Peace Day 2013

On this International Day of Peace we joined with cities and villages around the world uniting in action to promote the UN theme: Education for Peace. We participated in a Minute of Silence - Moment of Peace in a "Peace Wave" traveling across all time zones across the planet.

Our mission is to inspire, inform, mobilize and support year-round, active construction of a culture of peace. Our goal is to immerse ourselves in a solutions-based approach as the most practical pathway to peace and reconciliation. Our strategy is to feature the organizations that demonstrate opportunities for transformation here and now.

Angeles Arrien says that Historic Moments are powerful events that generate openings and possibilities that uplift and validate the deep values of the human spirit and enhance our desire to be and do better. The building blocks of peace are already present. They are user-friendly, tangible, and fun to put together. When we have a critical mass of people in Eugene aware of those building blocks, a teamwork spirit will greatly accelerate the resolution of social conflicts in amazing ways.

Rich Glauber teaching a class in the 5 principles of making music with others, rocking the peace underneath the Banners of Peace, signifying collaboration.

Program Schedule and Event Descriptions including list of Sponsors and Sustaining Partners

Report on Peace Day Eugene


Peace Puzzle Geocaching September 17: "The event was magical... Simple. Charming. Folks were sitting on the wall talking, laughing, learning while others arrived at different times to walk and read and ponder the visions of peace so beautifully rendered on each plaque. Geocachers who had created clues led others on gps treasure hunts to find out about the Nobel Peace Prize winners that would lead them to the final cache in another place. A metaphorical image of searching out peace. The journey.

"The most beautiful story was told by a grandpa geocacher who brought his 13-year-old to discover Norman Borlaug, Father of the Green Revolution. She enthusiastically read every single word on every plaque commemorating the 24 U.S. Nobel Peace recipients to discover the answer to the peace puzzle she was solving. Isn't that a beautiful way to learn about others who made a peaceful difference? Great family fun that will bring hundreds to the park to discover peace." -- Lura Pierce

God and Conflict book reading, Sept. 19: Philip Hellmich talked about his book to about 13 listeners, most of whom purchased a copy and had it signed. A few bought extra copies to give to friends.

Interfaith Breakfast, September 20: Philip Hellmich spoke and answered questions for 45 minutes. (Video) One woman was very inspired, saying Philip was the best speaker the annual breakfast has ever had. She and others were moved to tears by the stories of child soldiers in Sierra Leone.

Peace Day Eugene proclamation by Mayor Kitty Piercy


I cannot write an objective report on this day. For me this has been a journey of the heart, and there was so much to see, so much to say. Let's compare with last year, when we had a circle of hands around the EWEB plaza on a beautiful sunny day, some music, some speeches, and a walk to the site of the Nobel Peace Park across the river. One hundred people attended, it lasted one hour, and it cost us nothing. There was a pre-event video show that drew 10 people, and a post-event speech, "Peace is the Only Gold," by Olympian Paula Berry that drew 25 people and 4 organizations that tabled.

This year on a day when the chance of rain was 90% we may have had 150 people in the picnic shelter holding hands during the Moment of Silence, Moment of Peace at noon, and Anne says she counted 190 people when the Walterville School kids choir was singing. Our budget was over $1200, and we were within 10% of breaking even. We had 8 Sustaining Partners and 5 Event Sponsors contributing cash or services. Twenty-five organizations tabled, there were 21 events scheduled for 4 different locations over a 5-hour period, and aside from a few sprinkles there was only one severe cloudburst lasting about 5 minutes that turned the grassy area into a temporary swamp.

Philip Hellmich's talk about our place in the global movement was so energizing that Mayor Piercy departed from her prepared comments in order to share some of her personal story of peacebuilding. I'm especially happy that people representing the global diversity of ethnic origins were included and empowered by each one reading an article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Patricia Cortez, who helped to organize that reading, said "It was a great honor to meet you (for first time or once again) at the International Day of Peace and to have read with you the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The day left me filled with gratitude and joy for all the special moments I had to connect with each of you individually. I am a different person because I met you!" Mayor Piercy and many others have commented on how they were powerfully moved by so many people stating "I am a global citizen!"

Other comments:

From today's event, I am inspired and I'm looking forward to carrying the light of peacemaking even further -- Geoff Koerner

I've got such warm images and feelings about the day--like the sun was shining in all of us even if it was raining at the time. -- Anne Millhollen

We were honored to be able to take part in such an important endeavor. -- Maureen Robeson, In Accord choir director (some of the choir members were moved to tears)

It was an amazing day and I too would like to be a part of this celebration next year . It was an honor to be invited. The reading was fantastic and the singing was so soothing and inspiring. -- Albertine Mitchell

Thank you so very much for inviting me to be a part of this awesome and spiritual event. I felt honored, privileged and full of gratitude sharing that special moment of peace, reading and listening to all of the Declarations of Human Rights. -- Asia Wooten

It was so wonderful to see the grassroots celebrations in Eugene and to see how they are part of the global wave of peace. -- Philip Hellmich

Inspired by Philip Hellmich, our brilliant Mayor Kitty Piercy spontaneously shared some of her peace journey, flanked by the giant peace dove puppet. Photo: Marvy Schuman

A multicultural partnership was created around the reading of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Samara Schuman (L) jumped right in. Jorgé Navarro (R) set up and managed his sound system for the entire 5 hours of the event! Photo: Marvy Schuman

Patricia Cortez came to America via a long and extremely difficult journey from persecution in El Salvador. She recruited Latino youth and other ethnicities for the reading of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. She chose to read Article 14: "Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution." Yes! Photo: Marvy Schuman

Another quiet pillar of the peace community in Eugene and beyond, Barbara Daté is a big supporter of the many cultural celebrations here, and she read Article 27: "Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits." Photo: Marvy Schuman

The Schumans and the Wootens took a walk to the Nobel Peace Park.

Photo: Marvy Schuman