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A movement of people interested in defining, nurturing, and celebrating Eugene as City of Peace are building a new common story, definition and understanding of who is valued: each and every one of us. Features Paul Simon talking with David Hazen, followed by Lisa-Marie DiVincent talking with David.

Describes the goals, process, and philosophy of an experiment in community-building. A movement of people interested in defining, nurturing, and celebrating Eugene as City of Peace are building a new common story, definition and understanding of who is valued: each and every one of us.

At present we might believe that the world is more violent than it ever has been. Yes, there is an overwhelming war system, one that might provide us with a darkening and narrowing vision of the future. It's an old story but it's no longer the only story. Another is in the making although most educators, the media, and even presidents don't know about it. Large shifts are taking place in terms of global collaboration, constructive conflict resolution and social change. The slideshow takes you on a brief tour of 28 individual trends describing an evolving global peace system.

Highlights of an all-day conference on March 28, 2009. It was attended by 60 people, and we envisioned a cooperative focus on reducing all forms of violence at the local level in Eugene, Oregon. This is the second of many such people-empowering events, and 3 times the size of the first event. As we gain experience and become noticed, we expect events will continue to expand exponentially.

On April 24th, 2010, Karen Armstrong, founder of the International Charter for Compassion, flew from the U.K. to Seattle as the city became the first city in the world to officially sign up to the Charter. She spoke to Odyssey Networks President and CEO, Nick Stuart.

Riane Eisler is an internationally known scholar, futurist, and activist, best known as author of the international bestseller The Chalice and The Blade: Our History, Our Future. She is the President of the Center for Partnership Studies, co-founder of the Spiritual Alliance to Stop Intimate Violence (SAIV), and The Alliance for a Caring Economy (ACE). For more videos, check out

Tamra Tilton shot and edited this video of the Dances of Universal Peace breakout session led by Sophia Bowie-McCoy and Cindy Zarzycki at the November 14, 2009 Eugene City of Peace event, "Each One of Us Matters."

Two Wings to Fly

Peacemaker Rodef Shalom Eliyahu McLean, the director of the Jerusalem Peacemakers, a group of religious leaders and grassroots peacebuilders, suggests that the strife in the Holy Land presents a unique opportunity to experiment with ideas of unity.

Finding a Non-Violent Solution

Eliyahu discusses the merits of a non-violent solution in the Holy Land and suggests that religious and spiritual traditions may have a significant role to play in finding win-win solutions.

The Land Owns Us

Bob Randall is one of the Stolen Generation of the Aboriginal people, taken from his family at the age of seven. In this film, we see the interconnectedness of every living thing as not just an idea but a way of living. Bob explains that all beings are part of a vast family and calls us to be responsible for this family and care for the land with unconditional love and responsibility.

Olympian Thinking - Marilyn King, Two time Olympian

In this edited portion of her interview with Lilou Mace, Marilyn brings together ageless wisdom with exhaustive research to reveal the secrets of high achievers and extraordinary human accomplishment far beyond sports. Through her personal experience, comprehensive research and non-stop study of human behavior, Marilyn has developed a unique but stunningly simple method that opens the possibility of achieving world peace in our lifetime. “Oh Yes I Can”, a hip-hop music video, illustrates the effect of Olympian Thinking on middle school kids in Oakland, California.

In this uplifting TED talk, Katherine Fulton sketches the new future of philanthropy -- one where collaboration and innovation allow regular people to do big things, even when money is scarce. Giving five practical examples of crowd-driven philanthropy, she calls for a new generation of citizen leaders.

An hour-long speech by Prof. Muhammad Yunus, one of the most profoundly beautiful and touching men I've ever witnessed, telling his story of the origins of the Grameen Bank and his vision for the future. Fantastic!