Value.

Math.Ceiling (number)

Gets an integer that is greater than or equal to the specified decimal number. For example,  32.233 will return 33.

number  The number whose ceiling is required.

Returns  The ceiling value of the given number.

Math.Cos (angle)

Gets the cosine of the given angle in radians.

angle  The angle whose cosine is needed (in radians).

Returns  The cosine of the given angle.

Math.Floor (number)

Gets an integer that is less than or equal to the specified decimal number. For example, 32.233 will return 32.

number  The number whose floor value is required.

Returns  The floor value of the given number.

Math.GetDegrees (angle)

Converts a given angle in radians to degrees.

angle  The angle in radians.

Returns  The converted angle in degrees.

Math.GetRadians (angle)

Converts a given angle in degrees to radians.

angle  The angle in degrees.

Returns  The converted angle in radians.

Math.GetRandomNumber (maxNumber)

Gets a random number between 1 and the specified maxNumber (inclusive).

maxNumber  The maximum number for the requested random value.

Returns  A Random number that is less than or equal to the specified max.

Math.Log (number)

Gets the logarithm (base 10) value of the given number.

number  The number whose logarithm value is required

Returns  The log value of the given number

Math.Max (number1, number2)

Compares two numbers and returns the greater of the two.

number1  The first of the two numbers to compare.

number2  The second of the two numbers to compare.

Returns  The greater value of the two numbers.

Math.Min (number1, number2)

Compares two numbers and returns the smaller of the two.

number1  The first of the two numbers to compare.

number2  The second of the two numbers to compare.

Returns  The smaller value of the two numbers.

Math.NaturalLog (number)

Gets the natural logarithm value of the given number.

number  The number whose natural logarithm value is required.

Returns  The natural log value of the given number.

Math.Power (baseNumber, exponent)

Raises the base number to the specified power.

baseNumber  The number to be raised to the exponent power.

exponent  The power to raise the base number.

Returns  The base number raised to the specified exponent.

Math.Remainder (dividend, divisor)

Divides the first number by the second and returns the remainder.

dividend  The number to divide.

divisor  The number that divides.

Returns  The remainder after the division.

Math.Round (number)

Rounds a given number to the nearest integer. For example 32.233 will be rounded to 32.0 while  32.566 will be rounded to 33.

number  The number whose approximation is required.

Returns  The rounded value of the given number.

Math.Sin (angle)

Gets the sine of the given angle in radians.

angle  The angle whose sine is needed (in radians)

Returns  The sine of the given angle

Math.SquareRoot (number)

Gets the square root of a given number.

number  The number whose square root value is needed.

Returns  The square root value of the given number.

Math.Tan (angle)

Gets the tangent of the given angle in radians.

angle  The angle whose tangent is needed (in radians).

Returns  The tangent of the given angle.


Note that EV3 Basic makes no distinction between large and medium motors. 

The Motor commands control the motors connected to the brick. For every command you need to specify one or more motor ports that should be affected (for example, "A", "BC", "ABD"). When additional bricks are daisy-chained to the master brick, address the correct port by adding the layer number to the specifier (for example, "3BC", "2A"). In this case only the motors of one brick can be accessed with a single command.

Speed vs. Power: When requesting to drive a motor with a certain speed, the electrical power will be permanently adjusted to keep the motor on this speed regardless of the necessary driving force (as long as enough power can be provided). When requesting a certain power instead, the motor will just be provided with this much electrical power and the actual speed will then depend on the resistance it meets. The normal choice in EV3 Basic should be speed.

The following table summarises nine commands that can be used to make motors move. It does not include the commands MoveSteer, ScheduleSteer and StartSteer which mimic the functionality of the Move Steering block in EV-G. These three commands are only available in versions 1.2 and later of the EV3 extension.

The four highlighted commands are the most basic ones, the ones beginners will use most of the time.

To make one motor turn through a given angle or make two motors turn at the same speed through a given angle (as for straight line motion), prefer Motor.Move.

To make the robot follow a curved path for a given angle of wheel rotation (two motors moving with different speeds), prefer Motor.MoveSync. This function causes program execution to pause until the movement completes. This function is equivalent to the 'move tank' block of the standard Lego software. Alternatively, you can use Motor.Movesteer which is the equivalent of the Move Steering block in EV3-G. This command is only available in version 1.2 and later of the EV3 extension.

To make motors turn for a given length of time, turn them on with Motor.Start (to give motors the same speed) or Motor.StartSync (to give motors different speeds), then use Program.Delay to make the program wait the desired time, then stop the motors with Motor.Stop.

When you have to change power or speed of an already running motor, just re-issue a Start() command with the appropriate speed or power value. The motor will then seamlessly switch over to the new mode of operation.

For all the motor commands:

Motor.GetCount (port)

Query the current rotation count of a single motor. As long as the counter is not reset it will accurately measure all movements of a motor, even if the motor is driven by some external force while not actively running.

Returns  The current rotation count in degrees.

Motor.GetSpeed (port)

Query the current speed of a single motor.

Returns  Current speed in range -100 to 100

Motor.Invert (ports)

This command is only available in versions 1.2 and later of the EV3 extension. Invert the polarity (direction) of one or more motors. This will affect all future commands that move this motors and also the tacho and speed readings will deliver inverted values. This operation makes it easy to change the way a motor is built into a robot without altering the rest of the program. You just need to add a single Motor.Invert() command at the very start of the program. Note that there is intentionally no way to disable the inversion later on.

ports  Motor port name(s)

Motor.IsBusy (ports)

Checks if one or more motors are still busy with a scheduled motor movement.

Returns  "True" if at least one of the motors is busy, "False" otherwise.

Motor.Move (ports, speed, degrees, brake)

Move one or more motors with the specified speed through the specified angle (in degrees). This command will cause the program to pause until the motor has reached its destination. When you need finer control over the movement (soft acceleration or deceleration), consider using the command Motor.SchedulePower instead. For the difference between 'speed' and 'power', see the beginning of this Motor section.

speed Speed level from -100 (full reverse) to 100 (full forward)

degrees  The angle to rotate. Any negative sign will be ignored.

Motor.MovePower (ports, power, degrees, brake)

Move one or more motors with the specified power the specified angle (in degrees). This command will block execution until the motor has reached its destination. When you need finer control over the movement (soft acceleration or deceleration), consider using the command Motor.SchedulePower() instead.

power  Power level from -100 (full reverse) to 100 (full forward)

degrees  The angle to rotate. Any negative sign will be ignored.

Motor.MoveSteer (ports, speed, turn, degrees, brake)

This command is only available in versions 1.2 and later of the EV3 extension. Move two motors a defined number of degrees with a specified speed and relative ratio. This ratio is determined by the 'turn' parameter which basically determines into which direction a vehicle with a simple two-wheel drive would make its turn (given that the motor with the lower port letter is mounted on the left side). The two motors are synchronized which means that when one motor experiences some resistance and cannot keep up its speed, the other motor will also slow down or stop altogether. This is especially useful for vehicles with two independently driven wheels which still need to go straight or make a specified turn. The angle to move is for the motor with the higher speed. This command makes the program pause until the movement has completed.

ports  Names of 2 motor ports (for example "AB" or "CD"

speed  Speed value from -100 (full reverse) to 100 (full forward) of the faster motor.

turn  Turn ratio from -100 (rotating left on the spot) to 100 (rotating right on the spot).

degrees  The angle of the faster motor to rotate

brake  "True", if the motors should switch on the brake after movement

Motor.MoveSync (ports, speed1, speed2, degrees, brake)

This function is similar to the 'Move Tank' block in the standard Lego EV3 software. Moves 2 motors (with speeds that can be different) a defined number of degrees. The angle to move will be measured at the motor with the higher speed. This function pauses program execution until the movement completes. If you want the movement to return immediately you should use Motor.ScheduleSync() instead. The two motors are synchronized which means that when one motor experiences some resistance and can not keep up its speed, the other motor will also slow down or stop altogether. This is especially useful for vehicles with two independently driven wheels which still need to go straight or make a specified turn.

ports  Names of exactly TWO motor ports (for example "AB" or "CD")

speed1  Speed value from -100 (full reverse) to 100 (full forward) of the motor with the lower port letter.

speed2  Speed value from -100 (full reverse) to 100 (full forward) of the motor with the higher port letter.

degrees  The angle that the faster motor should rotate. Any negative sign will be ignored.

Motor.ResetCount (ports)

Set the rotation count of one or more motors to 0.

Motor.Schedule (ports, speed, degrees1, degrees2, degrees3, brake)

Move one or more motors with the specified speed values. The speed can be adjusted along the total rotation to get a soft start and a soft stop if needed. The angle to rotate the motor is degrees1+degrees2+degrees3. Any negative signs for the angles will be ignored. At the end of the movement, the motor stops automatically (with or without using the brake). This function returns immediately, so if you want the movement to complete before the program continues you should follow this command with Motor.Wait(ports).

speed  Speed level from -100 (full reverse) to 100 (full forward)

degrees1  The part of the rotation with acceleration

degrees2  The part of the rotation with uniform speed

degrees3  The part of the rotation with deceleration

Motor.SchedulePower (ports, power, degrees1, degrees2, degrees3, brake)

Move one or more motors with the specified power. The power can be adjusted along the total rotation to get a soft start and a soft stop if needed. The angle to rotate the motor is degrees1+degrees2+degrees3. Any negative signs for the angles will be ignored. At the end of the movement, the motor stops automatically (with or without using the brake). This function returns immediately, so if you want the movement to complete before the program continues you should follow this function with Motor.Wait(ports).

power  Power level from -100 (full reverse) to 100 (full forward)

degrees1  The part of the rotation with acceleration

degrees2  The part of the rotation with uniform motion

degrees3  The part of the rotation with deceleration

Motor.ScheduleSteer (ports, speed, turn, degrees, brake)

This command is only available in versions 1.2 and later of the EV3 extension. Move 2 motors a defined number of degrees with a specified speed and relative ratio. This ratio is determined by the 'turn' parameter which basically determines in which direction a vehicle with a simple two-wheel drive would make its turn (given that the motor with the lower port letter is mounted on the left side). The two motors are synchronized which means that when one motor experiences some resistance and cannot keep up its speed, the other motor will also slow down or stop altogether. This is especially useful for vehicles with two independently driven wheels which still need to go straight or make a specified turn. The distance to move is for the motor with the higher speed. This function returns immediately. You can use IsBusy() to detect the end of the movement or call Wait() to wait until movement is finished.

ports  Names of 2 motor ports (for example "AB" or "CD"

speed  Speed value from -100 (full reverse) to 100 (full forward) of the faster motor.

turn  Turn ratio from -100 (rotating left on the spot) to 100 (rotating right on the spot).

degrees  The angle through which the faster motor should rotate.

brake  "True", if the motors should switch on the brake after movement.

Motor.ScheduleSync (ports, speed1, speed2, degrees, brake)

Move 2 motors with speeds that can be different through a defined number of degrees. The 'degrees' value is applied to the motor with the higher speed. The two motors are synchronized, which means that when one motor experiences some resistance and can not keep up its speed, the other motor will also slow down or stop altogether. This is especially useful for vehicles with two independently driven wheels which still need to go straight or make a specified turn. This function returns immediately. If you want the movement to complete before the program continues you should use Motor.MoveSync() instead.

ports  Names of exactly 2 motor ports (for example "AB" or "CD")

speed1  Speed value from -100 (full reverse) to 100 (full forward) of the motor with the lower port letter.

speed2  Speed value from -100 (full reverse) to 100 (full forward) of the motor with the higher port letter.

degrees  The angle of the faster motor to rotate. Any negative sign will be ignored.

Motor.Start (ports, speed)

Start one or more motors with the requested speed or set an already running motor to this speed.

speed  Speed value from -100 (full reverse) to 100 (full forward).

Motor.StartPower (ports, power)

Start one or more motors with the requested power or set an already running motor to this power.

power  Power value from -100 (full reverse) to 100 (full forward).

Motor.StartSteer (ports, speed, turn)

This command is only available in versions 1.2 and later of the EV3 extension. Set two motors to run with a specified speed and relative ratio. This ratio is determined by the 'turn' parameter which basically determines into which direction a vehicle with a simple two-wheel drive would make its turn (given that the motor with the lower port letter is mounted on the left side). The two motors will be synchronized which means that when one motor experiences some resistance and cannot keep up its speed, the other motor will also slow down or stop altogether. This is especially useful for vehicles with two independently driven wheels which still need to go straight or make a specified turn. The motors will keep running until stopped by another command.

ports  Name of two motor ports (for example "AB" or "CD").

speed  Speed value from -100 (full reverse) to 100 (full forward) for the faster motor.

turn  Turn ratio from -100 (rotating left on the spot) to 100 (rotating right on the spot).

Motor.StartSync (ports, speed1, speed2)

Set two motors to run synchronized at their chosen speed levels. The two motors will be synchronized, that means, when one motor experiences some resistance and can not keep up its speed, the other motor will also slow down or stop altogether. This is especially useful for vehicles with two independently driven wheels which still need to go straight or make a specified turn. The motors will keep running until stopped by another command.

ports  Name of exactly two motor ports (for example "AB" or "CD").

speed1  Speed value from -100 (full reverse) to 100 (full forward) of the motor with the lower port letter.

speed2  Speed value from -100 (full reverse) to 100 (full forward) of the motor with the higher port letter.

Motor.Stop (ports, brake)

Stop one or multiple motors. This will also cancel any scheduled movement for this motor.

Motor.Wait (ports)

Wait until the specified motor(s) has finished a "Schedule..." or "Move..." operation. Using this method is normally better than calling IsBusy() in a tight loop.


The Program class provides helpers to control the program execution.

Program.ArgumentCount - property

Gets the number of command-line arguments passed to this program.

Program.Directory - property

Gets the executing program's directory.

Program.Delay (milliSeconds)

Delays program execution by the specified number of milliseconds.

milliSeconds  The amount of delay.

Program.End ()

Ends the program.

Program.GetArgument (index)

Returns the specified argument passed to this program.

index  Index of the argument.

Returns  The command-line argument at the specified index.


Access sensors that are attached to the brick. To specify the sensor use the port number which is printed below the socket on the brick (for example 1). To access sensors of further bricks that are connected via daisy-chaining, use the next higher numbers instead (5 - 8 will access the sensors on the first daisy-chained brick, 9-12 the sensors on the next one and so on).

Sensor.CommunicateI2C (port, address, writebytes, readbytes, writedata)

Microsoft's Ed Price, writing about EV3 Basic, explains I2C like this: I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit), pronounced I-squared-C, is a multi-master, multi-slave, single-ended, serial computer bus. It is typically used for attaching lower-speed peripheral ICs to processors and microcontrollers. It is a 2 line (plus common ground) communication method for one master device to control up to 112 slave devices.

The Sensor.CommunicateI2C function communicates with devices using the I2C protocol over one of the sensor ports. This command addresses one device on the I2C-bus and can send and receive multiple bytes. This feature could be used to attach a custom sensor or to communicate with any device that is capable to be connected to the I2C bus as a slave.

port  Number of the sensor port

address  Address (0 - 127) of the I2C slave on the I2C bus

writebytes  Number of bytes to write to the slave (maximum 31).

readbytes  Number of bytes to request from the slave (maximum 32, minimum 1).

writedata  Array holding the data bytes to be sent (starting at 0).

Returns  An array holding the requested number of values. Index starts at 0.

Sensor.GetMode (port)

Get current operation mode of a sensor. Many sensors can work in substantially different modes. For example, the color sensor can detect ambient light, reflected light or color). When the sensor is plugged in it will normally start with mode 0, but that can be later changed by the program.

port  Number of the sensor port

Returns  Current operation mode (0 is always the default mode)

Sensor.GetName (port)

Get the name and mode of a currently connected sensor. This function is mainly intended for diagnostic use because you normally know which sensor is plugged to which port on the model.

port  Number of the sensor port

Returns  Description text (for example, "TOUCH")

Sensor.GetType (port)

Get the numerical type identifier of a currently connected sensor.

port  Number of the sensor port

Returns  Sensor type identifier (for example, 16 for a touch sensor)

Sensor.IsBusy (port)

Check if a sensor is currently busy switching mode or in process of initialization. After mode switching a sensor may take some time to become ready again.

port  Number of the sensor port

Returns  "True" if the sensor is currently busy

Sensor.ReadI2CRegister (port, address, registernumber)

This command is only available in versions 1.2 and later of the EV3 extension. This command addresses one device on the I2C-bus and tries to receive the value of a single register of a connected I2C slave. Note that this command does not work over daisy-chaining.

port  Number of the sensor port

address  Address (0 - 127) of the I2C slave on the I2C bus

registernumber  Number of register in the slave to read data from.

Returns  The content of the register

Sensor.ReadI2CRegisters (port, address, registernumber, readbytes)

This command is only available in versions 1.2 and later of the EV3 extension. This command addresses one device on the I2C-bus and tries to receive the values of multiple registers of a connected I2C slave. Note that this command does not work over daisy-chaining.

port  Number of the sensor port

address  Address (0 - 127) of the I2C slave on the I2C bus

registernumber  Number of the first register in the slave to read data from.

readbytes  How many register to read (maximum 32).

Returns An array holding the requested number of values. Index starts at 0.

Sensor.ReadPercent (port)

Read the current sensor value and apply some sensible percentage scaling. Most sensors can translate the current reading to a meaningful single percentage value like light intensity or button press state.

port  Number of the sensor port

Returns  The percentage value (for example, the touch sensor gives 100 for pressed and 0 for non pressed)

Sensor.ReadRaw (port, values)

Read current sensor value where the result from ReadPercent() is not specific enough. Some sensor modes deliver values that cannot be translated to percentage (for example a color index) or that contain multiple values at once (for example the individual red, green, blue light intensities).

port  Number of the sensor port

values  Requested size of result array

Returns  An array holding the requested number of values. Index starts at 0. Elements that received no data are set to 0.

Sensor.ReadRawValue (port, index)

Similar to ReadRaw, but returns only a single raw value instead of an array of raw values.

port  Number of the sensor port

index  Index of the value that should be picked from the result array (starting with index 0). The index value should always be 0 unless you are using the infrared sensor in remote control mode - see the sensor appendix.

Returns  One element of a raw sensor reading.

Sensor.SetMode (port, mode)

Switches the mode of a sensor. Many sensors can work in different modes giving quite different readings. The meaning of each mode number depends on the specific sensor type. For further info, see the sensor list in the appendix.

port  Number of the sensor port

mode  New mode to switch to. This only succeeds when the mode is indeed supported by the sensor.

Sensor.Wait (port)

Wait until a sensor has finished its reconfiguration. When no sensor is plugged into the port, this function returns immediately.

port  Number of the sensor port

Sensor.WriteI2CRegister (port, address, registernumber, value)

This command is only available in versions 1.2 and later of the EV3 extension. This command addresses one device on the I2C-bus and tries to write the value of a single register of a connected I2C slave. Note that this command does not work over daisy-chaining.

port  Number of the sensor port

address  Address (0 - 127) of the I2C slave on the I2C bus

registernumber  Number of the register in the slave to write data to.

value  Value to write into the register.

Sensor.WriteI2CRegisters (port, address, registernumber, writebytes, writedata)

This command is only available in versions 1.2 and later of the EV3 extension. This command addresses one device on the I2C-bus and tries to write the values of multiple registers of a connected I2C slave. Note that this command does not work over daisy-chaining.

port  Number of the sensor port

address  Address (0 - 127) of the I2C slave on the I2C bus

registernumber  Number of the first register in the slave to write data to.

writebytes  How many bytes to write into the registers (maximum 30).

writedata  Array holding the data bytes to be written (starting at 0).


Use the built-in speaker of the brick to play tones or sound files.

Speaker.IsBusy ()

Check if the speaker is still busy playing a previous sound.

Returns  "True", if there is a sound still playing, "False" otherwise.

Speaker.Note (volume, note, duration)

Start playing a simple tone defined by its text representation.

volume  Volume can be 0 - 100

note  Text defining a note "C4" to "B7" or half-tones like "C#5"

duration  Duration of the tone in milliseconds

Speaker.Play (volume, filename)

Start playing a sound from a sound file stored on the brick.  You need a special sound format called RSF which can only be created by the Lego software.

volume  Volume can be 0 - 100

filename  Name of the sound file without the .rsf extension

Speaker.Stop ()

Stop any currently playing sound or tone.

Speaker.Tone (volume, frequency, duration)

Start playing a simple tone of defined frequency.

volume  Volume can be 0 - 100

frequency  Frequency in Hz can be 250 - 10000

duration  Duration of the tone in milliseconds

Speaker.Wait ()

Wait until the current sound has finished playing. When no sound is playing, this function returns immediately.


The Text object provides helpful operations for working with Text.

Text.Append (text1, text2)

Appends two text inputs and returns the result as another text. This operation is particularly useful when dealing with unknown text in variables which could accidentally be treated as numbers and get added, instead of getting appended.

text1  First part of the text to be appended.

text2  Second part of the text to be appended.

Returns  The appended text containing both the specified parts.

Text.ConvertToLowerCase (text)

Converts the given text to lower case.

text  The text to convert to lower case.

Returns  The lower case version of the given text.

Text.ConvertToUpperCase (text)

Converts the given text to upper case.

text  The text to convert to upper case.

Returns  The upper case version of the given text.

Text.EndsWith (text, subText)

Gets whether or not a given text ends with the specified subText.

text  The larger text to search within.

subText  The sub-text to search for.

Returns  True if the subtext was found at the end of the given text.

Text.GetCharacter (characterCode)

Given the Unicode character code, gets the corresponding character, which can then be used with regular text.

characterCode  The character code (Unicode based) for the required character.

Returns  A Unicode character that corresponds to the code specified.

Text.GetCharacterCode (character)

Given a Unicode character, gets the corresponding character code.

character  The character whose code is requested.

Returns  A Unicode based code that corresponds to the character specified.

Text.GetIndexOf (text, subText)

Finds the position where a sub-text appears in the specified text.

text  The text to search in.

subText  The text to search for.

Returns  The position at which the sub-text appears in the specified text. If the text doesn't appear, it returns 0.

Text.GetLength (text)

Gets the length of the given text.

text  The text whose length is needed.

Returns  The length of the given text.

Text.GetSubText (text, start, length)

Gets a sub-text from the given text.

text  The text to derive the sub-text from.

start  Specifies where to start from.

length  Specifies the length of the sub text.

Returns  The requested sub-text

Text.GetSubTextToEnd (text, start)

Gets a sub-text from the given text from a specified position to the end.

text  The text to derive the sub-text from.

start  Specifies where to start from.

Returns  The requested sub-text.

Text.IsSubText (text, subText)

Gets whether or not a given subText is a subset of the larger text.

text  The larger text within which the sub-text will be searched.

subText  The sub-text to search for.

Returns  True if the subtext was found within the given text.

Text.StartsWith (text, subText)

Gets whether or not a given text starts with the specified subText.

text  The larger text to search within.

subText  The sub-text to search for.

Returns  True if the subtext was found at the start of the given text.


This object supports the use of threads in a program. A thread is a part of program code that can run independently and at the same time as other parts of the program. For example, you could create a thread that controls the motors, while a different thread can watch sensors or user input. Generally speaking, multi-threading is quite a complex topic. To really understand it, some extra study is recommended.

Thread.Run - property

With this property, new threads are created. Just assign a subprogram to this and the subprogram will start running as an independent thread (for example, Thread.Run = MYSUB). Any subprogram can be used to create an independent thread, but you can start the same subprogram only as one thread. A second use of Thread.Run, while the specified subprogram is still running, will just add the call to a queue that is processed after the previous run was finished. No runs will be lost in this case, but probably scheduled for a later time. Note that even in the presence of running threads, the whole program stops as soon as the main program runs to its end.

Thread.CreateMutex ()

Create a mutex (short for "mutual exclusion" handler) that can be used for thread synchronization. Only creation of mutexes is supported, but no deletion. Best practice is to create all needed mutexes at program start and keep their numbers in global variables.

Returns  A number specifying the new mutex. Use this for calls to Lock and Unlock

Thread.Lock (mutex)

Tries to lock the given mutex exclusively so no other thread can acquire a lock on it. When another thread already holds a lock on the mutex, the current thread will wait until the lock is released and then acquire the lock itself (once the function call returns, the mutex has been successfully locked). This locking mechanism is normally used to protect some data structures or other resources to be accessed by two threads concurrently. Every call to Lock must be paired with a call to a subsequent Unlock.

mutex  The number of the mutex, as returned from CreateMutex() 

Thread.Unlock (mutex)

Releases a lock on a mutex. This function must only be called when there was indeed a preceding call to Lock.

mutex The number of the mutex, as returned from CreateMutex()

Thread.Yield ()

Explicitly gives up control of the CPU so other threads may do their work. Threads are often not really running in parallel because there may be not enough CPUs to exclusively do the work for each thread. Instead, the CPU will do a bit of work on one thread and then jump to the next thread and so on very quickly, to make it look like everything is running in parallel.  Whenever a thread has nothing to do just now, but needs to wait for some condition to arrive, it can give up the control of the CPU with the Yield() function, so other threads get the chance to do their work.


This object allows direct manipulation of larger quantities of numbers. 

These are called vectors and will be stored using arrays with consecutive indices (starting at 0). When arrays with different content are given to the operations, every missing array element with be treated as being 0.

Vector.Add (size, A, B)

Adds two vectors by adding the individual elements (C[0]=A[0]+B[0], C[1]=A[1]+B[1]...)

size  That many numbers are taken for computation

A  First vector

B  Second vector

Returns  A vector of the given size what contains sum values.

Vector.Init (size, value)

Set up a vector of a given size with all elements set to the same value.

size  Size of the vector

value  The value to use for all elements

Returns  The created vector

Vector.Multiply (rows, columns, k, A, B)

Matrix multiplication operation. The input vectors are treated as two-dimensional matrices of given width and height. The individual rows of the matrix are stored inside the vectors directly one after the other. To learn more about this mathematical operation see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication .

rows  Number of rows in the resulting output matrix

columns  Number of columns in the resulting output matrix

k  Number of columns in input matrix A and number of rows in input matrix B

A  A matrix of size rows * k

B  A matrix of size k * columns

Returns  A matrix holding the multiplication result

Vector.Sort (size, A)

Sort the elements of a vector in increasing order.

size  Number of elements to sort

A  The array containing the elements

Returns  A new vector with the elements in correct order