Eugene Peace Team Map

Visualizing a network might empower collaboration among people who have previously thought themselves to be acting alone. This map of the organizations building a local culture of peace is an attempt to accelerate that collaboration.

The Eugene Peace Team Map is under construction, a work in progress. It is an online, interactive graphic display containing two basic elements:

1. a visual "family tree" of organizations (teams) that are working in our city for safety, prosperity, and quality of life in the areas of law, habitat, education, business, culture, science, environment and religion -- the eight sectors of the Peace Wheel developed by Pathways to Peace.

2. a corresponding series of measurements of Eugene's progress.

The diverse strategies of the multiple teams are producing an upward spiral of knowledge and resources for satisfying the needs of all people. Day by day we are refining our skills and improving our results. We are on a trajectory toward a sweetly harmonious and peaceful city. When we think of ourselves on this path, we can see that we are all on the same team, the Peace Team, scoring points for a City of Peace.

Goals -

1. Define a city that satisfies needs for safety, prosperity, and quality of life in multiple sectors as having a culture of peace in development

2. Recognize, measure and celebrate the culture of peace that already is in place so that it becomes mainstream, tangible, and participant-friendly

3. Facilitate the increase of collaboration among citizenry and organizations toward shared goals

4. Encourage research into best practices for meeting human needs

The basic skeleton of the map is based on the Pathways to Peace peace wheel. We are currently preparing to gather information from all the organizations in Eugene that could possibly be on the map. I expect that when this map is complete, we will be including a major portion of the population of Eugene because the definition of a culture of peace does include everyone who is contributing in any way to human security as defined by the UN Development Program: economic, food, health, environment, education, community, personal or political security.

When you go to the map, you will see a pattern of word boxes containing the names of ideas or organizations, linked with lines. The central box will have its detailed information displayed below the map, and will be connected then with a "parent" box above this central, active word. The parent box will also be linked to "brother-sister" boxes on the right side. Every time you click on any of the visible boxes, they move to the center of the map and display their relationships to other families of boxes. The information pertinent to the central box is displayed in the lower portion of the frame, and will often include live links to additional information.

The most recently visited thoughts are across the bottom edge of the map, and permanent bookmark tabs line the top edge. The search entry box in the lower left can be used to find any organization in the map, resources, contacts, or programs.

The map has been constructed using TheBrain software, which is available as a free download. I want to credit Jon Ramer and his Heart Map of Seattle for inspiring and guiding me to get started on the Eugene Peace Team Map.

If the map does not appear in the frame below, go directly to the cloud server at Eugene Peace Map